Introductory Overview of Chemtrails

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This chemtrail agenda have been bothering me many yers now and it’s not contrails, that’s for sure. But what is the main goal? Here is some ideas:

 Introductory Overview of Chemtrails (written May 1999) By Ken Adachi

For over a year, the military has been spraying the skies throughout America, Canada, and now parts of Europe (including Britain, France, and the Netherlands) with substances that were initially referred to as “mystery contrails” , but later were named “chemtrails” by investigative reporter and author William Thomas.  When questioned, military and government officials either deny any knowledge of these sprayings outright or they offer unbelievable  and ludicrous explanations that only a moron could believe. Joe Burton has been aggressively investigating and reporting on this story from early on. Apparently he had been too aggressive, because his house had been targeted for direct spraying by low flying, unmarked aircraft.  In a story posted  Feb. 15, 1999, Joe reports the physical symptoms that his family and his pet have been experiencing from the sprayings. Joe believes that many of these military tankers responsible for the sprayings are remote controlled aircraft, but Al Cuppet (6 years with the US Joint Chiefs of Staff) has told radio talk show host  Jeff Rense during interviews on June 1, 1999, May 16, 1999, and May 7, 1999 felt that many of these tanker planes were more likely being flown by foreign pilots, possibly Chinese or Russian.


Some Background:

Symptoms from Chemtrail sprayings

A One, Two Punch?

On February 20, 1999, strange “Contrails”  were reported over Long Island, NY by  ‘concerned citizens’ who also took photos. These photos reveal the characteristic “X” mark seen in almost all cases of chemtrails. Earlier this year, reports by Ken Welch have been posted on various sites on the Internet. His reports are titled Contrail Spraying of Cities is Real  Part 1 , Part II, and Part III  These articles chronicle Ken’s apprehension and dismay at the discovery that the United States government was brazenly spraying the skies of southern Texas on April 9, 1999 with Chemtrails. Ken has also posted E-mails at his web site that were sent to him in May ’99 of  reports of  sprayings over South Carolina  and Indiana . In June, a report from Florida said that sprayings had been going on for weeks over the Ft Lauderdale and  Jacksonville areas, including military bases.

It is being reported that people with average or below average immunity are experiencing pneumonia-like respiratory symptoms, while people with stronger immunity are only experiencing slight discomfort for a day or two or no symptoms at all. Some people have gotten very ill and the symptoms seem to keep returning after a short period of improvement. It’s possible that some of these sprayings might contain special bioengineered pathogens designed to affect only certain racial groups.

Radio talk show host Jeff Rense has offered the idea that these sprayed pathogens might be part of a Binary weapon system. In other words, a second  substance might be required (aerial spraying or substances added to the water supply  for example) to bring out the virulent phase of the pathogen, but of course this is only speculation. Rick Malinowski’s long and detailed article also suggest the notion of a 2 or 3 part piggy back element to the chemtrail sprayings. My own suspicions are that these sprayings are intended for multiple purposes including low level population reduction (see NWO Population Control), mind control and/or tracking, and to foster weakness and apathy among the general population in anticipation of the New World Order takeover agenda which will likely include the imposition of martial law (a sickly population is a lot more controllable and compliant than a healthy, vigorous one).


William Thomas

William Thomas was the first reporter to attract national attention to the chemtrails issue. He has been interviewed many times on the Art Bell Radio show to discuss the chemtrails story and has many excellent articles and Photos posted at his own web site as well as other locations including-Jeff Rense’s Sightings on the Radio . Thomas has concluded that these sprayings are genocidal in nature and are intended to reduce or weaken the general population. In a November ’99 interview with Art Bell, Thomas also voiced the idea that there might be a mind control element to the most recent spraying, since many people are reporting mental confusion and depression following recent sprayings. Thomas has reminded radio listeners that the government has had a long history of exposing the public to biological pathogens without their knowledge or consent.
Thomas has also reported that spraying samples have been analyzed and have revealed that  many deadly and toxic pathogens have been found including Mycoplasma Fermetens Incognitus (the SAME  bioengineered pathogen that  Dr Garth Nicholson  had discovered in about 45% of the veterans who came down with Gulf War Illness). Thomas found that Mycoplasma, however, was only ONE pathogen among a group of highly toxic biohazard substances analyzed from the chemtrail residues.
The evidence is obvious and plentiful that these sprayings have been taking place almost daily since the Fall of ’98 and many people have gotten sick and undoubtedly some have died from the effects of these pathogen/toxin sprayings, but the $64 question is WHY ?
Some writers have wistfully speculated that the government is trying to vaccinate us against a coming plague of bio terrorist origin. Most people would like to believe that, but the evidence is too strong in the opposite direction. Of course, sprayings might have different intentions for different sectors of the  population: Possible population reduction for the weak and immune compromised; possible vaccine protection intended for certain ethnic groups; and possible ID tracking. It’s hard to say. Only insiders know the real story, or more probably know some parts of the Real Story.
What most Americans don’t realize is that the upper echelons of the United States government is no longer a government “of , by, and for ” the people (See the New World Order). The United States government-as with all other major governments of the world-is under the total domination and control of the Illuminati (architects of the so-called New World Order). The Illuminati’s  plan to reduce the global population by 4 billion people before the year 2050 was laid out in the Global 2000 report assembled by the Carter administration. in the late 70’s.
It should be obvious-that in order to REDUCE the world’s population from its present size of six billion down to 2 billion (even over a fifty year span) would require that the majority of people now living would have to be exterminated in some way.  The amazing thing about the Illuminati is that they place all their ghastly plans right out in the open for everyone to see, if people would only look and read what they are saying.


A genocidal operation of this size and scope would require the Illuminati controllers to promote contravening propaganda in the opposite direction in order to limit or defuse political agitation, possible retaliatory action, and to quell the concerns of  the average American who might stumble upon the chemtrail story. It’s Standard Operating Procedure for the Illuminati. For example, when Senate committee hearings took place a few years ago (early ’90’s) on re-examining  the Kennedy assassination, just coincidentally an author (and CIA asset) by the name of Gerald Posner, who had recently published a book titled “Case Closed”,  suddenly appears on the national scene. In his book,  Posner claimed unequivocally that Oswald was the lone assassin, that there was no conspiracy involving others, and that the Warren Commission was correct in its original findings. Reviews of his opinions and that of his book received front page coverage throughout mainstream media.  Frontline produced a 2 hour “documentary” on Posner’s claims which failed to offer opposing views by other Kennedy assassination investigators/authors to refute or take issue with Posner’s position.

In 1997, on the 50 year anniversary of the Roswell, New Mexico UFO Crash of 1947, the  government offered up a high ranking Air Force officer to make an utter fool of himself on national TV (CNN) by stating that the so called “bodies” of aliens beings-which were recovered from the Roswell crash-were “in fact”  really only test dummies that the Air Force had sent aloft to see how they would fare under crash conditions. This orchestrated and staged press conference had already stated that the dummies were deployed in 1954. When one reporter asked this Air Force officer what the connection was between a 1954 test of crash dummies and the 1947 Roswell UFO crash, the stunned officer could only mumble that apparently “time compression” had “taken place”. It was a Golden Moment for those of us who rail against the unending stream of lies and unmitigated deception fostered upon the American public by the (corportate/Illuminati controlled) mainstream media and government spokesmen.

[Update January 2002]
The party line from chemtrail debunkers has changed over the past 3 years. Early on, chemtrail disinformation artists wanted the public to think that chemtrails were really just ordinary contrails that were persisting longer than usual due to changing atmospheric conditions and similar tripe. Later, when the persistent contrail theme had worn too thin, debukers needed to create some sort of logical excuse for chemtrails, so they began to peddle the aerial immunization against ‘terrorists’ biologicals or solar wind “protection” gambit.

Lately, the current unofficial party line seems to be
1. protection of the ozone layer,
2. secret military radar blanketing technology,
3. aerosol ‘vaccinations’ of some sort and
4. some vague reference to ‘protection from aliens’ (??? you got me).

Debunkers will usually offer themselves as experts or authorities on chemtrails and will always give you a 80-90% dose of real info layered in with their hidden propaganda message. Another trait I’ve noticed from debunkers is the the sheer volume of their presentation coupled with a lot of technical jargon, scientific looking graphs and pictures to bolster the image of  scientific validity and depth of investigation. But if you read their ‘reports’ carefully enough, you can spot the party line-loud and clear. Lastly, debunkers will always yell “fraud” the loudest for those articles and authors who hit closest to home where truth is concerned. A good place to start honing your discernment skills is with the highly circulated and often referenced “Chemtrails Report”. It is a text book example of the current state of the art in disinformaiton.

Do not assume that you are helpless to do anything

I’ve photographed chemtrails in my area on many occasions and I’ve been breathing the fallout from these sprayings right along with everyone else, but I haven’t come down with any symptoms or discomfort yet. If you build up (or possess) your immunity to a high enough level, you can resist most any pathogen. There are numerous ways in which people can improve their self defense by learning how to boost immunity.

What to do

Prepare by building up your immune system. A sufficiently strengthened immune system can withstand a far greater biological assault than the designers of these highly virulent “killer microbes” would have the world believe. It’s important to remember that ANY lethal biological organism, whether it be a virus, bacteria, fungus, or parasite, has to replicate itself in your body in order to harm you. This includes those weapons grade ‘super killer microbes’ that Russia, the United States., Israel, Iraq, China, and other countries have developed. The conventional orthodox method to acquire protection against a deadly organism is to administer a vaccine that is specifically tailored with inactivated microbes of the killer bug or fragments of its protein shell. The body produces antibodies against this specific antigen and provides immunity in the event of exposure. Undoubtedly, the designers of these killer bugs and members of the elite who are “inside the loop” have already been vaccinated for their protection. BUT, there are other ways to acquire protection, that the rest of us can utilize.

As stated elsewhere on this site, a sufficiently strengthened immune system can withstand practically any biological assault. I’ve put together a page called Immunity Boosting which will outline a number of steps you can take to boost your immunity. At the very least, take colloidal silver on a regular basis. Even if you did nothing else to improve your immunity (and you should), colloidal silver will substantially increase your germ fighting capabilities since no bug, even a bioengineered one, can develop a resistance to its germicidal action.

Web sites with in-depth coverage of Chemtrails (posted November 1999)

One of the most articulate, succint and cogent report assembledto date on the chemtrails story comes from Rick Malinowski. Take the time to read his excellent reportage carefully and thoroughly. His story is avialable on the web at: (old url deleted) (*Rick’s new web site as of 2/27/00)

Other informative and interesting web sites include:
4) Cliff Carnicom (

Good site for chemtrail infomation, but overly cautious and worried about upsetting The Powers That Be to call a spade a spade. Informative all the same with many good photos.

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