Remote Viewing: Edward Riordan etc.

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Now it’s time to update some of the remote viewing data I have gathered. The best viewer, that I have found is called Edward Riordan, why? It’s because he describes the things clearly and his viewings are quite accurate. He’s also a cool person and his way of teaching remote viewing is practical. I have posted some of his viewings before and here are the links to those:



And here’s some other our links about remote viewing:




Edward has a website where you can find more info about his work and teachings. Here’s his foreword about remote viewing:

Did you know that the US government funded its own “psychic spy” program? Well, they did, and the system they used is called Remote Viewing. Today, Remote Viewing is used in the private sector by police departments, corporations, and individuals.

Remote Viewing is defined as the acquisition of information about a person, place, thing, or event anywhere in time or space, by no known means. Remote Viewing is a protocol developed at Stanford Research Institute in the 1970s for the U.S. military as an information-gathering tool. Working with natural psychics and gifted military personnel, the program developed a standardized process by which anyone can psychically obtain information, on a consistent basis. The protocol was declassified in the early 1990s and was made available to the public.

Remote Viewing is an attention management skill that is fun and easy to learn. Learning the skill of Remote Viewing has taught me many invaluable lessons that I use in many areas of my life. I highly recommend learning the basics of Remote Viewing for anyone interested in intuitive studies and healing work. Learn the basics, and you will learn how your mind and consciousness communicate.

For more information, contact me at


>> Edward Riordan website

>> Edward Riordan Youtube Channel

Here are couple of videos from his Youtube Channel:

One of the best thing about his work is, that you can watch the whole process through and see how he does it. Here’s one of his remote viewing series where he is viewing Antarctica UFO base:

Intersting and cool guy, if you are interested in remote viewing you should definetly check Edward’s work and contribution to remote viewing data.

Here are some other links about remote viewing if you are new to the subject and would like to know more about it:

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