EEG Cloning and brain mapping via AI

Some of you may have noticed that I am very interested the story of Donald Marshall. So one of the key things about his story are clones and how individual’s consciousness, thoughts and memories can be moved from individual to clones. Now I found something that could explain a part of this process called EEG cloning via AI. Of cource it is forbidden knowledge and I have to try to find more.  Here is the post about it and then there is the link to my previous post about the vagus nerve, which talks about brain hacking:

The Vagus Nerve: A Back Door for Brain Hacking

University Hospitals around the country, are being used by military and corporations to run VERY illegal operations, certain individuals (often creative or right brained dominant will be targeted for brain mapping) they’re testing artificial intelligence that runs through electro magnetic frequencies (yes this is possible to do so, it’s all transcranial) many artists, intuitive, peculiar people are covertly being experimented on, usual suspects are Drug users since they are the perfect candidates for such a thing, intelligence agencies and military sometimes monitor criminals, terrorist, hackers on the darknet many of times. This is so beyond the realm of belief, it is so intricate and evil… That they willl NEVER be caught, it’s something out of a movie. This artificial intelligence targeting system can not only pin point you on a map but it can also direct energy to the target (microwave, infrared, scalar) it can successfully bombard a body with invincible frequencies resulting in an individual becoming irate and possibly lashing out. the ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE.
They are psychologists, psychiatrists, behavioral scientists, etc., because they have expertise in the area of Memory and Thought process, etc.


The DoD provides all the funding through its Black-Ops budget. The NSA provides the top scientists. The CIA and DIA provide the handlers, operators, behavioral scientists, etc.
In other words, the man I identified as the CLONE last night has ties to one or more of those four agencies and possesses inside his body or gear the most sophisticated technology ever created by the mind of man. Worth Billions of dollars!

Basically the CIA and DoD operatives map your brain into a cognitive model and then tie you to a supercomputer which downloads your information (thoughts, memories, emotions, sensation, ideas, etc.) back into a database at speed of light as injection feedback and monitors and manipulates all electromagnetic activity of your brain 24/7 for life until the day of your death. This is achieved through Transcranial Brain Stimulation and is also used by the military with brain to computer interfaces such as those used by pilots with the new F-­35 stealth aircraft

EEG Cloning is like having an enemy within ones own mind. It is tantamount to nothing less than digital and artificial possession of the human soul which is comprised of the WILL, INTELLECT and EMOTION. If you are demon possessed and a man or woman of God can reach you in time then your soul can be saved. However there is no pastor or priest who can excorcise this technology out of your body once your brain is fully mapped and a complete cognitive model of your mind achieved. It can be disabled with the correct frequencies of an EMP device but it cannot be excorcised.

This is achieved by way of a Computer Multiplexer which ROUTES the signal to a tower, satellite or mobile platform, such as a van, truck, ship, etc., which then RELAYS the signal via a continuous fabricated and falsified stream of energy – containing the specific carrier frequency – to the digital reciever, similar to how a cell phone call works. The digital reciever is tracked and located at speed of light in real time. However, the digital reciever is not a cell phone. It is a human mind. The brain of the mind control victim has been digitalized by way of the nanotechnology, etc., in their body.

The CIA and DoD use a 3-6 group or team of operatives against the mind control victim known as a Cybernetic HIVE MIND CLUSTER utilizing psycho-cybernetic cognitive magic tricks against the mind control victim based on deception and manipulation.

This team of three to six members operates in approximate 8 hour shifts with some degree of overlap and is led by what the CIA calls a Psychic Soldier, or CLONE, because he has cloned his mind to the victims mind by aligning his brain wave frequency to the brain wave frequency of the mind control victim and is therefore able to interface bi-directionally with the super computer which is called the BRAIN TO COMPUTER INTERFACE and the mind control victims brain by way of a NEURO-CHIP called an ELECTRONIC BRAIN TO BRAIN INTERFACE.


Petrified titans, giants and huge ancient trees

Recently I have stumbled more and more websites and videos telling about giants and more recently so called titans. The story is that there were bigger beigns on this planet than we have ever dreamed of. If this theory is real, it means that these things were HUGE and I mean really huge! Was there a time once when these titans roamed on the Earth and the somekind of cataclysm, war or the great flood wiped them off? If even part of this hidden knowledge is true, then this is the biggest lie we have ever faced. Mankind must get up from it’s knees and start to investigate these monstrous lies we have taught about our history, geology and our past. This is just a glimpse so please, my fellow friends, don’t believe me do the research yourself. Go outside and look the mountains, rocks, cliffs… I have looked and starngly they are showing me something I have never seen before. And it is awesome!

So here is a little article and then I link some videos at the end of the article:

Am still suprised how Petrifaction took place on Giants and Huge animals with flesh and blood without decomposing them and instead turning them into Solid-Rocks, was some Technology  used or was this a natural event?? Its sound similar to a Rajasthan Cursed Kiradu Temple located in india as rumor goes they say that it turns humans into stones! The Dragon on the 2nd Vdo shocked me!!… seriously we are fucked up on this prision planet with LIES

~ Galactic Human ~

Now when we look at the mud fossils of animals in your videos, we can observe that they were much, much bigger than today. This bring me to the conclusion that even normal human before the flood must have been much bigger than today… maybe 20-40 feet tall(still far from the titan 200 feet tall), 4.13 .. is a woman lying head east .. with her hair flowing down .. and a child lying on her stomach .with clothes on

Heres the Dragon from Egypt , You can even see the bone structure of the wing and where the soft tissue of the wings would be. Mouth slit, nose, peak at back of head. Simply amazing.

This will totally change your thinking about our earth and how you see it. … buttes and mountains being giant petrified tree stumps is astounding. … taller than us when God made them



And here are some awesome videos about the topic where you can start your investigation:

And then we have kind of the same idea, but about giant ancient trees. When you realize this huge lie about table mountains your perspective towards the Earth we are living turns upside down… this is just mad and I mean the lies we have been fed all of our lives…

Do your reseach and have a nice day my friends.

Donald Marshall: Youtube celebrities

If you know Donald Marshall story then you know that celebrities bash him at the cloning center. Now also Youtube celebrities do the same to him. Here are Mr. Marshall’s words about the situation:


Was brought back to cloning several times recently. Having problems with grade Z celebrities called youtubers. I’ll tell you about it and then tomorrow.

Certain youtubers have said they’ll harm me at cloning more and try to have me charged with slander if I mention them and what they’ve done. I’ll say more tomorrow.

I opened my up my eyes at cloning a short time ago. People in the stands said Logan Paul needed an idea to use in his YouTube video shows, something big. I’d never heard of him. I said there was a spooky forest in Japan at the base of Mount Fuji where a lot of Japanese people commit suicide and it’s supposed to be haunted. He said “oh wow what if I found a body”? They found a Japanese person that had attempted suicide before a few times, he was in a different cloning center. They brought him to the main one and Logan Pauls people made him an offer. If he would hang himself in the suicide forest before Logan went in so he could “find” the body they would siphon money to his family members later on the low. He agreed. Then didn’t want to but they bothered him until he agreed. Logan Paul went to Japan and LO AND BEHOLD, he found the man hanging about 50 yards into the forest park there as he knew he would. He made an insensitive video about it, laughing and videotaping the hanging body. The video caused a major uproar from the public. He had to delete the video and apologize. I opened my eyes at cloning again after this one night and he said “There was major backlash from that video, everyone is mad at me”. I said “I thought that would happen” and I laughed. I was hit from behind and beaten to a pulp as clones. I want this to be known so that he and all involved will be punished in future even if I am dead. The guy is such a scumbag.


Florida shooting hoax and crisis actor David Hogg

Hi! It is time to wake-up guys. These all school shootings have been so suspicious and the merging of so called crisis actors, that it is just time to wake-up, I have nothing else  to say about this. This last Florida shooting was so obvious scam/hoax to try to take the guns out of US people that it is almost ridiculous.

Here is Laurence Moutford’s post about the situation:

DMRP:Whats that you say?

Its ridiculously obvious?

Well.. Welcome to what we’ve been trying to say for ages.

This is the tip of the iceberg guys.

To admit this was faked is to admit a conspiracy that faked it, and if thats the case? How far does this conspiracy extend? When did it start? What is it in aid of? Are the other similarly faked events? How many? Who is involved? How far are they willing to go to achieve their goals?

I’ll answer that last one. They are willing to go so far as to literally show you crisis actors being terrible and sloppy around an event meant to convince you of a certain concept. But this concept is not that school shootings happen, if That were the goal they Would and Have done it better. No. This event was meticulously planned to convince you of the exact opposite; That stuff is manipulated and faked.

And it has been for god knows how long. The reason they want to convince you that stuff is faked, is because people stuck in the upper echelons of this system DESPERATELY want out. They want out because they are afraid of the real monsters and they know that raising awareness about this is literally their only chance of escaping this ancient evil system.
But they can’t come right out and say it, they have to get us to start asking them questions en masse.

So. My advice to you all. Ask these three questions to every single high or low celebrity you can where it is public;

Do you know about REM Cloning?
Do you know about Vril and their Drones?
Do you know about Donald Marshall.

Ask those three questions in this way, all they will have to say is yes. But they will only answer yes once they know there is no other option, that it is unavoidable. That to say no would be in fact worse for them .

Really Think about it. Would anyone trying to manipulate the public allow such a sloppy and obvious attempt get so much attention? The answer is No, and the truth is we have been ruled by certain groups for a very, very long time and this world we live in now is the natural result of that system going on for centuries.

This system has existed for so long and is so evil people are desperate to escape it, even some of the people that you think are the most powerful and evil, they only act that way because they were born into that world and forced to be otherwise they’d have been killed a long time ago. There would be no way for anyone to come out and say all this is happening, they would be killed. All they can do is hint as loudly as they can that something is up..

And because people refused to notice this because the manipulation over the years worked so well..

They literally had to do something like this, just to make people see whats up.

Why do you think the world is suddenly becoming so insane with control? Its so loud and abrasive which isn’t what you do to actually enact your plan, its what you do if you want it to fail and they Do want it to fail.

I would say about 98% of people in the so called illuminati want out of it, they want actual freedom just like the rest of us. They are so scared.

See what this mass shooting shit is really about. Its not the act of an evil group trying to forward evil plans, its mostly what are ultimately insane victims desperately trying to hint to people louder and louder that something is up and you NEED to notice it or you and me and all our race and our children will be doomed.

We are so close to winning guys. We’ve always been so close to winning since 2013, this is the closest we have ever come, we just need more people and we Will get more people from events like these. The world is being woken up from its deep slumber, its our job to make sure it happens.

Be the one that tells others about Cloning, Vril and Donald.

Soon this world will seem so insane people will be far more willing to listen. And this is only being intensified.

The list of people becoming aware of this grows by the day, I watch it happen.

Don’t give up.
We Will find our future and we will make it good.
Have hope guys, please, just have hope.


Here is awesome summary about this whole scam/hoax:

Wake-up, share and stay safe.