Physical Encounters With Reptilian Humanoids

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And here’s the another article about reptilian aliens:

As with finding channellings which stemmed from benevolent reptilian humanoids, it was at first rather difficult to obtain fruitful physical interactions with benevolent reptilians. However, after much web surfing, and recalling segments of various books read over the years, one finally amassed a collection of positive physical encounters between humans and reptilians that quite positively astounded me! Where were they all these years? Hidden away in books, and the deepest recesses of the internet.

Why had no one bothered to amass them together. Well, there were a few attempts, but very few and far between. And those attempts, unfortunately did not contain many accounts as the accounts were scattered everywhere. And yet, if one wanted a collection of negative accounts of human and reptilian interaction – then take your pick of researcher after researcher who had simply “jumped on the band wagon” and decided to class reptilians as bastards and present heinous reports to justify their claims.

But, if theses researchers had taken the time, truly taken the time, as I have done, (years, all in all) then they would have uncovered not a few accounts of positive reptilian/human interactions, but a great mass of phenomenal reports.

I have edited most of these accounts and simply included the most revealing aspects of them.

Admittedly; if one were to compare the quantities of positive and negative reports, then the negative reports may well outnumber the positive reports. For the following reason. The reptilian beings who operated out of negativity on the Earth were obviously not concerned about scarring a human by showing themselves. The positively orientated ones, however, do not show themselves often because the overwhelming majority of Earthlings simply would be overwhelmed. The few who they have shown themselves to – are generally souls that have had prior experience with them in other lives – (some have been reptilians). Or, the benign reptilians, may show themselves to an advanced human who can handle such an other wordily encounter. The sheer quality of the positive reports, I truly believe, counteract the quantity of the nefarious reports.

The first encounter which one shall document is a truly ancient encounter between human and reptilian. The encounter is between a human female from the Pleiades and a reptilian man from Orion.

The encounter was relayed via the hypnotic process. A woman by the name of Rosalyn was hypnotically regressed by Valerie. J. Barrow. I quote from her book; Alcheringa.The first encounter which one shall document is a truly ancient encounter between human and reptilian. The encounter is between a human female from the Pleiades and a reptilian man from Orion.

The encounter was relayed via the hypnotic process. A woman by the name of Rosalyn was hypnotically regressed by Valerie. J. Barrow. I quote from her book; Alcheringa.

The woman, Rosalyn, was a Pleiadian in another life


She came to Earth in a mothership from the Pleiades approximately a million years ago, at the time of Lemuria. She also interacted with Sirians on their ships and dolphins. I will quote from her:

“We have to colonize and bring love. This energy is not on the planet, and we have agreed to do this to help the life forms evolve. We feel good about this. It is part of our service for the creator. The only way to know the creator is through love and service. We love all, and serve all.


There is one little memory that is very clear and I would like to say it. It was after we had been on Earth for a while, and had been through great hardships. There was one reptoid who was helping us. I was amazed at how well this reptoid was adapted to the Earth situation.


(The reptoid stemmed from Orion.)

“He was able to cope with the environment better because his skin was different to ours. He was able to do much more than we were, because we were so delicate. I wished that I were more like him. There were so many times when this thought came up. It seemed to be so repetitious.

“This is because he could cope with emergencies, and he did`ent have any dramas in his life. He just lived and tackled whatever it was he was doing. Nothing to him was an emergency or drama. Nothing valued was more important than anything else. Everything was just an action to God. He made my life easier to live because he could cope on Earth so much better than I could.

“He was of great assistance, and he did things that kept us alive. That was simple for him, but very difficult for us.

“His skin was very tough and scaly like a crocodile. It was suitable for the Earth`s conditions, much more so than our skin, which tore easily and was very fragile.

“In this life, I`ve always thought that reptilian skin was repulsive, yet in my memory I rather admired it for its usefulness in in the Earth`s climate. I remember an incredible gratitude to him for his protection, and I know he loved me very much. He thought my form was exquisite, and he loved my skin. He saw his work for us as service to God.”

Bravo! A remarkable account of ancient human/reptilian interaction. A lady called Elliemiser relays a riveting account of her friend; who undergoes a phenomenal experience:

“I am presenting this message as told to me by my close, trusted friend, JoyDLight, who is also my contact with my father’s ship, and at the request of the ruler of the underground Reptilian beings.

“She told him we would be happy to speak on their behalf. I will refer to her as Joy in the following message;

“It is time for people of Earth to know the whole truth! That there ARE Reptilians who wish to join us in the Light! I was waiting for the right time to address the subject of the Reptilians and was happy to see recent postings by Sue Potter and John Winston that gave me the opportunity to share Joy’s experiences with the Reptilian race!

“In 1961, Joy was suddenly and unexpectedly confronted by three Reptilian beings. She was 21 and knew about UFOs but had no knowledge of alien beings. She and her husband were living in Oregon. He was in the Air Force. There was about 6 ft. of snow on the ground; she had no phone.

“Her husband had left on November 6th – the entities appeared the next night. She and Reddy, her little dog, were in her bedroom preparing to retire. Her bedroom was situated so that there was a door into the living room and one into the kitchen so that she could see into both rooms from her bedroom.

“That night, they appeared beside the refrigerator in the kitchen. She was scared stiff! She thought she was seeing things – she could not believe her eyes, but her dog saw them and was growling at them. She pulled the covers over her head, then slowly peeked out to see that they were still there. They didn’t say anything, just looked at her for a long period of time then disappeared.

“From November 7, 1961 to about January 7, 1962, they appeared every night – making no sound –

remaining by the refrigerator. They never crossed over into her bedroom.

“They were about 6-1/2 ft. tall and looked like small dragons. They had scaly skin, yellow eyes, spikes or ridges down their back. She thinks they had short tails but she could not see their back and was too scared to raise up from her bed to look further.

“She got to where, after work, she would stay at the roller rink and bowling alley till they closed and she finally had to go home – the Reptilians would be waiting. She tried to sleep in her car but it got too cold. She was terrified of them!

“On 1/7/62, she ran out of her house in her gown and coat at 3:30 a.m., and jumped into her car, wanting to get away from the sight of them. She was pulling out of her driveway when her sister pulled up and blocked her in. She went home with her sister where she slept for 3 days and nights straight. She would not go back into that house so her brother and sister moved her stuff out and Joy went back to Texas.

“When she was visiting me in 1994, I showed her a book of ETs that included a picture of a Reptilian – she said that was what she saw.

“That was the last time she saw them until 1996 when one appeared to her one night – she was not asleep and she was not surprised so maybe on some higher level, she was prepared for his appearance this time. This time, he spoke to her. He explained that they never intended to hurt her, they were just watching her. Interested in her.

“One day, a Reptilian appeared on her TV screen while she was channel surfing. He was between channels. He didn’t say anything – was just there and gone.

“In 1997, she was at work, caring for an elderly homebound lady, when a Reptilian appeared in a doorway. He was there for just a short time, didn’t speak, just looked at her for about 5 minutes, then left.

“In July 1998, she had her first visit to the underground kingdom of the Reptilians. She was resting on her bed when she was just suddenly there – underground. She was confronted by the ruler of the Reptilians.

“During their conversation, he said they were the survivors of the original dinosaur race who fled underground when the event happened that caused the dinosaurs to become extinct. (Confirmation of the lizard woman channelling earlier.) As time passed, they got smaller in stature. They are still vegetarians – they eat roots and such – they don’t eat meat.

“She asked him what his name was and he said her tongue would not say that word so she said “How about Leo?” He asked what Leo meant and she told him it meant King – he liked that so she started calling him King Leo.

“He wanted to know if he could touch her on her arm. She was concerned about his “fingernails” – they were long. He told her she could call them claws because that is what they were. His touch was cold but gentle.

“He wanted to know what love feels like. She explained it was an emotion that causes one to care for the well being of others as one’s self. He said they don’t have emotions – they just procreate. He said they have the same Creator/God as we do.

“Even then, he wanted to know if they came top side, would humans accept their appearance. She said she didn’t know but there were ETs coming from other planets that don’t look like us and there will be SOME – what we call Reptoids – among them. After the landings, possibly humans would be more prepared for the appearance of the underground Reptilians.

“He said they would discuss it and try to come to a decision as to whether they could come aboveground and live in harmony without being rulers.

“On August 14, 1999, she found herself in King Leo’s presence underground once again – they had decided that some of them would like to come top side and experience the light and live among us in harmony but most would rather remain in their home environment. There are 1.5 million of them living underground.

“He asked if we would put a message out to see if humans could accept their appearance. That is the reason for this message.

“He is very congenial, likable and pleasant to communicate with. Now they are waiting to find out what our response will be so we would appreciate your reaction. They will not just suddenly pop up and frighten us – he agreed they would wait until after the landings.

“He asked if they could learn to love. Joy said she didn’t know. The other night when Joy turned her light out to retire for the night, he said that a lot of humans think they are evil just because they live in the dark. He asked if we turn into evil beings when we turn off our lights and are in the dark of night? Joy had to laugh!

“Joy and I pray that someday, ALL God’s children – including his underground ones – can live in peace and harmony – without racial prejudice and fear – but in Unconditional Love as one spiritual family!

 “Joy had further communication with King Leo today in response to a question I asked regarding the difference between humans and reptilians. There IS a difference, he said! Reptoids are of a different race outside this galaxy. The underground Reptilians are no more connected to them than we are. He said there are none of his kind on any other planets. (His particular strain, of course.) They originated here.

“The evil ones of HIS race are underground but in a different area and with a different leader.

“They even had separation, disassociation and disinterest among their own kind. Then they became interested in Joy because of her vibrational frequency and began watching her.

“The interest persisted until finally they decided to speak to her and the first thing they said was that they never intended to hurt her. “Now they are willing to accept that humankind and Reptilians are connected through spirit because we are all from the same source (God) and some are considering coming into the light and contacting the aboveground beings.

“But then, it is time for all God’s children to get acquainted! Time grows short for this planet’s present form of being! And we must all be prepared to ascend with it into the next dimension or be left behind. The Reptilians would really like to be accepted topside when humans can accept that they exist and do not come with evil intent.


Blessings; indeed.

Next I shall quote from Branton who interviews a man who worked at a subterranean reptilian base:

“The following is a list of questions that were directed to former Dulce Base Security officer Thomas Edwin Castello approximately a year before his death [or disappearance]. They are followed by his responses:

“Q — You mentioned one reptilian leader, Khaarshfashst, do you know anything about him, like where is he from? Is he from Earth or some other planet?

“A — His name means “keeper of the laws”. They receive their name after they reach the “age of awareness”. They do not recognize time as an important factor in “being aware” the way humans do. Upon their “age of awareness” they are cognitive of the station or position they are destined to fulfil. At that time they chose or allow someone to choose their name. Their name will include the position they hold and several personally chosen letters. Each letter has a personal meaning, known only to the alien and the one that chose their name. Since Karsh’s name means keeper of the laws his name includes kaash [memory or keep, base word for ‘Akashic’ record] and fashst [law, base word fast or bind]. Reptilians choose to be not only private but secretive of the location of their natal place. To them birth, or emergence of life, is considered as one of the sacred rites of life. They consider Earth or Terra their “home planet”, but several reptoids discuss several star maps. Most of those stars were within the Milky Way. Within those star maps lies the stars and planets of the Planets of the Allegiance. Earth being one of the planets in their trade routes. If any human asked clear questions about the Allegiance, the Aliens referred the questions to the Draco. The Draco in turn, referred the questions to their supervisor [me]. I did not have that information about the stars, because information was supplied on a “need to know” basis. I didn’t ‘need’ that information.

“Q — Did any of the working caste join in the revolt? Could you give me some names?

“A — A few of the reptilian janitorial crew let us know that THEY knew WE were attempting to sabotage the work going on in the sixth and seventh levels. One of them, with the name Schhaal, secretly formed a small group of reptoids with the same mind set as my group Sshhaal took upon himself the danger of informing me. He was as open as is possible in a unique situation. On the day I found out about it, I was inspecting a camera near an exit tunnel. He approached, stooped down (the tall reptiloids average about 7-8 ft. in height according to most witnesses – Branton), seemingly scraping some non-existent dirt, and he quietly said, “A few of us agreed that you are singular in your interest in missing-human reports.

“If true, walk away. I’ll reach you. If it’s untrue, destroy my life now!” My heart almost leaped out of my chest, but I silently walked toward one of the wide halls. For the rest of my life I’ll remember those words! It was the first time I KNEW reptilians could have individual thoughts and opinions! Basically, they formed a uniform front with a small variety of interests. Or at least, that was what we had thought. It was a couple of days before I heard from him again.

“As he walked beside me in the sixth level’s infamous hall, I heard him say “Enter the exit tunnel on the sixth level, north, after your shift.” The next few hours were long and filled with thoughts of betrayal, or worse, but I shouldn’t have worried. I contacted one of the original nine [resistance] men, and let him know, just in case. Gordon wanted to go with me, but I convinced him to wait a few feet from the exit and pretend he was having trouble with his cart [electric, like a golf cart. When I got there, there were three of them. SSHHAAL formerly introduced FAHSSHHAA and HUAMSSHHAA [name base word is SSHHAA or assist]. With that, I quickly grabbed Gordon from the hall and the five of us talked and walked in the dark tunnels about three hours. After that day, the joined resistance group got bigger and bolder. Ultimately, it ended when a military assault was initiated via the exit tunnels and they executed anybody on their list, human or reptilian. We fought back, but none of the working caste had weapons, nor did the human lab workers. Only the security force and a few computer workers had flash guns. It was a massacre. Every one was screaming and running for cover. The halls and tunnels were filled as full as possible.”

How tragic; despite the noble efforts of numerous benign reptilian humanoids, who tried to fight the nefarious Draconian Empire loyalists, (who had captured humans for food,) the combined forces of good reptilians and humans were overcome in the underground bases. However; concurrently; the recalcitrant ones both human and reptilian are undergoing changes and are in talks with Federation forces.

An amazing encounter between human and reptile occurs in the book; Our Lives with Extraterrestrials; authored by Denise Rieb Twiggs and Bert Twiggs:


The top security man for the Andromes was not an Androme. He looked like a reptile, like an upright alligator, although I don`t believe his mouth was as long as an alligators, and he did not speak our language. His smile lit up his whole face. I walked away from that meeting thinking this was too jovial a character to be head of security! I suppose that is as very earthly attitude, though, and there is no doubt the Androme security teams are nothing less than professional and effective. Bert and I both remembered this on the same night, and since then we have fondly referred to our new acquaintance as the alligator man.

Next, the informed author of this profound article shall quote from a gentleman called Roger Kerr who had the distinct pleasure of mingling with reptilian humanoids galore. I have not known someone to encounter as many:

“Over the last 4 years, I have had many contacts with many different ET races, particularly the Reptilians. I have come to realize that I have been physically abducted by several of these races many times in my life, beginning shortly after my birth. What I finally began to realize was that all this served a higher purpose. It reminded me of my past life connections to them, and that I had lived many lives as some of these different Reptilian Beings. When I first began having telepathic contact with some of these Beings in the spring of 1997, I had no idea of who they really were. I tried to get as much information about them as I could from the Draco themselves, but they were very secretive and obviously didn’t want me to know too much. But I was able to get the information that they had come from the constellation Auriga. (This is truly fascinating confirmation of the lion people`s channelling.) I thought that was interesting because a lot of what I had read said that the Draco came from Orion.

“But yet whenever their leader would confront me, some other part of me would take over, and I would stand up to him and know that I was every bit as powerful as he was.

“I often wondered where that inner strength and courage came from. Well, I would soon come to realize that I had been a Draco in many other lifetimes. But not only was I one of them, I was one of their Supreme Commanders, that I came to know by the name of “Soloruous”. Later I would learn that this meant “Sun god”. So it was like my own Draco Self would come through me to confront them. I have often wondered just how they actually saw me, as just this small little human, or as my Draco Self.

“While this group seemed to be very warrior-like and were very threatening and intimidating, a few months later I would come in contact with another group of Draco who turned out to be pretty friendly. When they first tried to contact me, I reacted as if I was being attacked by them. I guess their energies triggered my deep seated memories of my abduction experiences, and I would react as if it was happening all over again. I was with some friends at the time and told them of my experience.

“So when one of them tuned into the Draco, they actually apologized and said that they didn’t mean any harm to me. They just wanted some information from me. So I told them OK, and I communicated with them with no problems. I later found out that they were from Capella, which is the brightest star in the constellation Auriga. But I got the message that this was not the same star system that the other group was from. So I began to call the first group the Aurigans, and the second group the Capellans.

“But I have always gotten that they were both of the same basic Reptilian race that I call the Draco. But they obviously had totally different attitudes and cultural structures. In September of 1997, the “Aurigan” Draco came through the Stargate opening and launched a serious attack on Earth. But they were intercepted by a group of other ET races, including the Taygetan Pleiadians and the Andromedans, and a battle resulted. Just a few hours before the battle began, the Capellan Draco had come to me and told me that they would fight with the Pleiadians against the others of their own race. I was pretty amazed at that and had thanked them for helping us. As it turned out, they had a major impact in turning back the attackers. Later I found out that their warriors who fought in that battle were female, not male, which I found most interesting indeed. So as they say, you can’t judge a book by its cover.

Then about that same time, I became aware of a race of Reptilians from the star system Rigel,

which of course is in Orion. But when I first came into contact with them, I got the information that they were a different race from the Draco. In December of 1997 I began having contacts with another Reptilian race that was completely different that either of the other two. I had a difficult time trying identify which star system they were from. At first I got that they were from Zeta Reticula, but were not the Greys. Then later I started getting that maybe they were from Sirius B. Then only just
recently I got the information that they were really from Tau Cetus. I never could explain all the confusion over that, other than maybe they lived in all those places at one time or another. But the way I finally began to identify this race was most interesting indeed. Just a short time after they made contact with me, I was made aware of the fact that I had been a Reptilian Being by the name of AN, pronounced “ahn”. I had gotten the information that, yes, this was the same Being that the Sumerians had considered as one of their “gods”. The same one that Zecharia Sitchen had
talked about in his book “The 12th Planet”. I had gotten the information that he had been the Supreme Commander, or “Dark Lord” of one of the Reptilian races. So when I came into contact with this new Reptilian race, I got the message that this was An’s race. In “The 12th Planet”, Sitchen had called the ET’s who had come here to Earth the Anunnaki because they
were connected to the “god” An or Anu. So in keeping with that tradition, I began calling this race of Reptilians the Anunnaki. Of course, the name Anunnaki just means “those who came from above” and could be used for any ET race. Also, I later began to realize that not all of the ET’s who came here to Sumer were Reptilian, so I started calling them the Anunnaki Reptilians. I would also come to find out that An and Anu were two entirely separate Beings. But that is a story for later on.

““Then in March of 1998, I became aware of still another race of Reptilian Beings. Their energy was extremely harsh and very “dark”. They came from Alcyone in the Pleiades, and were very much a warrior race, much like the Draco. Someone told me that they didn’t think that the Alcyone Beings were Reptilian and had only known “Light” Beings from there.

“I have now just recently become aware of a race of “Amphibian” Beings that are also from Alcyone.

“And I have gotten the information that there are some Aryan Humanoids from there as well. So that may explain some of the confusion. But I do know that these Reptilians are from Alcyone because that has always consistently been the answer whenever I would ask where they were from. Of course Alcyone is a huge star and could have numerous planets around it. So it is not surprising that there could be members of 3 different races there.


“So with all these different Reptilian races it was getting a bit confusing and you almost needed a scorecard to tell them all apart. I would eventually come to realize that there were many different Reptilian races, but that there were 6 predominant races that had played a major role in shaping our history. Of course, I have also had contacts with other races besides the Reptilians.

“I had some contact with the Greys.

“And also a race of Insectoid Beings, who were not the Greys but a separate race. I learned from them that some of their race had been captured by another race, and their DNA was used in part to clone the Greys.

“To make matters even more difficult, the Rigellan Reptilians were very difficult for me to deal with.

“Their energy was very negative and harsh. Whenever they came around I usually felt some form of psychic attack. Of course that was true with most of the Reptilian races when I first came in contact with them. But the Rigellans were probably one of the worst in that regard. I tried many
different methods to clear them out of my space. But with all the experiences I had with the Draco, I finally learned that the only way to really deal with them was to try to communicate with them, and try to make my peace with them. I also came to realize that I had been one of them in another lifetime too. But knowing that didn’t seem to help too much in dealing with them, at least not at first.

“With the Draco I kept trying to explain to them the need for peace, and that if all the wars and destruction continued that they would eventually destroy themselves. I kept telling them that there was another way, that we could all eventually learn to work together in harmony for the good of
the whole. It took me 9 months of working with them and them having to lose a major interdimensional battle with the other ET’s, but I was finally able to get through to them. Another big part of the process was for me to recognize that I had been one of them in many different lifetimes. I had to make my peace with all of my own Draco Selves. I had to let go of all of my fear and anger towards them, forgive them and accept them for who they were. I had to come to understand their purpose and their role in the Divine Plan. I also helped each of them let go of all their anger and heal themselves and raise their own levels of conscious awareness. I eventually made my peace with all of them and allowed them to actually merge their Consciousness with mine. I had some major breakthroughs and eventually made my peace with the entire Draco race. Now I consider them to be some of my best and most trusted ET friends.

“There have been times when I was under attack that I have called on the Aurigan Draco to help me, and they came to my aid a few times. In May of 1998 there was another major attack on the Earth by some other Reptilian race that had come here from another Galaxy, or even another Universe.

“I had asked the Draco for their help, and they came to our aid and played a major role in defeating the attacking forces. That would not have happened if not for all my work with them.

“So they are not the evil demons that most people imagine them to be. Yes, they are fierce warriors and can be quite intimidating. I would say that they are probably the most feared, and most maligned and judged (or mis-judged) race in this entire Galaxy and Universe. But they also have a sense of honor that goes far beyond that of any other Being I have ever encountered, including any humans. When they give their word of honor, they will always stand behind it, of that you can be sure. I have also called on my own Draco Selves for help many times, and they have helped me tremendously.

“During the first three months of 1998 I did a lot of work with the Anunnaki Reptilians, trying to communicate with them the same way I did with the Draco. They too were very difficult to deal with, but I was able to make some good progress with them. After that they didn’t bother me too
much and I only had a few contacts with them. There were a couple of times that I even called on them to help me and they did. In September of 1998, at the time of the Mt. Shasta Stargate opening, there was a confrontation with the Rigellans and the Alcyones. I asked some of the Anunnaki to join with the Draco to help prevent them from interfering with the work that
needed to be done, and they helped out. So I had pretty much made my peace with them, and had very little contact with any of them after that.”

Roger Kerr then went on to say how he believed that a relatively unheard of race amongst alien investigators were surreptitiously and clandestinely disguising themselves as reptilian beings from Orion in order to sow discord amongst reptilians and other beings. He claimed that these beings were changelings capable of assuming any form which they so chose. In order for them to achieve their long sought aim of universal conquest,

The changeling beings apparently sought to insidiously and cunningly disguise themselves as various beings, and when, in disguised form, they would induce heinous acts of wickedness, which when seen by an observer, unaware of the fact that the perceived being is merely a false image projected by a changeling entity, the observer would report that they had just seen a malicious reptilian eat someone or a wicked human kill a reptilian etc.

Certainly this hypothesis may well have much veracity to it, however, regardless of any changeling entities, it is a well known universal fact that reptilians and humans have periodically and sporadically warred for aeons, since their Lyran introduction to one another. The man believes that the faction of Orion reptilians he dealt with were actually changelings and not reptilian lizard beings.


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