Open Letter to Heads of the Military Regarding Defeating the Alien Presence

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Interesting letter if true…

October 14, 2013

Including the Army, Airforce, Navy and Marines of Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, India, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Singapore, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States of America.


Previous members of the military made a grave mistake when they hid the reality of aliens from the people of earth. That mistake has been continued. That mistake could endanger the future of humanity forever. It is time to remedy this situation before it is too late.

This battle against predatory species cannot be won by military might and technology alone. By now you know that this scenario involves energies and technology beyond your wildest imagination. For example, how can you hope to win a battle against an enemy when the enemy possesses jumpgates and mind control technologies so that any head of government can be abducted and mind controlled at any time? And how can you hope to win a battle against an enemy that can hide itself from your perception?

These predatory species, their technology and those humans that voluntarily serve them, can only be defeated by harnessing the cumulative might of the metaphysical and spiritual powers, as well as the intelligence, of the people of earth.

These beings must be defeated at all costs. A former government operative, Phil Schneider, advised that the technology of the U.S. government advances at a rate of 44 years for every 12 month period, and has been doing so for over the past 70 years. Regardless of your own advances in technology, you are not immune to alien infiltration and influence. These beings are tens of thousands years beyond your understanding. You cannot trust any promises or agreements made with these beings and you must reevaluate all your conclusions based upon data that you think you have collected.

These predatory species work in secrecy because they are AFRAID of human beings. They are afraid of God, The Almighty LORD Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – אהיה אשר אהיה , and those HE created in HIS image.

“And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them”.

Genesis 1:26-27 KJV

That is why, by subversive means, they have influenced the systems of earth to do all in their power to keep people enslaved. This includes:

Keeping knowledge of their existence and their evil intentions hidden, until it is too late.

Vaccinating people, which damages their metaphysical abilities.

Genetically modified foods and nanotechnology which damage the DNA of the body, so that metaphysical abilities and reproduction are destroyed.

Fluoride which damages the pineal gland, necessary for metaphysical abilities.

Numerous toxins to damage the body (See the book “You’re not fat, You’re toxic).

Lack of information of spiritual power and metaphysical abilities, so that powerful metapsychics do not develop their powers.

Synergy is where 1 + 1 equals 3, or 4, or 5 or … on forever. The synergy of the power of the people of earth to rid earth of alien parasites is infinite, IF you realize that this is your ultimate weapon. But in order for it to be successful, you have to let go of control of all of the knowledge you have about aliens. You must also admit to past errors. A mistake is a sin only when not admitted. Please remedy the mistakes of the past while we still have time.

These predatory species fear humans. As the original “whistleblower” exposing the program involving the United States Mars Base, I have personal experience in being enslaved by the military for off-planet programs and with the life destroying effects of being involved in such projects. And I have personal experience in neutralizing the hypergate technology that allows such abductions to take place. Please see and my article “How to prevent Military and Alien abductions” at

You have my profile and you already know these things. What you may not know is that one night five years ago, my prayers which neutralize this hypergate technology were so disturbing to some being that they materialized a bright green, basketball-sized “probe” high up in the room where I was praying, to monitor me during that time to try to understand what I was doing. The joke was on them. I was praying, but it was God, The Almighty LORD Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – אהיה אשר אהיה , that was neutralizing their “technology”. This is what you lack in your ability to fight these predators. And now you consider Christians, the only people who have the authority to defeat these beings, as “terrorists”, able to legally be imprisoned and killed. Who ordered you to do that? Were they human or alien?

I have many questions regarding my involvement with these projects. Some of my questions are, why the secrecy with those of us chosen for this program? Why were our memories removed? You hire military officers, you hire CIA agents, you hire Senators and Representatives – so why don’t you hire us – that is, all of the people of earth who possess metaphysical abilities?

I understand that you think abducting us and using us through mind control is the answer, but history has shown that that does not work. It is clear that you are losing the battle. You are infiltrated and compromised. You must do something different.

You will only get miracles when you employ ethical, sane metapsychics who are conscious of what they are doing, retain their memories, are reimbursed generously for their work and are not put under the extra stress of mind control, alien drugs etc.

Time is running out. All governments of all countries need to:

1) Release all of the true information concerning alien invasion of this planet.

2) Release the true information concerning the ancient things found upon the moon and mars.

3) Release the true information concerning government developed advanced technology and its use in establishing off planet projects.

4) Release the true information concerning electronic medicine so long suppressed and allow people to be healed of terrible degenerative diseases.

5) Stop the vaccinations, which kill us and destroy our metaphysical abilities.

6) Stop the GMO foods, which sterilize people after 2 generations. These “foods” will end civilization and you will not have anything to defend.

7) Stop the use of nanotechnology in food.

8) Stop the MSG, Aspartame and Excitotoxins that brain damage us and kill us. These chemicals are poisoning your soldiers.

9) Stop mind controlling and abducting people with metaphysical abilities.

10) Openly recruit and employ with generous remuneration sane, ethical metaphysically gifted people to fight these predatory species.

11) Punish and eliminate the corporations that prey upon the population, and that help predatory species enslave us.

12) Remove Christians from the “terrorist” list. They are not your enemy. They are the enemy of the predatory species.

Know that if you do the above, the people of earth will find ways to help you rid earth of alien parasites, by working in the spiritual and metaphysical realms in ways that you cannot possibly imagine.


Michael Relfe

PDF version of the above letter. Please send it to your congressman as is – with our name. You don’t have to add your own name unless you want to.


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