
It’s been an interesting year and I’m glad that so many of you have been visiting in my blog. The search for the Truth continues and www.auricmedia.net will deliver important information about different kind of topics to you.

Lately we modified and renewed our website and we would appreciate all the feedback you could give to us. If you are wondering why the answering to the post is made so difficult, it’s because of spam we get. So those arrangements are made to stop unwanted trafficking on the site, because we want to provide the info to you always without any problems.

Because of my musical projects sometimes there will be days, that there are no postings, but then you can spend time to read all the fascinating books you can find on the left panel Under “Downloads (pdf)”. There I have gathered the most interesting books I have managed to salvage. Some of those have been disappeared already elsewhere.

The search for the Truth and informing people is a hard task and I try to make a section on the site where you could post your own stories and articles. As for now I have been doing this myself and sometimes it’s hard because of ridicule and criticism.  Skeptics always just try to debunk things, but they don’t bring anything else to the table. If you are Truth-seeker, don’t give up, ever. This is our task here on this globe and if you have noticed all is crumbling down, because of you. When you wake from the sleep, the power will be so enormous that things change for the better.

So have a nice new years eve and be careful with all that firework and boose 😉 . We see you again on next year 2015!

Here are some nice quotes I prefer:

“For whatever reasons, Ray, call it . . . fate, call it luck, call it karma. I believe everything happens for a reason. I believe that we were destined to get thrown out of this dump.” – Dr. Peter Venkman in Ghostbusters (1984)

“We always know, we always know, which is the right way to go, and which is the wrong way to go. Sometimes, the wrong way is easier to go, or more satisfying, and so we choose that way instead of the right one and we justify it with complicated wordplay and such; but we are only kidding ourselves.” – Milton William Cooper

“But I’ve always felt that one’s legs were long enough if they reach the ground.” – Gregory Greggian in Thundercats (1985)

The code of Thundera: “Truth, Honor, Loyalty and Justice” – ThunderCats (1985)

“I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass… and I’m all out of bubblegum.” – Nada in They Live (1988)

“The truth shall set you free.” – John (Bible)

“You’re here because you know something. What you know you can’t explain, but you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life, that there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is, but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad.” – Morpheus in Matrix (1999)

“You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.” – Morpheus in Matrix (1999)

“Cause my last time on earth I lived a whole world of sin I’m so glad that I know more than I knew then Gonna keep on tryin’ Till I reach my highest ground…Whew!” – Stevie Wonder in Higher Ground (1973)



Reality is A Psyop

Is the reality you see in the Internet and TV real? Or is it just a canvas, which had been placed in front of you? Today’s information warfare is so powerful, that most of the people just takes the news as they are, but is it just an agenda which someone is pushing and controlling? Is the reality, which we know just a psyop?:

Jack True was one of the most innovative hypnotherapists of our time.

Largely unknown in academic circles, uninterested in publishing his work, Jack focused on his patients.

We met in 1987. We became friends and colleagues. Over the course of several years, I interviewed him many times. Jack eventually gave up on straight hypnosis-and-suggestion as a way to do therapy.

He said,

“I’m finding that people who come to my office are already in a hypnotic state, so my job is to wake them up.”

Here is an excerpt from one of our interviews:

Q: What does “mind control” mean to you?

A: The total sun of all influences that put people in a reality trance.

Q: And what’s that?

A: A state in which people consider this the only space and the only possible time.

Q: And it isn’t?

A: Reality is a psychological operation. “Here we are, this is the only space and time, and we’re inside it.” Whereas, music, for example, invents its own time and even space, and you can see, from people’s reaction to it, how profound other deeper realities can be.

If we define ourselves as creatures only capable of living inside one space and time, then we adjust our behavior, our prospects, and we adjust the scope of our desires.

The space-time continuum is one reality. And at some level, a human being knows this. That’s the point. He knows this. And he doesn’t want to stay glued to one reality.

So if a person becomes all wound up in this continuum – which of course he does – then he loses sight of what? Desire.

Because it seems then that reality defines what can be legitimately desired. Everything is backwards. Desire becomes diluted and blunted. And power drains away.

Imagine it this way. There’s a machine that keeps manufacturing reality. Space, time, reality. And people, however it happens, hook themselves up to it. They’re addicts.

Q: So who is really carrying out this psychological operation, as you call it?

A: The people who run the machine, and the people who, whether they realize it or not, choose to stay attached to what the machine produces. It’s a two-way street. But the trump cards are played by the addict. He can either cure himself or remain a slave.

Q: When you say there is more than one space and time, do you just mean there are alternative realities or possibilities?

A: I mean that, yes, but also more. Space and time are constructs. They can be manipulated. They can be invented by artists. They can be imposed. They can be, at a deep psychological or spiritual level, perceived for what they are: elements that spring out of our state of mind.

In one state of mind, you’ll perceive one corresponding space-time. In another state mind that is quite different, you’ll perceive another space-time.

Q: And knowing that, what can be done?

A: Well, with patients, I have them invent different spaces and times.

Q: How?

A: Several ways. One way is by inventing dreams.

Q: What’s the effect of that?

A: They begin to receive new feedback.

Q: What kind of feedback?

A: Every space and every time has different emotions and feelings attached to it. These become chronically experienced feelings. By getting out of a central space and time, the patient feels new things. He is freer…

End of interview excerpt

Of course, for most people, the idea that we “are living in one space and time”, or that there is some way to escape it, is preposterous. It doesn’t register or make sense.

Which is precisely why, to take this discussion down to ground level, the FBI and the media can drive the whole Boston Marathon story like a Cadillac in a parade. They make reality. They are trained to present one version to the public and sell it.

Consider a far more mundane example.

People walk down the street and look at a large building, and it never occurs to them it was put there. It was conceived, designed, and built. To passersby, it’s just there. It’s a “there” object in their field of perception. Nothing to think about. Nothing to reflect on. It’s a piece of the one and only reality.

But a painter, if he’s being honest, will tell you that every time he steps up to a blank canvas, he’s inventing space and time.

Socio-political reality basically means some group has guns and access to fawning media. They can define what exists.

They can say,

“We know exactly what happened in Boston, and here it is.”

If, magically, overnight, you found yourself in possession of overwhelming force and a direct pipeline to elite media anchors, you could tell your story about what happened in Boston, and you would find millions of people believing you.

Your story, presumably, wouldn’t mirror what CBS, NBC, and ABC are reporting. But your reality, your space and time, would replace theirs.

There is more than one space and time.

What would happen if the three major networks, each with considerable power, had come up with three vastly different versions of the Boston massacre? You would see a serious conflict of “spaces and times.” It would happen before your eyes.

It would put people into an existential warp. They wouldn’t know what to do. They’d feel as if their innards were separating, as if they were being drawn and quartered. Consensus reality would begin to disintegrate.

A psyop depends on being able to engineer one story line.

Take five of the most prestigious medical-research centers in America. Imagine each one came up with, and stuck by, a different explanation for cancer. Genes; environment; mineral deficiency; fungus; oxygen deficit.

Imagine that these cancer centers wouldn’t budge, no matter what. You’d have five different realities, five different pictures, five different “space-times.” You’d have decentralization of power at a level no one had ever experienced.

A psyop depends on selling one centralized story.

Obviously, a very significant proportion of the public wants the centralized story; otherwise, we wouldn’t have it.

This fact is often covered over by the pretense that we’re talking about science. For example, the government’s version of what happened in New York on 9/11 operates on the basis that the towers fell because two planes crashed into them.

And that’s “science.”

“See, we aren’t selling anything. We’re just reporting how physics worked in the towers. We have no vested interest.”


Centralized story (psyop – psychological operations) explains how long-standing institutions can continue to thrive.

Suppose, for instance, this item hit the network evening news:

“Today, investigators from a Congressional task force unveiled documents going back more than thirty years in the history of cancer research at the National Cancer Institute [NCI].

These documents reveal widespread collusion, involving more than 400 scientists and bureaucrats, to manufacture a false conclusion about the cause of cancer…”

In any sane society, that would be the end of NCI.

But firing 16 scientists, sending one researcher to jail, and sacking the current director would sufficiently placate the public to make them forget the whole thing – because NCI is centralized reality. To destroy it would be perceived as leaving “a hole in space and time.”

Returning to the Boston massacre, imagine these firmly entrenched conclusions from the three major networks:


“FBI and local police killed one terrorist and captured the other in what observers are calling one of the bravest days in the history of law enforcement in America. The victims of the Marathon bombing remain indelibly etched in our hearts and minds as we move forward…”


“After a violent gun battle on the streets of a great American city, during which a suspect in the Boston massacre was killed, an FBI source stunningly revealed they had ended the life of a cooperating informant.

He put it this way: ‘The Tsarnaev brothers were recruited by a secret Bureau unit to plant the bombs. The plan was to blame the bombing on so-called patriots, but that fell through, so the Bureau exercised their only option. They put their informants front and center and blamed the whole thing on them…”


“Today, the tragic loss of life and wounding of more than 180 persons at the Boston Marathon were partially redeemed, when Boston police traced three pipe bombs, found at the apartment of one of the Tsarnaev brothers, to a CIA storage locker in Maryland…”

In the midst of an uproar heard and echoed around the world, the networks stand by their contradictory versions of events. No one blinks. No one backs down.

A massive blow hits psyop-land. Centralized story? Poleaxed.

People don’t know what to do. They expect one story line and they get three, from the highest hypnotic and influential media giants. In a literal, though unconscious, sense, familiar time and space begin to fall apart.

But actually, its far more surreal for the three major television networks to agree on the substance of every significant event than to come to radically different conclusions.

Unfortunately, people don’t see it that way.

They don’t see that three behemoths dispensing the same information are key elements in thought-police fascism.

They don’t see that the consensus is arranged.

They don’t see they are being subjected to one space and time.

In another interview, Jack True proposed the following:

“Here is a loopy scenario. A wild one. We have a young boy living in a tiny cottage with his parents at the southern tip of South America. One day, he writes, in perfect English, the precise words of a secret CIA memo stashed in a vault in Langley, Virginia. This becomes known and it’s acknowledged.

“Now we have a problem that goes a great deal farther than national security. This boy’s violating the rules of space and time. He’s operating in ‘some other dimension’ of experience.

“Two days later, the same thing happens in Mongolia. Another boy, another CIA memo. Then it happens in New Zealand. And Detroit. And Northern Alaska.

“These boys are penetrating or living in another space-time continuum. They’re reaching in and pulling out knowledge.

“It keeps happening. Every week, it’s a new child. And nobody knows what to do about it.

I said, “So what’s more troubling to the authorities? The exposure of these memos or the fact that the kids can read them from great distances?”

“Obviously, the latter,” Jack said. “Because if reality is turned on its head, you get tremors. The system is shaken. The powers that be can handle almost any amount of exposure, as long as the system itself stays in place. But when that goes…”

The system IS: one reality, one space and time, one centralized story.

I would add to that: one centralized story told by an organization or organizations that are accepted as authoritative. It doesn’t matter if CBS tells its story and then a “lesser source” contradicts it. CBS is sitting in the catbird’s seat.

You could have a nation, a small nation of 10 million people – and a few individuals do a fantastic job of exposing the government and a few major corporations, revealing all their crimes, but then what happens? You could get wholesale prosecutions and prison sentences for the criminals who were exposed, but if most of those 10 million people are now looking for a different and better centralized story, it will all go for naught.

The basic problem is the addiction to one centralized story, which is always going to be a psyop.

To convey the wild and wooly aspect of one space-time versus multiple space-times, fiction is probably a better vehicle.

Here are two fragments from a piece I wrote several years ago:


Bargain price! Five-minute money-back guarantee!

We’ll shave down your perceptual field so you can fit in with eight trillion-trillion androids.

You’ll never miss what you can’t see.

Hi, I’m Tom Smith, and I want to tell you it’s the most fun place you can imagine – especially when you can’t imagine any other universe!

Know what I mean?

On a scale from 1 to 10, your creative impulse will be coming in at about a 2. That’ll cement you right into the limited spectrum, where all the action is.

Now I know you’ve tried other universes, but this one has unique advantages. First of all, you’re a shareholder! That’s right! You’ll own .00000000000000000000009 of a point in the whole set up.

So you’ll feel the satisfaction of a genuine commitment.

Next, you’ll actually get down on your knees and obey this universe. I know, it sounds odd, but don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.

Jack Boardhead of Alpha Centuri writes in and says:

“I never knew how great being a complete schmuck could feel. It’s a jolt unlike any other I’ve ever experienced.”

Thanks, Jack. My regards to the wife and kids. I understand Cindi starts college in the fall. Kudos!

Yes, folks, there really is a sense of family in this universe. People liking people. We’re all in this together. Since you’re a stakeholder, you’ll be in touch with us at the home office, and we’ll be using your testimonials to sign up new residents. There’s room for everybody! If there’s one thing we’ve got, it’s space!

So act now and take advantage of our limited-time offer. The blender, the set of cups and saucers, the booster narcosis vaccines, and the infinity pool. And since this is Tuesday, we have a special! Cemetery plots for the whole family, and storm windows! For the first five hundred callers, a special bonus.

Automatic pre-diagnosis of Bipolar and free drugs for the first year!

Operators are standing by, so call now. Remember, life is better when you see what we want you to see! It takes the pressure off. Do you really care about what you think? Don’t you want to be fixed, so you can think what everybody else thinks? Now that’s a real program.

You’ll view reality in a whole new way! Once we lock you in and reshuffle your electromagnetic fields, you’ll emerge with our new Sameness-Plus system.

You’ll see what your friends see with just a bit of difference, to make it interesting…

Here is fragment 2 from the same piece:

Several ads from an interdimensional newspaper that might prove informative:


Let us build it for you! Move-in ready. All appliances and energy sources. Consult our catalog. Easy entrance, no exit. Pre-hypnosis induced painlessly in our clean spacious facilities by licensed physicians!


Uni-language, gated planets, military emperors. Inspect our plans, work with a seasoned professional. Dignified cemeteries. CSI reruns.

A RETIREMENT UNIVERSE for the whole family!

Do you want to pass on your genes to millions of future generations? Of course you do! Why else would you be alive?

In our universe, we supply a religion that forbids gene waste, under penalty of incarceration in a state-run hospital. Appoint surrogates to wage an eternal war between matriarchal and patriarchal societies.

Square dancing, ping-pong tournaments, celebrity-look-alike performers on weekends.


Be part of the Doofus! Delete thinking! Experience the thrill of melting down in 24/7 love with the One All Thingo! At first you’ll feel icy winds whipping through your separated soul on the plains of cruel choice.

But then, at the last moment, from the deepest well of reality, a radiant finale will clutch your sacred yearning, as you’re shot up on to on a cloud of honey and transported to a fortress where patented OmniJuice floods your being and you realize this is your home forever!

Soft rock, lake of marshmallows, electro-massage units. One and two bedroom apts.


Hunt for 60,000 years, fit into the environment, hear the roots grow; climb trees, shepherd goats, bath in snow, chant in monotone, blow up evil machines in distant cities. Exclusive Gaia tweets.

Become utterly convinced there is nothing else! Raise children as primates! “Secrets of the Urine Garden” for first five callers.


Let us design your agonizing quest for the other half of yourself. You met a stranger for 18 seconds in a hotel bar? He’s here!

Receive your initiation rites in the Oprah Palace and journey out on to the landscape of despair. Lifetimes of just-misses…and then….but we can’t give away the glorious ending. You know you want it, so let us build this low to mid-range IQ universe with billions of extras and millions of planets.

Herbal wraps, hot stones; vegan paramedics on call.


…slightly used version, for sale at giveaway price. Commit untold numbers of righteous acts that would be considered capital crimes with special circumstances in other universes, along a severe path of loyalty.

Some self-flagellation required. All races and religions invited. We have our own fake deity and he’s pissed off!


Have you been inventing a story of oppression that’s somehow never been accorded its proper due? Well, this is your place! All the tables are turned. For once (and forever), you get what you deserve! Lavish benefits!

Pre-training in the necromancy of bureaucratic interactions. Game the system as it’s never been gamed before! Choose from a catalog of disorders.

Full insurance coverage extended to family members.


Have you finally reached the end of your tether? We have attractive life paths for trillions of serial incarnations.

You’ll go with science, you’ll go with money, you’ll go with pills. We have it all. Our calibrated partial-narcosis treatments will saddle you with just enough doubt to make you wonder whether you’re doing the right thing… and yet, in the end, you’ll submit to a Greater Pattern.

Geometric homilies, ideal forms, gradualism, “it’s all about family,” “I’m doing this for the children,” “you only live once,” endless distractions constructed on the basis of “realism,” – you’ll become facile with them all.

We’ll keep you hopping! Try our new on-and-off paranoia option.

Ask yourself if the End of Imagination Universe is right for you.


Web Bot Trends 2015

Have you heard about Web Bot? It’s an algorithm, which scans the Internet and makes prophecies about what is going to happen in the future. Interesting topic and here’s a little article and video about it:

S y n o p s i s

A brilliant interview with Clif High on the current state of the planet and the power of humanity’s awakening put into an historical, scientific and consciously aware perspective. This interview is extra special for two reasons. This is Clif High’s very first video interview and the first video interview originating at Mel’s Manticore’s Lair studio. In addition, this is the Season 7 Premiere of Veritas. Many topics were discussed (too many to include here). This is a new Veritas chapter as it is for Clif.

For the first time, Clif High has decided to perform an interview over video. He explains that the reason he decided to reveal his identify this way, is simply because of the risk factor being lower now, in comparison to the past, and therefore there is no reason to protect those around him as much as he went to such great lengths to.

Some of the topics discussed:

  • Earth Changes / Expansion of the Planet. Clif High goes into detail on how a plasma ball in the middle of the earth is being impacted from external energies hitting us, which in turn is connected to the changes going on
  • The webbot shows that the Mini ice age will come along more strongly around 2017/2018, which Clif High thinks is the planets way of correcting it self because of the changes going on. The Earth in a way, is therefore achieving balance from this process. Clif High mentions that around this time period, the global consciousness will want to then ‘get moving’
  • Clif High gets into detail on the global consciousness, and how its reaching a point where great change will occur, simply because of the similar patterns of thinking which is occurring globally
  • They touch on the breaking down of the systems which are inhibiting new technology, including free energy
  • The science of water is discussed, and how its an energetic matrix, which means people can manipulate it magnetically
  • ‘You are not your body’ – Clif High goes into a discussion around this and mentions there are a number of experiments we can conduct to show us individually that this is true
  • The purpose of life – Clif High touches on why we are here
  • In his own unique way, Clif explains a ‘seven mind’ system which basically relates to our ego’s controlling us and how we don’t have to let that happen
  • Seeding of the Earth through intelligent design by aquatic beings from near the Sirius star system. Clif High goes into a great detail about the Nummo specifically, and how they were responsible for our design as a human (fascinating topic and adds some further validation to what Dolores Cannon covered in her book, ‘Keepers of the Garden’)
  • Definition of a Soul and how bad behavior, or lower quality consciousness development, can take us backwards in soul evolution and what happens to us when that occurs
  • Where consciousness resides and how our soul does not enter our physical body fully, until a later age in life
  • How academics and priests of the past, are stuck inside a box and are taught to teach specific things, which in turn keeps true progression from occurring within society
  • Clif High predicts a tsunami and large earthquake around 2017-2018 that will impact Japan and the pacific north west of the USA. This sounds similar to what he was expecting as an element of the Global Coastal Event (So its one of those destined events that may indeed occur eventually)

B i o

The Web Bot is an internet prophetic computer program that predicts or forecasts future events on a global scale. It is actually the Asymmetric Language Trend Analysis Report, commonly known as The Web Bot. The Web Bot is the brainchild of Clif High, a reclusive genius with a strong background on linguistics and human behavioral studies. Clif High has a patent on computer-assisted reading technology which allows reading from computer screens at up to 2000 words per minute. Reaching into other areas of hidden potential within language use by humans, he has been developing a system of software internet agents (like search engines use) and other proprietary processing methods to predict future events. The software project, begun in 1997, captures near-real-time changes in language patterns within internet discussions. Then, employing radical linguistic techniques of his own devising, he develops a model which anticipates future events with some seeming accuracy. The processing has, at its core, a method of assigning emotional values to complex content and time carry-values to predict changes in future behavior based on how people are using language now. Since June 2001 when the work projected a major ‘tipping point’, that is a ‘life-changing event’ with aspects of ‘military and accident’ that would forever change the way we live to occur inside 90 days, the web bot project has continued to give archetype descriptors of future events such as the anthrax attack in Washington, the crash of American 587, the Columbia disaster, the Northeast Power outage, the Banda Aceh earthquake and most recently the flooding of the Red River. As a continuing project, reports are offered from the extracted archetype information at his web site, www.halfpasthuman. If even a fraction of the global human population is latently psychic, then there is the possibility that an anomalous, systematic collective human mental power may be potentially suggesting (whether they know it or not) events that may occur in the future.  Even a small fraction of psychic individuals constitutes a large number of people on the planet today. If even a small percentage of the global population (now @ 7 Billion Human Beings) is even subconsciously suggesting in random conversations across the internet the potentiality of future events,  then an enormous data set of emotionally-laden, suggestive language, is being created every second of every day as human beings converse with each other. How often have you had a thought, then had a confirmation almost directly afterwards?  Eg:  You think of a friend, and immediately that friend texts you, or calls you.  Or, you have a sense of an event occurring, just to have it happen immediately afterwards.  You are not alone when these events ARE happening, and those events may have more meaning than you know. These synchronicities, although unexplainable to Western Scientists before the advent of Quantum Mechanics, were often played off as “coincidence” or “chance”…but, the reoccurring nature of these events all across humanity suggest otherwise.  Remember, just because our Western Science cannot explain it, does not mean it does not exist. Therefore, human beings, even if only a small portion and even if only by an unknown latent ability, may be inherently psychic, and that many of them, in concert, could potentially be forecasting events (great and small) that would be intrinsically tied to every human being.


Happy Holidays!

Hey! It’s been almost two years when I started this web-blog and it has been a quite ride. Thank you all, who have supported the blog and I mean just visiting here. The most important thing is to spread the info. So happy holidays to you all and have a nice Christmas!


Here’s our little present for you. Music piece from our latest gig called “Lost Soul”, enjoy:

I hope that no one of you is a lost soul on these holidays. Enjoy your freetime. We will be back!

Sincerely, Blogman