Is Near-Death experience just a trick?

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I have posted articles and stories about Near-Death experience and there are evidence, that it may be real thing, but what if it is just a trick. Trick to allure us back to Earth and to this reincarnation cycle. Just like butterflies are allured to the light at night when researchers try to catch them. Here’s an article about that and if it’s a trick how we can avoid it:


Assuming the soul doesn’t dissipate into its immediate surroundings at death and it still retains its consciousness, there are several cases to prepare for. With all the programming about going to the light at death, the most likely scenario is that a light will appear. It will be very alluring: beautiful with attractive sounds. If one is religious then one may be met by what appears to be a spiritual guide. If one has an affinity for beautiful women, then seductive sirens may appear with promises of astral sex. It is also very likely that a loved one such as a deceased wife or husband will appear to welcome you and encourage you to come with them to the other side. If your spouse is alive it could be a parent or best friend who has since died. One must be extremely careful here not to just rush into the light. There are many species of animals who are lured into an alluring light or trap even here on earth. Literature is also replete with the gnostic tales of the Archons who can enter your mind and give you images or thoughts that are pleasing to you. This is also a trait that is reported during the alien abduction phenomenon.

It has also been featured in several Star Trek productions. The very first pilot for The Original Series back in the ’60s dealt with a race of beings that looked very similar to the little grey aliens. They were very diminutive and had the bald, bulbous heads. They also communicated telepathically and in the episode implanted thoughts and feelings into the subject’s head to elicit an emotional response. This appears to be based on the Archontic literature of the gnostics that was discovered in the Nag Hammadi library in Egypt. These beings were the basis of the pilot episode of Star Trek The Original Series. The most disconcerting example was in the Star Trek Voyager series and an episode named Coda. In this epsiode, an alien tries to trick Captain Janeway into thinking she is dead. Posing as her father it tries to convince her to come into the matix of light with it, but she is not fooled. At the end of the episode they ask the question whether all near death experiences are actually the result of alien encounters. The movie Contact also featured an alien appearing to cosmonaut as Jodie Foster as her father in order to make the encounter more comfortable for her. In the Star Trek movie First Contact, an alien being poses as God in order to lure the crew and steal their spaceship.

We live in a universe that appears to be predator based and deception is the norm. Here on Earth farmers do not have the best interest of the animal they are raising at the forefront of their concern. They merely wish to fatten the animal and then harvest it for food. We have no way of telling if the being that appears in the light or whether going into a light which we know nothing about is a good thing or a trick. I go on the assumption that most everything in life is presented to us as a lie. I see no reason to believe that the deception would all of a sudden stop just because I died. In order to have been in the position I am now I must have been tricked in the past and likely continue to be tricked over and over again. It may be a safe assumption to do the opposite of what we are programmed to do and what the masses will do.


The Game of Life

The Game of Life: I have good news and bad news. The good news is it’s a game and games are fun and for our amusement. It’s a virtual reality game on a reality tv show, a play or drama for all the world’s a stage and we are merely actors, and as game boys wii are players playing from a game pod in an electromagnetic field or a grid-iron. Games are usually either board games, card games with tricks, games where you roll a die over and over again to symbolize reincarnation, a race on a track, or a sports game. As eternal beings we get bored so that is why we play board games which are often on 64 checked squares. Games with cards and die are played on a table. This table or checked squares are what is called a matrix and represents the matrix of duality we live in via our 64 DNA codons. Games of sport are played on a field which is symbolic of the electromagnetic field or grid we live in. Football is even played on a grid-iron.

The bad news is the game is a matter of life and death and you’re the big game. You’re part of the human race against time. Don’t worry, though cuz you were game for it and besides you’re a good sport, right? In fact you are betting on it, you made a bet to beat the odds, an alpha bet or gambit with Bel cuz he’s a game Bel, a gambler. He is a trickster god, but it is a fair game and the game has a bunch of tricks. It’s all about “turns” or revolutions because it’s a ball game. In fact, the first ball game we know of was the Mayan ball game and the ball was the sun a.k.a. Baal, Ea/Enki, Ra, Bel, Lugh, Lucifer, Set, Devil, Satan, ‘It’. So you are playing against the devil, whose name Satan literally means Adversary. It’s a Ra deal and he is betting you don’t win. If you win, you are the champion. If you lose, you are Lugh’s. “Ea sports, it’s in the game.”

But in every game there is goal which is to “win” or beat the clock by scoring the most points (tallys). Every game has its rules, official rulers and players who play their roles (or rolls). They take turns and will roll or “die” over and over again. Make your “moves”. The rulers are the king, queen etc,(face cards in cards, you are the pawn in chess and what is called the “pip” in cards and dice. A pip is the dot on a domino, the spot on the lower cards in the card deck and checker in checkes. The pip has to get to the other side of the board to become “king” and be kinged and typically to the other side of the chess board to capture the king. The pip must pip thru to the other side by scoring or marking with his points (beak). A pip is a small seed, ball or bird — or a high pitched sound like a peep or chirp or squeak — and to pip means to shoot, to break through a shell, or defeat an opponent, He needs to reach the finish line or goal line of the end zone for a touchdown on a planet. It’s a race and he must make hits to make a home run to the base “ball” which is his base or home. In tennis he wins games, then a Set, then the match (Lucifer). In basketball, he puts the orange-brown ball (sun) in the hoop or ring. Football has a mascot to hex with cheers of ‘Ra, Ra, Ra….sssss, boom, ba’ cuz it’s a game of chants… ‘we got Spirit yes we do we got Spirit how bout you?’. In baseball the umpire wears an underbelly that makes him look like a reptile. In baseball you don’t want to make an out. You move around bases (base metals) of low vibration (bass) to make a diamond when you reach home plate (a ringer) which is a base with a pyramid. In football you go down down the field in a series of downs before you touchdown. The pitcher who stands on the mound or hill is the devil because infielders throw the ball around the horn.

Before the clock runs out and your time is up, you “die” or are rolled you must win the game or have more points. But to win the game you must cross the finish line first or before the clock runs out, or have more points — that’s the point — to be the victorious champion and win the pennant, gold cup, trophy or first prize/place. But right now you are lost cuz you don’t even know the game. You are a winner/winnow by beating your wings and the win/wind blows you free from heavier impurities as the fanatic fans cheer you on. You go for the gold medal/metal though now you are on a diamond in iron grid which is coarse or course/circuit.

Our deck of playing cards originallly came from tarot cards. The four suits were originally coins/pentacles, cups, wands, and swords which correspond to the four elements water, air, fire and earth. Tarot or ‘ta rot’ means “the wheel” or “the way/route” and signifies man’s alchemical journey. The first card is The Fool (unenlightened man) which ultimately leads to The Moon, The Sun, Judgement and then to the last card, The World, which is thought to represent starting all over again. So man’s ultimate judgment is in the sun where the heart is weighed. If it is pure enough it will pass through the fire. If not, it is sent back again. So these games represent purifying the soul by progressing from the heavier earth elements such as lead and turning lead into gold which is the sun. Games represent the token man as a fool or a pipsqueak pawn in the game moves his DNA across the board or electromagnetic field until it can reach and pip through the other side to win the crown or be crowned, that is become a king or sun god (win the gold metal/medal, the gold ring, the heart’s gold sun cup, the champion ship or boat of Ra).

If we decide not to go into the light, what other options do we have available to us? In no particular order:


  • 1.
    RESOLVE or WILL POWER of our FREE WILL — All games are only bound by their resolution so we need free will, a determined resolution or resolve to win or re-solve yet again this puzzle.We will use our Free Will and Will Power to go to where we imagine is good. This is actually probably my favorite choice. I am still looking for a worthy graphic for it. In most movies and TV shows like The Prisoner and Hellboy the hero overcomes evil by using his free will and will power. Number 6 in the TV series The Prisoner was set free because he refused to be stripped of his identity and kept his strong character. Dorothy willed her way back home in the Wizard of Oz. Pure Imagination was used in WILLy WON-ka. Ka was the soul to the Egyptians and E is energy (e=mc2). We will use our imagination to go to an imagined nation. We will “be leaving” by “believing”.
  • 2.
    Going inside of ourselves. In this upside-down inside-out world the way out is in. Space is as infinitely small inside of us as it is in outer space. There is said to be a sun inside of us. Many songs and esoteric traditions speak of this. Jesus said the kingdom of heaven is within you. See the Emerald Tablets of Thoth. When Buddha was on his deathbed he told a disciple to be his own light. The occultist Aleister Crowley said all men and women are stars. Celebrities and actors call themselves stars. Many songs by rock stars also mention it such as “we all shine on like the sun, the moon and the stars” (John Lennon’s Instant Karma), “you’re a shining star no matter who you are” (Shining Star, Earth Wind & Fire). There are likewise many references to the “fire within” especially the serpentine fire which is said to ascend the spinal column to enlighten the mind’s third eye. The movie Sanctum directed by James Cameron who has the two highest grossing movies of all-time in Avatar and Titanic utilizes “The only way out is in” as its tagline. Led Zeppelin, one of the best rock bands of all-time and deeply immersed in the occult, named one of its albums In Through The Out Door. Of course, this could just be programming and the actual way out is through the in door.
  • 3.
    SOLution — the sun may be a STARgate. The sun is a star. Sun spots are said to have another sun spot on the exact opposite side of the sun, implying that you could travel right through it to the center of the sun perhaps as a wormhole. In the elite propaganda tool the Bible Jesus said he is the door and no one comes to the Father but through him. The sun in this scenario would be the golden gate bridge. Symbolically, you are slaying the fire-breathing dragon. In alchmeical terms the gold passes through the fire unharmed and is purified. The Statue of LIBERTY has a crown on its head which is representative of the sun. And the poem reads, “I stand beside the golden door”. The Freemasonic symbol for the sun is a circle with a dot in the middle of it perhaps to signify a hole in the center. The symbol appears to have come from the egyptian symbol for Aten, the solar disc worshipped as god during Akhenaten’s reign.Recently a huge triangle was seen in the sun and there was much speculation about it being a star gate. Solar shamans claim to have steered their souls through the center of the sun as well. In this scenario, the moon is an interceptor of souls so it would have to be avoided as well as the Earth’s Van Allen Belt, the Venus “Fly Trap”, The Mars Spirit Rover (even though Mars is further away from the Sun), and Mercury/Hermes the Thief of Souls. Timing should be planned perfectly so that the moon is on the other side of the earth away from the sun as well as Venus and Mercury, if at all possible. If the sun is 93 million miles away and it takes light 6 minutes or so to travel there, then we need to be extremely fast. The moon is 250,000 miles away so even at 1000 miles an hour it would take 10 days just to make it to where the moon orbits. I assume with the soul being so light we can travel very fast. I think this is one of the reasons we are being pushed so many heavy metals (fillings, jewelry, chemtrails, music, etc) and fattening us up so that a heavy residue remains with us to slow us down and it may even perhaps make us magnetic. Supporting evidence: Tool album Spiral Out, The last episode of The Prisoner was entitled Fall Out, the tagline for the movie Sanctum is “The Only Way Out Is Down”.
  • 4.
    Go inside the earth. If they tell us that the heavens are up and hell is down, then maybe the opposite is true. We greet each other all the time by saying “Hello”. If you break the word up into two syllables it sounds like “hell low” and certainly the subconscious mind would make that connection. Santa, or Satan, lives at the North Pole so the South Pole may be a better option. It is the land of Oz (Australia). The Hollow Earth theory and Agartha legends are believed to be true by many. Some satellite images have even shown a hole at the pole. It is also forbidden to fly over the poles. Admiral Byrd traveled to the North Pole and reported there was lush vegetation there. There is rumored to be The Great White Brotherhood and ascended masters living inside the earth, but there are also rampant reports of reptilian beings too. The Hopi indians speak of the Ant People. Tunneling down inside the earth could be considered traveling through a worm hole.
  • 5.
    Go through the black hole at the center of the galaxy a.k.a. the galactic center or the central sun. This could be a white hole on the other side and could be the yang to this ying which would be positive. Of course, you could also get crushed due to the ridiculously massive gravity. And then there is the little problem of it being 26,000 light years away, but perhaps you could get there instantaneously by thought, who knows. You would become whole by going through the hole.
  • 6.
    Siruis. By it’s very name it must be serious or important. It certainly was to the ancient Egyptians. One of the shafts in the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt is aligned with Sirius. The Pharoahs were believed to travel there after their death to be with the Gods. Our sun is also believed by many esotericists to be in a binary system with the star Sirius. In the movie Contact Jodi Foster travels though the wormhole to the Pleiades.
  • 7.
    Dissolution or DIS-solution. This is a sort of spiritual death where you dissolve. You refuse to engage your mind or consciousness with anything because it is all just projections of the mind, phantoms or illusions. Stop feeding the machine. If you want the game to stop, just stop playing the game! This would be the null edge or knowledge. This could result in nirvana. Like in the movie War Games the only way to win is not to play the game. We are trapped in a prison of duality and emotions are harvested so the only way to end the game is not to react to it or play the game. The Archons who feed off our electronic energy, e, feed off our emotions. Emotions are just our energy, e, in motion so if we cease that motion they starve and the game dies.
  • 8.
    Go into the clear light of the Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Tibetan Book of the Dead says there are a series of different colored lights after death and instructs the departed soul to go to the clear light and to ignore the other lights, especially the smoky white light which is Hell.
  • 9.
    Polaris, the way out = Polar is the way out. The company Polaris makes all terrain vehicles, but that is their slogan. It is taken from the shamen who would travel along the axis mundi or World Tree to Polaris, the North star. It is said to be a serpent rope or vine with which the shamen could communicate with the Divine? Also The Olympics has an event called the Pole Vault. Why? is it because you can vault or jump over the pole or the pole will vault you with a high jump? In nursery rhymes the cow jumped over the moon and Jack jumped over the candlestick.
  • 10.
    Going perpendicular to the flat galactic disc/plane and just hauling ass out of here. The freemasons use a square and compass for their symbol. The square may represent 90 degree angles. To go into any new dimension requires making a perpendicular 90 degree angle to the current dimension.
  • 11.
    Go to the darkness. Pure light is dark, It can only be seen when reflected by an object? The word ‘void’ has been demonized as to avoid something. Or go to the half-light, the balance which is neither black nor white, not part of the extreme duality.
  • 12.
    This experience of life here on earth is called “existence” or “exist ends”. So to “end” the existence we go to the ends or extremities of the earth. If you want the end of the earth just go to the ends of the earth. In many shows such as The Truman Show, The Prisoner, The Thirteenth Floor, Dark City, For The World Is Hollow And I Have Touched The Sky characters have traveled to the boundary of the earth, often water such as Shell Beach, only to find out there is a wall there. So, the ocean, the North/South Pole, Mount Everest, Fiji, inside the earth, etc. There are legends that sailors who die at sea are “lost souls” perhaps meaning the moon rover can’t retrieve them. Or to the other extreme, if you want out of something you go outside its boundaries so you might try to leave the solar system via Pluto on the outskirts of the solar system to break on through to the other side. If you want out of anyenclosure you have to go to the edge of it or just break through. Pips are common in games. A chicken pips its way out of an egg by pecking through. In chess and checkers you are rewarded by getting your man to the other side. In checkers the man becomes a king.”
  • 13.
    As the song says, “Life is but a dream”. So in that case we need to wake up from the dream. Lucid dreaming is becoming aware during the dream that you ae dreaming. Then you are able to do incredible things like astrally travel. When we recognize that it’s a dream or that the dream is over, then we often wake from the dream. A wake is also associated with a wave or a funeral.
  • 14.
    To become enlightened by activating the kundalini fire at the base of one’s spine and allowing it to ascend upwards though the chakra system until one’s pineal gland opens the third eye to see through the illusion of reality and become a king by ascending the column of light through the crown chakra.

With any scenario bear in mind that the soul could get disoriented by going up since the Earth in enveloped by the radiation of the Van Allen Belts. The earth like a magnet has a dipole. So it is recommended to travel close to the ground to one of the poles and then go from there. It is also highly recommended to avoid the moon at all costs. If possible, die or make your escape when the moon is on the other side of Earth. Also if heading toward the Sun watch out for the Venus Fly Trap, the Mars Spirit Rover, and Mercury was known as the thief of souls.

Those are the main options as I see. Good luck and choose wisely. Do not rush into any decision quickly especially with regards to the white light. If a loved one is encouraging you to come with them, make sure you ask them several times if they are who they say they are.


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2 thoughts on “Is Near-Death experience just a trick?”

  1. Thank you for your comments. Maybe we see someday how the so called “Game” is structured and played, but until then we just have to guess and follow our heart. Westworld idea like the movie and TV serie is interesting too if you want to check that out:


  2. Really enjoyed this description of life and death being a game, and the writer’s pulling of many English words into a playful strategy. It may well be that clues to reality and layers of truth are embedded through-out our world and all history– in cultures, religions, Hollywood, and our imaginations. We may have been guided all along, individually & collectively. Hopefully we are much more than prey for higher up predators though, and there is more to our being given gifts of creativity, sense of humor, compassion, art, music, intellectual sensitivity. I personally believe we have been created by an ultimate Creator/Consciousness who not only created all atoms, but all time, and all history–that we are merely actors on a stage, or pawns on his gameboard. We only THINK we have free-will. Regardless I love exploring other philosophies/theories about our origins,purpose, future, and place. Thanks!

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