Creatures from beyond part VI, The Jersey Devil

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Next creature is called The Jersey Devil. This hideous monster has several sightings and here is the description:

The Jersey Devil is a legendary creature or cryptid said to inhabit the Pine Barrens of Southern New Jersey, United States. The creature is often described as a flying biped with hooves, but there are many different variations. The most common description is that of a kangaroo-like creature with the head of a goat, leathery bat-like wings, horns, small arms with clawed hands, cloven hooves and a forked tail. It has been reported to move quickly and often is described as emitting a “blood-curdling scream.”

The Jersey Devil has worked its way into the pop culture of the area, even lending its name to New Jersey’s team in the National Hockey League, and appeared on an early episode of The X-Files.

Origin of the legend

There are many possible origins of the Jersey Devil legend. The earliest legends date back to Native American folklore. The Lenni Lenape tribes called the area around Pine Barrens “Popuessing”, meaning “place of the dragon”.Swedish explorers later named it “Drake Kill”, “drake” being a Swedish word for dragon, and “kil” meaning channel or arm of the sea (river, stream, etc.)

The most accepted origin of the story, as far as New Jerseyans are concerned, started with Mother Leeds and is as follows:

“It was said that Mother Leeds had 12 children and, after finding she was pregnant for the 13th time, stated that this one would be the Devil. In 1735, Mother Leeds was in labor on a stormy night. Gathered around her were her friends. Mother Leeds was supposedly a witch and the child’s father was the Devil himself. The child was born normal, but then changed form. It changed from a normal baby to a creature with hooves, a goat’s head, bat wings and a forked tail. It growled and screamed, then killed the midwife before flying up the chimney. It circled the villages and headed toward the pines. In 1740 a clergy exorcised the demon for 100 years and it wasn’t seen again until 1890.”

“Mother Leeds” has been identified by some as Deborah Leeds.This identification may have gained credence from the fact that Deborah Leeds’ husband, Japhet Leeds, named twelve children in the will he wrote in 1736,which is compatible with the legend of the Jersey Devil being the thirteenth child born by Mother Leeds. Deborah and Japhet Leeds also lived in the Leeds Point section of what is now Atlantic County, New Jersey,which is the area commonly said to be the location of the Jersey Devil story.

Reported encounters

There have been many sightings and occurrences allegedly involving the Jersey Devil.

According to legend, while visiting the Hanover Mill Works to inspect his cannonballs being forged, Commodore Stephen Decatur sighted a flying creature flapping its wings and fired a cannonball directly upon it to no effect.

Joseph Bonaparte, eldest brother of Emperor Napoleon, is also said to have witnessed the Jersey Devil while hunting on his Bordentown estate around hi 1820.[8] In 1840, the devil was blamed for several livestock killings. Similar attacks were reported in 1841, accompanied by tracks and screams.

Claims of a corpse matching the Leeds Devil’s description arose in Greenwich in December 1925. A local farmer shot an unidentified animal as it attempted to steal his chickens. Afterward, he claimed that none of 100 people he showed it to could identify it.On July 27, 1937 an unknown animal “with red eyes” seen by residents of Downingtown, Pennsylvania was compared to the Jersey Devil by a reporter for the Pennsylvania Bulletin.In 1951, a group of Gibbstown, New Jersey boys claimed to have seen a ‘monster’ matching the Devil’s description.and claims of a corpse matching the Jersey Devil’s description arose in 1957. In 1960, tracks and noises heard near Mays Landing were claimed to be from the Jersey Devil.During the same year the merchants around Camden offered a $10,000 reward for the capture of the Jersey Devil, even offering to build a private zoo to house the creature if captured.

Sightings of 1909

During the week of January 16 through 23, 1909, newspapers of the time published hundreds of claimed encounters with the Jersey Devil from all over the state. Among alleged encounters publicized that week were claims the creature “attacked” a trolley car in Haddon Heights and a social club in Camden.Police in Camden and Bristol, Pennsylvania supposedly fired on the creature to no effect.Other reports initially concerned unidentified footprints in the snow, but soon sightings of creatures resembling the Jersey Devil were being reported throughout South Jersey and as far away as Delaware.The widespread newspaper coverage led to a panic throughout the Delaware Valley prompting a number of schools to close and workers to stay home. During this period, it is rumored that the Philadelphia Zoo posted a $10,000 reward for the creature’s capture. The offer prompted a variety of hoaxes, including a kangaroo with artificial wings.


Skeptics believe the Jersey Devil to be nothing more than a creative manifestation of the English settlers, Bogeyman stories created and told by bored Pine Barren residents as a form of children’s entertainment, and rumors arising from negative perceptions of the local population (“pineys“). According to Brian Dunning of Skeptoid, folk tales of the Jersey Devil prior to 1909 calling it the “Leeds Devil” may have been created to discredit local politician Daniel Leeds who served as deputy to the colonial governor of New York and New Jersey in the 1700s.Folklorist Jan Harold Brunvand wrote that the spread of contemporary pop culture has overtaken traditional Jersey Devil legends.Jeff Brunner of the Humane Society of New Jersey thinks the Sandhill Crane is the basis of the Jersey Devil stories, adding, “There are no photographs, no bones, no hard evidence whatsoever, and worst of all, no explanation of its origins that doesn’t require belief in the supernatural.”Outdoorsman and author Tom Brown, Jr. spent several seasons living in the wilderness of the Pine Barrens. He recounts occasions when terrified hikers mistook him for the Jersey Devil, after he covered his whole body with mud to repel mosquitoes.

One New Jersey group called the “Devil Hunters” refer to themselves as “official researchers of the Jersey Devil”, and devote time to collecting reports, visiting historic sites, and going on nocturnal hunts in the Pine Barrens in order to “find proof that the Jersey Devil does in fact exist.


Here is the History Channel documentary about The Jersey Devil and the sightings:



Here’s the video where paranormal investigation team has some footage of this creature:

The Jersey Devil Has Been Seen In Southern New Jersey And Eastern Pennsylvania In The Pine Barrens Or Pinelands For Over 300 Years. Even Now Going On To The Current Times Of Today. Yet It Has Never Been Caught On Video, Filmed, Or Even Photographed.

Until This Paranormal Team Caught The First Footage Of The Jersey Devil. It Looks Like The Same Thing People Have Been Claiming To See Since The 1700’s. Watch The Whole Thing. It’s Very Informative And Educational. You Might Get Something Out Of Watching This.



You can call this another urban legend, but are all these people insane who have seen The Jersey Devil? It’s up to you make up your own conclusions. I just bring these cases for you… and remember there will be more CREATURES FROM BEYOND!

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