Dr. Hulda Clark Can Teach You How to Cure 4th Stage Cancer at Home in Two Weeks

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Here is some interesting information if someone close to you have cancer and there is no cure:

Dr. Hulda Clark Can Teach You How to Cure 4th Stage Cancer at Home in Two Weeks
(So Why Isn’t the World Paying Keen Attention to This Towering Genius?)


From Ken Adachi, Editor
February 8, 2014

Dr Hulda Clark Can Teach You How to Cure 4th Stage Cancer at Home in Two Weeks . (So Why Isn’t the World Paying Keen Attention to This Towering Genius?) Feb. 8, 2014

Dr. Hulda Regehr Clark was the greatest cancer researcher of all time. She died on September 3, 2009 at the age of 80. The lying shills who edited her Wicked Pedia page say that she died of cancer, but anyone who actually bothers to read her death certificate will see that she died of Anemia and Hypercalcemia, and not cancer. The oncology giants of Big Medicine hated her because she had accomplished with her simple electronic inventions and brilliant, towering mind what they and their billions of dollars squandered on Establishment ‘cancer research’ could not do: She discovered both the cause and cure for every form of cancer.

To make matters worse, she dared to explain to the public, through her books, the true etiology of cancer genesis and how to cure any type of cancer (at any stage of development) — at home — and how you could do it for next to nothing. This is the real reason why her name and discoveries are pilloried and ridiculed on the internet by Big Pharma shills and cheerleaders for Organized Medicine. They don’t want you studying her books or watching her videos because you might get the idea that she knows what she’s talking about and by following her protocols, cure yourself of cancer (and we can’t have that now, can we?).

Kirk White
I only recently discovered a number of Youtube video interviews of Dr. Clark by Kirk White, a devoted and amiable champion of Dr. Clark’s pioneering work. Incredibly, Kirk also died in 2009, but his enthusiasm and willingness to do whatever he could to help promote Dr. Clark’s research knew no bounds and his video interviews stand as a lasting tribute to his devotion; both to Hulda Clark and to the service of humanity. God Bless the soul of Kirk White, who did the right thing at the right time – to preserve forever these important conversations with Hulda Clark.

In the four videos seen here, the basic explanation of what causes cancer to take root and grow is explained; along with the steps needed to stop the cancer process from going forward. Cancer growth functions like a replicationmachine. Think of an automobile. A number of necessary elements, or subsystems, must be present and work together in synchrony in order to allow the car’s engine to run and propel the car down the street. If you remove just one of its critical elements, such as gasoline, spark, or compression, the car won’t run. Cancer works in a similar way. Remove even one of its necessary elements, and the cancering machinery stops. After you stop the cancer growth process, you then concentrate on ridding the body of its now, non-cancerous, non-growing tumors. It’s not that difficult to rid the body of its tumors once you turn off the cancer machinery. People find it hard to believe, but Hulda Clark proved that you can cure cancer completely in as little as two weeks.

The Syncrometer
Dr. Clark was able to unravel the mysteries of cancer etiology with a simple electronic sleuthing device that she and her son Geoff invented around 1990 coined the Syncrometer. She made her original Syncrometer circuit using an experiment’s hobby kit purchased at Radio Shack (seen in these videos). At the heart of the Syncrometer is a basic circuit common to all radios known as an oscillator. An oscillator produces a continuous stream of sine waves at a certain frequency depending on the resistance and capacitance (or “RC time constant”) of its timing circuit. If you change the resistance or capacitance of its timing circuit, you change the frequency of the oscillator. The frequency chosen for the Syncrometer was designed to be in the audio frequency range so you could hear the oscillator and its changes in frequency. By using two 3.5 inch square aluminum plates mounted to a plastic box as open “capacitors” (in her timing circuit), she could affect the frequency of the oscillations being produced. If two identical substances were placed on each of the Syncrometer’s test plates, the second finger probe feedback test signal would go into resonance when the first test plate was linked to the second test plate using a switch mounted on the Syncrometer plate box or using a floor switch that was plugged into the Syncrometer plate box. The change in sound heard in the second finger probe is the positive or “yes” indication that the two substances match. The “substance” you are searching for could be anything, living or non living; chemical or microbe. The Syncrometer can detect the presence of substances in the body at far lower levels than the best laboratory detection equipment used by the medical industry. The importance and significance of the Syncrometer’s discovery should have earned Hulda Clark and her son Geoff the Nobel Prize. Someday, its contribution to the benefit of humanity will be properly recognized and honored by future generations.

The Cancer Complex
The second video below explains the five items that loosely couple together to form a mutagenic combination that Hulda dubbed the “cancer complex.” While Dr. Clark has unearthed a tremendous volume of New Knowledge in cancer etiology, this stupendous discovery alone is the crown jewel in Dr. Clark’s 20 odd years of cancer investigation and research. Every single person who has cancer has the same cancer complex in their DNA, regardless of the name given to the cancer. If you eliminate even one member of the cancer complex, the entire complex falls apart and the cancer replication machinery stops. That means the cancer mutations stop and therefore the cancer growth itself stops. Without the cancer complex, there is no cancer. It’s important to learn the name of the five items that make up the cancer complex and where they come from so we can avoid exposing ourselves to these mutagen creators.

To competently understand and apply the unfamiliar and unexpected explanations given here, you must obtain and study Dr. Clark’s last and greatest opus, The Cure and Prevention of All Cancers, published in 2007. This book will tell you everything you need to know (and do) in order to stop cancer cold and fully cure people of cancer in two weeks. Don’t wait until your loved ones are at death’s door before you start looking into this material. Someday, if enough people apply Hulda’s pioneering discoveries, cancer will be a thing of the past, much like scurvy, which for hundreds of years was a dreaded killer, became a non issue once humanity finally woke up to its cause and its simple cure.

…to be continued

Ken Adachi


Dr. Hulda Clark’s Instructions to Cancer Patients at Her Clinic (Video) Feb. 14, 2014

© Copyright 2014 Educate-Yourself.org  All Rights Reserved.

Part 1, Introduction to the Dr. Hulda Clark Protocol (555 views) Uploaded to Youtube on March 16 2011 (views recorded on Feb 5, 2014)


Part 2: The cancer causing complex


Part 3 : Removing the cancer causing complex


Part 4 Dental Cleanup


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2 thoughts on “Dr. Hulda Clark Can Teach You How to Cure 4th Stage Cancer at Home in Two Weeks”

  1. Thank you for your comment. It’s good to check all the different areas if you get a canser. This article’s point was that how they try to suppress all the info that is not supported by the so called Big Pharma.


  2. Hypercalcemia is a side effect of multiple myeloma. More often it’s the complications caused by the actual disease and not the disease itself. Prob a good idea if you research multiple myeloma cancer and hypercalcemia.

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