Category Archives: Social engineering

KINGDOM – Animated Short Film

Very powerful animated short film about the power we all have in this sick world. Please watch it and feel empowered:

Can art reveal, transform, and inspire? What does it take to redeem a culture left in ruins?

KINGDOM is an audio-visual experience that serves as a template for empowerment. It models the path of awakening in the face of adversity, becoming whole, and confronting inner and outer darkness in order to transform it. The film’s visual and musical arrangement imprints a more courageous way of being. With repeated viewings, this imprint strengthens and becomes available to the viewer as an inner knowing.

It’s against immense odds, that the brilliance of one’s soul spark ignites – and it’s through the unison of our sparks that the purifying inferno of Truth blazes. One flame to ignite an inferno. Et Lux in Tenebris.

Written, Directed, and Animated by: Lubomir Arsov Executive Producer: Aubrey Marcus – Chakaruna Media Original Score Composed and Produced by: Daniel Dubb Born A Legend Composed by: Secession Studios Additional Music & SFX by: Kyle Steven Gollob Additional Compositing by: Salar Salahi

KINGDOM was created in service of personal and collective empowerment, in this moment of need. To support the artist, please donate.……

BTC: bc1q4gmtyax6lvj8veza9t0r8q3pkh3uptspesal3w


IG:   / lubomirarsov  
X:   / lubomirarsov   / aubreymarcus  

Daniel Dubb:   / danieldubb  

Secession Studios:

Kyle Steven Gollob:


Ⓒ Lubomir Arsov 2024

Silenced people, David Crowley (murdered)

This is here now…

David Crowley, writer and director of the movie Gray State spoke at the P. A. U. L. Festival at Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa Friday, August 24th, 2012. David Crowley: Writer and director of the movie Gray State

From video excerpt:
All I know about this documentary is that the maker and his family were found dead and that supposedly he murdered his family and then killed himself before the movie was released. 5 years later the movie was released but it was about David Crowleys (the original filmmaker ) suicide instead of the original.

This is now happening in front of our very eyes… this man didn’t commit suicide, he and his family was murdered because he wanted to show what is now ahead of us…

Synthetic virus, AI and simulation matrix created to make a total slave society

This is the future we are headed if we don’t stop it…

Google “Machine Learning Fairness” Whistleblower Goes Public, says: “burden lifted off of my soul”

A Google insider who anonymously leaked internal documents to Project Veritas made the decision to go public in an on-the-record video interview. The insider, Zachary Vorhies, decided to go public after receiving a letter from Google, and after he says Google allegedly called the police to perform a “wellness check” on him. See the documents Zach leaked to Project Veritas in June:

>> Download Google Document Dump

Triumph Of The Beta Male

This is social engineering to the core. They just want to destroy the strong family units so that they can control people better. And what could be better way than feminize men and make them weak gays. Then when men are weak and families are broken and disabled they can take the absolute control of us. If you want to know more about this, all of it is designed and on the list of Elite/Illuminati or whatever you want to call them.

Here are couple of links for more info about social engineering:

And here is a good video about how gay-agenda is infecting Hollywood etc. :

An here is the small post from this agenda:

Gross no thanks; so unattractive. This image is being sold to males, and maybe started as a metro-sexual image thing.

These types as a BF or husband (lol) mean it’s ME that’s checking the oil and water on their (THEIR) car, me that relights the pilot light in a storm, mows the lawn, fixes things around the house as they appear, me who’s sanding and staining the coffee table, me that carried all the heavy stuff when moving, me that schedules car service, tradies, vet visits, me that notices the white ants in the timber, me that can use a gun, a router, a chainsaw, drive a truck, dig and prune the garden, climb the roof to check the roof leak, etc!!

I can do all those things myself (and I never wait for someone else to do something for me) – but I wouldn’t consider a man my ‘equal’ unless he can do them too.

‘Beta males’ would leave me no time to do anything because I’d be babysitting them. I need time to cook, clean, sew, and keep healthy so I can be Alpha Goddess to your Alpha Godlike persona!

Girly men are 100% Friend-zoned!

Males – get your Alpha on! – Impress us ladies with all that masculinity that we only have bits of from our little testostorone levels. We are different, and we like that you are too.

As a man, your goals are to grow big and strong and super-smart to protect your wife, children, mother, and grandmother.

#alphamalesftw #dontbelievethehype

This is not a joke. This is an actual major Hollywood magazine. This is what they have been politically, electronically and chemically nurturing men to be.

Women prefer alpha males. All of nature prefers the alpha. What more fucking proof do we need that The Beast, Hollywood and Mainstream Media/Pop Culture are trying to condition us against nature, make us backward, and thus dysfunctional? When men like this become the norm, who is going to fight for what is Right? These guys? Maybe by remote control or keyboard, and only insofar as they cannot get in trouble that way.

Can you see it?
