Donald Marshall: MK-ULTRA

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I have dealt with MK-ULTRA and mind control before, but here’s Donald Marshall’s words about it. Mostly he talks about the tech used (audio, visual) and not so much about drugs and compartmentalization of the mind and creating alters (Monarch mind control). If you want to know more about that here’s a link to a good book, which covers that:

>> Monarch Mind Control

Here’s Donald’s words:

Donald Marshall – Even WITH everything I’ve said they do, the mk ultra is tech thats really kinda hard to fathom… It’s why I haven’t mentioned it much… I used Mk Ultra on myself to help me make songs easier there,… And I’ve used it on other clones out there , they let me for practice… It’s like the movie inception stuff… Mental video and audio projection… Tech ya wouldn’t think they could do yet… Even WITH cloning… It’s easier to do to a person as clones… And I’m unsure if a chip is needed for this but I was told it was… I couldn’t use it myself now in my real body on some other real person… Buuut If that person had a clone of them and I went to the cloning center as well and they let me manipulate him, then he would be affected in real life… You have to have a clone of yourself from all that I’ve been told… Now… I’ll try to explain as clear as possible… As I still don’t know everything about it but I will give you an example… And the different uses I know of… It’s stuff that everyone should know. No hinting like Tila or nothing lol… Ok now AT the cloning center,… They find out about a beautiful young woman…one of the cloners kids wants this girl badly… So the cloners clone this girl,… From blood records, pap smear records or tissue samples,… And there 5 months later guy has 5 cute girl clones at the place… Unknown if chip needed in head, they do this to too many people, they cant all be chipped.. SO… He’s got 5 bodies… Activates 1 while girl is sleeping and in REM stage of sleep in real life… Has black hood type girls surround this girl,.. Wjho wakes up seems and thinks she’s her real self and she has been kidnapped,… She’s been pre drugged … And is surrounded out in the dirt of the arena they clone me into… (I watched this stuff from the stands)… Anyway the Girls that surrounded her push her yell at her,… Shove her around and lightly knock her around a little bit… All clones… Then the guy’s clone walks over… Looks just like him but maybe lil younger, or in better shape… He walks over says hey let her go… And takes her by the hand and leads her away… Girl goes to get away… Then they turn her off… Then they do it again like 3 or 4 times… Same thing each time… Different scenarios as they call them… And its just what they “allowa” her to remember… They fuzz out the view of the crowd… Easily and with a chip in the clonres head they can make her see video and hear audio…. Very convincing video… And the way the video and audio are applied are hard to believe..Now… This girl gets “”saved” by this guy for a few days… And allowed through memory repression just allow a little bit of the memory to go to her… And when she meets this guy in real life in person she will subconsciously remember him but not outwardly like seen u before or deja vu feeling… Well she will be waayyyy more disposed to like him…So she will get a feeling of safety from him, like he would save her from certain death… She should go out with him,… And they do… Its very common… These are also mk ultra victims,… That was all mk ultra used on the girls… BUT there are many different ways to use it… U can instill fear too with your face by hurting the person… In real life you will subconsciously fear the person that hurt you as clones if you ever meet… Many many different applications… THEN there are the visual and audio effects… And how it’s done is way hard to believe, but I was relieved when I saw an article about artificial telepathy, and it explained almost all of it,… And there is a company that makes headchips called mindworks computers I think it’s called and they make chips… Theyre open about it just no one is doing anything about it šŸ™‚ With the video audio… U have to have a chip in the clone… Aaand know how to do it…. It’s near effortless and you wouldnt think you could do this Ill try to explain clear so its understandable buuuut ill tell you now it is unbelievable even with what I tld you about cloning n vrill lol…. Ok… Powers basically limited by your imagination…. Now what I mean by that…. When you get good at it you know how to get clones out there good without them knowing… I was always trying to use this against the clones when I turned on em… They used it on me… Anyway basic first I learned audio… It helped me make songs… Used it on myself… They turn a switch and it is on…. Now what it does is…. READY? Lol it sounds retarded I know but I have to tell you…. Everyone “thinks” to themselves… IN their own voice like they think… “hmm I could use a sandwich I’m starving”. Well… With a chip in the clone OR in your real life person…. The clones at the cloning center can and do turn a speaker on… And the chipped person at home just thought that… It comes up on the speaker… “hmmm I could use a sandwich I’m starving”… Literally listen in to peoples every thought…. BUT now this was the way I used it to make music… SO I’m at the cloning center… They’d been listening in candidly to my every thought… BUT when I was there AT the clonig center AS a clone I was right next to this speaker… SO chip in clone… They have a guy come over with a guitar and strum some chords… And replaying it back in my mind I could think a guitar sound in my head and the sound would come out of the speaker…. It got some getting used to… U can think of drum lines ,… Any sounding instrument you can replicate with these headchips and mk ultra… MK was used to make so much music its sick… It took some getting used to,… But got used to it over decades being stuck there as a memory suppressed clone… Also some other clone can think in your sounding voice something it sounds like you would say and apply it to you in a personal speaker , the chip,… Chip to chip mk war lol as clones…. It can be painful… This is all hard to fathom I know,… But wait till I tell you about the Video visual mk stuff lol. They have the brain totally down now,… People say the brain is so large it’d take so long to figure it all out,… They have discovered everything BUT what the pineal gland is used for and they said the alignment of the planets this year affects humans pineal glands I don’t know they say lotsa stuff… But yeah other than pineal gland they got the rest down totally… Now they just try to improve chips and brain augmentation implants to enhance what is there… The visualstuff… Ok…They call the whole thing mindvoice. Even though the video has no audio… As clones clone on clone its easy to do… Same as the sounds… But harder… You “think” with really hard to do visualization… You overlay video over the screen the other person is looking at… But you do it in 2 ways…. You know how u can kinda phhase out and daydream,… Well u can do this as remdriven clones too and it makes the visualization video overlay thing easier buuut you have to be barely out of focus,… Hard to explain… Anyway… You can look at your hand and picture a ball of flame… You would have had to look at flames to accurately visualize a believable ball of flame or it will look cartoonish… But they have a way to make the recievers brain “extrapolate” what the real flame would look like…. You can with good concentration make this flame do anything visually any shape, even picture it shooting from your hand and to the other person this will look real if they dont know about chips and mk ultra… The applications for this are various they do too… None of them good… When they bring kids there as clones, they get someone that “looks” similar to their parents and use the “extrapolater” button to make the persons face “seem” more familiar looking to the kid, to keep him or her in line, order them around… It’s done often… With flame shooting at another clone,… You would have to think what is the view from their point of view and picture yourself standing there in front of them in same color clothes,… Same pose, crowd in stands behind you, then the flame coming outward from you and at the other clone getting closer and bigger… The other clone will see a ball of flame shoot from the other clone… Also you can think up illusionary monsters to run at people… They look as real as you want to imagine them… It takes some practice but once you have it down its down… Then theres an emotional part,… Where you can basically think an emotion like fear, and apply it through mk into the other clone or real person if manipulating a clone of them…. There is a lot to mk ultra… Oh and thats the audio video thing…. The childhood trauma thing and gangstalking stuff is for other purposes. Still mk tho Now u understand why i didnt say much bout mk… Its hard to figure out all the applications they use it for, wide variety of uses… And with cloning and Vrill lizards and drones hard to fathom as it is, I didnt want to overload you guys with all the out there tech… But thats some of the mk uses… Theres monarch too dont know much about it, used mk video audio a lot tho… They offered to get me a really pretty wife using Mk Ultra on the woman like that then having me save her as clones and meet her in real life after but I said I didn’t want to…. With some if your already a memory suppressed clone there and know about this stuff, you’ll get a deja vu or feels like I’ve heard this before feeling… But the mindworks webpage says 1/4 of what they can do… The audio video manipulation thing is already public news, just no one did anything about it šŸ˜› . The news juat calls it new discoveries in science and technology with brain, but dont say how advanced it is or how long theyve been using it and testing it on people…

MK Ultra trigger sound… They don’t have to be words or phrases.

people all over the world get messed with by their government or others… all you gotta be is attractive or have a talent or skill they want to capitalize on.

Emily Iona – queen of niberu is challening have visions of her

Donald Marshall – they cannn make you have visions of anything.

Emily Iona – they are racing for new planet you should know this irish bloodline is very important for them

Donald Marshall – they’re visual effects, they can only do it to you if your a clone there though…

Emily Iona – yes i was experiencing that donald

Donald Marshall – it’s like the inception movie with leonardo dicaprio… its mk ultra visual effects. sometimes shits real though lol

they can’t control me… only as rem clones temporarily…all they can do to me in my real bod is make me sick in a variety of ways or make me die by aneurysm or heart attack. they couldn’t make me go stab someone lol or choke my girlfriend… I don’t have that kinda chips in me. they cannn do that to people though… and it involves manipulating an rem clone of them…it’s a piece of the puzzle that a lot of mk ultra investigators don’t know about…you can do so much to a peson from manipulating their clones in various ways…and they figured out how to do everything. oh it’lltake them forever to figure out the brain it’s so big and yada yada. nope, they got it down…

you only don’t fear death, because you don’t care anymore… they saw no hope… they have hope now, and do fear death, because they want to see the fireworks at the end. All super soldiers get is quick reaction time, ability to act quickly, ability to deal with shock and traumatizing situations better than anyone because they’ve previously seen so much worse… hand and eye coordination is better and split second life and death problem solving. But there are drawbacks…and when they overtrain you, you get Mk Ultra mindblown. different people have different limits.

Capone Nolove Shelton – Hey my playa partner donald did u see tila tequila video where she supposedly made the orbs come out her hand that shit was so fake

Donald Marshall – Yep,… no one can do that… buuuut at cloning as a clone you can use the Mk Ultra visual effects to make realistic illusions like the movie inception…. takes practice but then it’s easy. Tila plays with it a lot at cloning.

Yeah, the illuminasty can implant memories, but if you know what to look for and what it feels like you can tell the difference,… Involves cloning and mk ultra visual scenarios as clones, they can influence a person a lot if they have a memory suppressed clone of them. Unless you know their methods you wouldn’t know what was real and what was an mk ultra scenario.

They have deceived many people as clones, showing them gene-spliced creations and MK Ultra visualizations. They can fool the smartest people…

The Mk Ultra scenarios we have been put through are like short films they watch to test our reactions and bravery and strength in the face of adversity…

They monitor my every move and thought though… with the mk ultra stuff… artificial telepathy tech.

They trick the smartest people with the mind tech shit so no embarrassment for not knowing how its done. You wouldn’t think people could do this stuff in this day and age. Normally they couldn’t but they stumbled upon Atlantans abandoned tech that they back engineered and them tech levels made leaps and bounds.

The illuminasty use mk ultra on them, mental manipulation and selective memory suppression to mislead them into thinking theyre somewhere else.

you’re not flying, it’s not astral plane,… it’s mk ultra visualizations,… you even feel the air breezing past you but its not there and your not flying,… you just think you are… another woman on my friends list here (not mentioning names) thought she was in the astral plane flying around too… met her as clones we talked, she knows now,… talk to her from time to time as clones. There is no astral plane lol thats just what they tell people,… lucid dreaming same difference. Clone on fuzzy drugs… I watch it happen from the stands,… people think theyre super heroes running around in the arena thinking theyre doing all kinds of stuff,… and the scumbags sit there and make fun of them, but the person cant even see them,… theyre in a mk ultra scenario

they mess with people in multiple ways…. hurts the same though huh? they do mk ultra visual effects easily on clones… you can be in the center arena dirt surrounded by crazies in the stands, and they can make you see a secluded beach… they can make you thing you’r on the moon but can breath,… they just do a menagerie of different things to people for sport. They don’t care if there are side effects on your real self.

They make people see hologram like images as clones… Using mk ultra visual effects, same as inception movie basically… Most of the time the people think theyre just dreaming or think they were original body when they saw it, didnt even know they were clones,… they play a lot of tricks on peoples minds… They tell some people that the cloning center is the astral plane, 5th dimension Nirvana plane Shang ri la, lotsa different stuff, a lot dont even know theyre IN a clone, they think theyre in another dimension and in real body… Or time stutter or singularity lol, they tell different people different stuff.


Dreaming and Astral Travel Into the 4th Dimension

It ain’t the Astral plane. šŸ™‚ just cloning on fuzzy drugs with MK ultra visuals. They tell a LOT of people cloed in that they’re I the astral plane. Or another dimension.

Question – Can you please tell us what you know about HAARP and what they plan to do with it?

Donald Marshall – l lessee most know the basics of what it can do. but once all installations are done haarp gets more functions once the grid is complete….. then it can do time travel… they said, which could destroy earth…. 50/50 chance, and they can bend space and make the distance between like earth and pluto like 1000 miles for a few seconds and it goes back again and they can get a ship to travel fast . also they said they will be able to mind control people without the use of chips or mk ultra or monarch. will be way worse when grid is complete. does more stuff. the space folding and time travel manipulation and mind control, they told me,… the grid gotta be complete though its not just one place, they have to have a certain number of em up around the world in certain spots and have em all working in unison. from what theyve told me,… could be bs I dunno lol. The illuminati clones there told me this… Elizabeth Vladamir,… many many of them…

ah the good ol days…can you tell who these 2 are? šŸ™‚ was one of very few good days at the cloning center,… was madly in love with Thien, she also said she would save me…for years adored her… but then they mk ultra mind controlled me to be mean to her there… things went sour.

Katie Wright Whale Song – can they still do that to you?

Donald Marshall – just as clone. can only mind control you in real life if you dont remember cloning…

Katie Wright Whale Song – why don’t they MK you to do everything they want?……… as a clone that is?

Donald Marshall – program clone and you do whatever on a trigger word like manchurian candidate

Katie Wright Whale Song – are you aware that they are controlling you when this happens?

Donald Marshall – yes sometimes, but sometimes its blurred,… they’ve shown me it… but its obvious

Been done… It’s mindvoice tech. They say it’s in it’s early stages but it’s not. You can do a lot with it.

World-first experiment achieves direct brain-to-brain communication in human subjects:


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