Celebrities invoking KALI’s Death Cult & Slaughter

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So first some information about Kali from the Wikipedia:

Kālī (Sanskrit: काली, IPA: [kɑːliː]), also known as Kālikā (Sanskrit: कालिका), is the Hindugoddess associated with empowerment, shakti. The name Kali comes from kāla, which means black, time, death, lord of death, Shiva. Since Shiva is called Kāla—the eternal time—Kālī, his consort, also means “Time” or “Death” (as in time has come). Hence, Kāli is the Goddess of Time and Change. Although sometimes presented as dark and violent, her earliest incarnation as a figure of annihilation of evil forces still has some influence. Various Shakta Hindu cosmologies, as well as Shākta Tantric beliefs, worship her as the ultimate reality or Brahman. She is also revered as Bhavatārini (literally “redeemer of the universe”). Comparatively recent devotional movements largely conceive Kāli as a benevolent mother goddess.[1] Kālī is represented as the consort of Lord Shiva, on whose body she is often seen standing. Shiva lies in the path of Kali, whose foot on Shiva subdues her anger. She is the fierce aspect of the goddess Durga (Parvati).[2]


Kālī is the feminine form of kālam (“black, dark coloured”).[3] Kāla primarily means “time” but also means “black” in honor of being the first creation before light itself. Kālī means “the black one” and refers to her being the entity of “time” or “beyond time.” Kāli is strongly associated with Shiva, and Shaivas derive the masculine Kāla (an epithet of Shiva) to come from her feminine name. A nineteenth-century Sanskrit dictionary, the Shabdakalpadrum, states: कालः शिवः । तस्य पत्नीति – काली । kālaḥ śivaḥ । tasya patnīti kālī – “Shiva is Kāla, thus, his consort is Kāli” referring to Devi Parvathi being a manifestation of Devi MahaKali.

Other names include Kālarātri (“black night”), as described above, and Kālikā (“relating to time”). Coburn notes that the name Kālī can be used as a proper name, or as a description of color.[4]

Kāli’s association with darkness stands in contrast to her consort, Shiva, who manifested after her in creation, and who symbolises the rest of creation after Time is created. In his supreme awareness of Maya, his body is covered by the white ashes of the cremation ground (Sanskrit: śmaśāna) where he meditates, and with which Kāli is also associated, as śmaśāna-kālī. It is said that aspirants who wish to offer Bhakthi should approach under the proper guidance of a Siddha or equivalent. Chanting her mantras from anywhere would cause unknown effects.


Hugh Urban notes that although the word Kālī appears as early as the Atharva Veda written 1000 BCE or older, the first use of it as a proper name is in the Kathaka Grhya Sutra (19.7).[5] Kali is the name of one of the seven tongues of Agni, the [Rigvedic] God of Fire, in the Mundaka Upanishad (2:4), but it is unlikely that this refers to the goddess. The first appearance of Kāli in her present form is in the Sauptika Parvan of the Mahabharata (10.8.64). She is called Kālarātri (literally, “black night”) and appears to the Pandava soldiers in dreams, until finally she appears amidst the fighting during an attack by Drona‘s son Ashwatthama. She most famously appears in the sixth century Devi Mahatmyam as one of the shaktis of Mahadevi, and defeats the demon Raktabija (“Bloodseed”). The tenth-century Kalika Purana venerates Kāli as the ultimate reality.

According to David Kinsley, Kāli is first mentioned in Hinduism as a distinct goddess around 600 CE, and these texts “usually place her on the periphery of Hindu society or on the battlefield.”[6] She is often regarded as the Shakti of Shiva, and is closely associated with him in various Puranas. The Kalika Purana depicts her as the “Adi Shakti” (Fundamental Power) and “Para Prakriti” or beyond nature.


Slayer of Raktabija

In Kāli’s most famous legend, Devi Durga (Adi Parashakti) and her assistants, the Matrikas, wound the demon Raktabija, in various ways and with a variety of weapons in an attempt to destroy him. They soon find that they have worsened the situation for with every drop of blood that is dripped from Raktabija he reproduces a clone of himself. The battlefield becomes increasingly filled with his duplicates.[20] Durga, in need of help, summons Kāli to combat the demons. It is said, in some versions, that Goddess Durga actually assumes the form of Goddess Kāli at this time. The Devi Mahatmyam describes:

Out of the surface of her (Durga’s) forehead, fierce with frown, issued suddenly Kali of terrible countenance, armed with a sword and noose. Bearing the strange khatvanga (skull-topped staff ), decorated with a garland of skulls, clad in a tiger’s skin, very appalling owing to her emaciated flesh, with gaping mouth, fearful with her tongue lolling out, having deep reddish eyes, filling the regions of the sky with her roars, falling upon impetuously and slaughtering the great asuras in that army, she devoured those hordes of the foes of the devas.[21]

Kali destroys Raktabija by sucking the blood from his body and putting the many Raktabija duplicates in her gaping mouth. Pleased with her victory, Kali then dances on the field of battle, stepping on the corpses of the slain.[22] In the Devi Mahatmya version of this story, Kali is also described as a Matrika and as a Shakti or power of Devi. She is given the epithet Cāṃuṇḍā (Chamunda), i.e. the slayer of the demons Chanda and Munda.[23]Chamunda is very often identified with Kali and is very much like her in appearance and habit.[24]

Dakshina Kali

Bhadrakali (A gentle form of Kali), circa 1675.
Painting; made in India, Himachal Pradesh, Basohli,
now placed in LACMA.

In her most famous pose as Daksinakali, popular legends say that Kali, becoming drunk on the blood of her victims on the battlefield, dances with destructive frenzy. She is about to destroy whole universe when urged by all Gods Shiva lies on her way to stop her. In her fury she fails to see the body of Shiva, who lies among the corpses on the battlefield and steps on his chest.[25] Realizing Shiva lies beneath her feet, her anger is pacified and she calms her fury. Though not added in any of the puranas, the popular legends tell that Kali was ashamed at the prospect of keeping her husband beneath her feet and thus stuck her tongue out in shame. The ‘Devi-purana”, which goes into great depths about Goddess Kali, reveals the true reason for the symbolism of the tongue. The characteristic icons that depict Kali are the following; unbridled matted hair, open blood shot eyes, open mouth and a drooping tongue; in her hands, she holds a Khadga (bent sword or scimitar) and a human head; she has a girdle of human hands across her waist and an enchanted Shiva lies beneath her feet. Each of these icons represent a deep philosophical epithet.[26] The drooping out-stuck tongue represents her blood-thirst. Lord Shiva beneath her feet represents matter, as Kali is undoubtedly the primeval energy. The depiction of Kali on Shiva shows that without energy, matter lies “dead”.[27] This concept has been simplified to a folk-tale depicting a wife placing her foot on her husband and sticking her tongue out in shame. In tantric contexts, the tongue is seen to denote the element (guna) of rajas (energy and action) controlled by sattva.

If Kali steps on Shiva with her right foot and holds the sword in her left hand, she is considered to be Dakshina Kali.[28][29] The Dakshina Kali Temple has important religious associations with the Jagannath Temple and it is believed that Daksinakali is the guardian of the kitchen of the Lord Jagannath Temple. Puranic tradition says that in Puri, Lord Jagannath is regarded as Daksinakalika. Goddess Dakshinakali plays an important role in the ‘Niti’ of Saptapuri Amavasya.[30]

One South Indian tradition tells of a dance contest between Shiva and Kali. After defeating the two demons Sumbha and Nisumbha, Kali takes up residence in the forest of Thiruvalankadu or Thiruvalangadu. She terrorizes the surrounding area with her fierce, disruptive nature. One of Shiva’s devotees becomes distracted while performing austerities, and asks Shiva to rid the forest of the destructive goddess. When Shiva arrives, Kali threatens him, claiming the territory as her own. Shiva challenges Kali to a dance contest; both of them dance and Kali matches Shiva in every step that he takes until Shiva takes the “Urdhvatandava” step, by vertically raising his right leg.[31] Kali refuses to perform this step, which would not befit her as a woman, and became pacified.


Now when you know that Kali is the Symbol of death and slaughter we check out what is happening in Hollywood and it’s not nice. I wondered many times that why Miley Cyrus sticks her tongue out in every fucking picture, but now it is just plain clear. She is promoting Illuminati’s death cult like everyone else in the musin business nowadays:

“Whether we like it or not, us females in the industry are role models and as such we have to be extremely careful what messages we send to other women. The message you keep sending is that its somehow cool to be prostituted … its so not cool Miley … its dangerous. –Sinéad O’Connor

Miley Cyrus Satanic Conspiracy

The MTV Music Awards has come and gone but, the Mind Control remains!

Miley Cyrus VMA conspiracy

Why is Miley Cyrus’ performance at the VMAs important to our nation? Simply stated, Global Mind Control. It is not always the effect on the children of America. This is a global conspiracy and they need the U.S. to look like The Great Satan in the eyes of other nations. Our celebrities are used as symbols to rally the forces of war. Kali, consort of Shiva, symbolizes the “Time of Death”; The Black One. Once Kali had destroyed all the demons in battle, she began a terrific dance out of the sheer joy of victory. The unleashed form of Kali often becomes wild and uncontrollable. Kali was so much involved in the killing spree that she got carried away and began destroying everything in sight. Kali is the fearful and ferocious form of the mother goddess.

Notice in this video of Miley’s performance at the VMAs she is stroking invisible hair; another indication that THEY have her invoking Kali

Psychological warfare is the subtle undertone that guides a population to war. Some say there are much more important things to discuss other than Miley Cyrus’ performance at the MTV Music Awards. The simple answer is that this is wartime propaganda and Disney has been at the heart of it since WWII.

Miley Kali

They brought Miley out of a trailer park and onto the stripper pole singing “Party in the USA” as the U.S. economy collapsed. Again, Miley was dredged up to play a role in the Occupy Movement. Now, it is the blatant destruction of the United States’ image. The rest of the world must see us as The Great Satan. This is the reason for Honey Boo Boo, Sex in the City, or Pawn Stars; to make America look like the lowest form of life on the planet. Beyond this is the Truther programming that leads one to destroy their own nation from within. Do you think THEY do not want you spreading hate for America’s leadership. It’s in the plan! Globalists have no love of nations. Disney showed us this little tid bit of mind control in Chicken Little. The Fox uses Chicken Little to spread fear and animosity amongst the chickens all the while he thinks he is doing the right thing. (Spoiler Alert) It does not go well for the chickens.
There is more to this. The psychological effect that this display of debauchery has on young minds. We have all grown up institutionalized and mind controlled. Our celebrities simply reinforce the meta-programming and without them, this whole scenario falls apart.
On December 7, 1941 Japanese planes attacked Pearl Harbor. Within twenty four hours war had been declared and approved by Congress and the United States officially entered WWII. The next day Walt Disney arrived to work at the studio in Burbank only to be stopped at a check point and made to confirm his identity. The entire studio had been commandeered by the military.

Disney Wartime Propaganda

When the studio occupation ended Walt chose to stick with the military theme in his project “Victory Through Air Power”. It ended with a triumphant obliteration of Tokyo. The cartoon reduced war to machines fighting machines leaves out the suffering and dying…one critic of the time called it a “gay dream of holocaust”. Winston Churchill liked it so much he requested a private screening for himself and Franklin Roosevelt to help convince the president to go ahead with a long range bombing program.

Inspired by Disney’s “Education for Death: The Making of the Nazi”, Hitler was enjoying his own finely tuned mechanism of mind control. His propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels admired the quality of Walt Disney’s animation so much he was inspired to use the same medium to create propaganda of his own.


Walt Disney has stated that he always saw Donald Duck as the common man, yet, he portrays Donald as one who is irrational, ill-tempered, impulsive, of low intelligence and is easily manipulated. In the 1942 cartoon entitled “The New Spirit” Donald is implored by a radio to help stamp tyranny from the earth by paying his income taxes, imparting to him the motto “Taxes to beat the axis.” When Donald rushes his payment to Washington DC we discover exactly where our tax revenues go…to factories working day and night to produce “guns, machine guns, anti-tank guns, long range guns, guns, Guns all kinds of GUNS!”

Why would the government need Donald Duck to remind people to pay their taxes? Perhaps because in 1942 Americans were just getting used to the idea of federal income tax. Few people know that prior to 1913 federal income tax was considered unconstitutional.
Get Weird Stuff to know more!


The Teddy Bear is used in Mind Control as a symbol of your helplessness. A drugged-out, one-eyed Teddy Bear is beyond the concept of the message given to children by Satanic Ritual Abusers when they defile their most treasured possession. This lovable stuffed bear is turned into a constant reminder of the molestation the child has suffered. If it can happen to Teddy…
As a matter of fact, kissing the anus of the Devil was a ritual performed on the witches sabbath. It is the ultimate act of abasement called Osculum Infame – “The Kiss of Shame”.


You may think that bringing more attention to this spectacle is creating more bad publicity for the U.S.A. but as they say on G.I. Joe, “Knowing is half the battle.” The effects of the celebrity mind control are obvious. What is not as familiar is the master controlling the puppets and by proxy, controlling you. If you blame these celebrity victims, you are under the spell of the sorcerer! It is their job to Blur the Lines.

The Illuminati message is clear – We Can’t Stop!
Dancing with Miley
Doing whatever we want
This is our house
This is our rules
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
Can’t you see it’s we who own the night
Can’t you see it we who bout’ that life
And we can’t stop
And we won’t stop
We run things, Things don’t run we
We don’t take nothing from nobody
No, you give your free will agreement every time you witness these events and do nothing to change the direction our world is being pushed. Yes, you need the strength of Atlas, so invite your friends to lead an agenda to find the beautiful, loving, caring, nurturing people that surround you.


It is a choice of what to care about. Some are certain you should be looking at the warfare as opposed to being offended by Miley. We show that this runs hand-in-hand. The Princess/Warrior Programming creates the culture of narcissistic psychopaths that leads to war.


We are being led down a path outlined by Aleister Crowley in the Book of the Law and at the top is the Whore of Babylon. Crowley stated, and I cover this in-depth in Aliens From Hell, that the destruction of society lies in children witnessing every sexual act before adolescence. Lady Gaga shows us the allegiance to Lucifer dressed as Venus and we can only escape this vampiric influence by turning our back to the Little Monsters placed on the stage before us.


Lucifer is our Lady Liberty. Look it up if you don’t believe me. We are part of a High Profile Ritual regardless of which theater it is performed in; a theater of war or the stage of MTV Music Awards. To understand the purpose of all this, you must learn of the Ordo Templi Orientis or Sex Cult of the Illuminati. You will learn much by going through these Podcasts. Our children’s souls are at stake and with them our very future.
When you learn the goal of invoking demons to enter our souls brought to you by Disney, Katy Perry and the like, you will understand what is at stake! They call this Scarlet Woman, the Whore of Babylon and she has come in many incarnations…


Don’t let this mouse shake you down!

Minnie Mouse Shake Down

And just a thought, as you watch warfare for entertainment, keep in mind what Disney’s show Jessie has to say…


This comes from the episode titled “The Secret Life of Mr. Kipling”. You will find that Mr. Kipling is not only a reptile but also a Freemason. Stay tuned, more to come!
The Art of Disney is 666

Disney Art 666


This satanic/Illuminati/death cult agenda is just so sickening, that please spread and tell others and don’t let your children look at this satanic CRAP!

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2 thoughts on “Celebrities invoking KALI’s Death Cult & Slaughter”

  1. Hello and thank you about those brave and encouraging words. Things have different sides and this is just one opinion. I have many times said that these are just my thoughts not the truth. Truth is in the eye of the beholder, but what right do you have to criticize my opinions? What makes you the judge? Have a nice day.


  2. You ignorant retard shit-bastard fucking leech, what right do you have
    To ridicule the figures of other religions
    Simply because it does not fit your own religion, how dare
    You to compare Maa Kali to illuminati’s death cult!
    Maa Kali is a symbol of divinity, that when, after enough evil
    Has accumulated, must take a fierce form to cleanse
    The evil, like when we take about Gods wrath in other
    Religions, similar to that concept; and how dare you to
    Compare diviniry on one side to illuminati on the other
    That glorifies “prostituting girls”, that’s a fucking
    Grave mistake u damn fucking maggot and surely the God’s
    Of all religions will condemn you to burn in hell, I sure
    Hope so, since it’s faggots like u who contribute
    To the downfall and degradation of the world through
    Your ignorance, alongside secret societies

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