Reptilian Genesis – The Original Super Soldier Creation of the Nephilim

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Something new about reptilians…

Reptilians…what exactly is the “genesis” or origin of these bloodthirsty, volatile killing machine creatures?

Are they something that evolved into what they are by sheer happenstance?….or are they something else, something created?…And…if so…by whom and for what purpose?
Reptilian Genesis
I think this interview of mine will connect a lot of the dots for many people and answer many unanswered questions in regards to the big picture of Reptilians…of their origin, design, original purpose, history, agenda and (in detail), even the methods of reproduction. (Probably not what first comes to people’s minds about reproduction, nevertheless, no less interesting).
The information I share is probably nothing you have ever heard before.
Also in this interview is information on “the ancients” that you have probably never heard before.  I will be making a separate blog post on “the ancients”.
I hope you will enjoy listening to this latest program on “Discovering the Truth With Dan Duval”.
Program description:
“What are reptilians? Who are the ancients? Do these groups actually exist? If they do, what are their origins? There is a lot of mystery revolving around these subjects and people all over are looking for answers. In this week’s episode, we will be asking these questions and more. To help us answer them we will be joined by Carolyn Hamlett, a former illumined one that defected from the Luciferian hierarchy. Daniel and Carolyn will be disclosing information on these subjects that has been recovered through the process of Carolyn’s journey of healing. The information will SHOCK you. Don’t miss this ground breaking episode of Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval!


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