Scientific Evidence Supporting Near-Death Experiences and the Afterlife

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Do you believe life after death? No, maybe you should…

Dr. Kenneth Ring published a scientific paper in the Journal of Near-Death Studies (Summer, 1993) about people who had a near-death experience (NDE) of a type that provides verified evidence supporting the existence of an afterlife. Such people suddenly find themselves outside of their bodies and observing detailed events happening far away – sometimes hundreds and thousands of miles away – which were later verified by third-parties to have actually occurred. This phenomenon is called “veridical perception” and it is currently unexplainable by modern medical science because such observations are highly suggestive of a reality where consciousness can survive apart from the physical body and perhaps even death. Should conclusive evidence of veridical perception be found, it would be the greatest scientific discovery of all time. Currently, a large scientific study – called the The AWARE Study – is currently underway cross Europe and America to determine if veridical perception is a scientific fact. A second study – called The Immortality Project – was awarded $2.4 million by the John Templeton Foundation to fund such projects as: (1) The nature of human consciousness and mental processes during cardiac arrest and their relationship with brain resuscitation; (2) The psychological factors that dispose humans to perceive immortality and the possible existence of a link between morality and immortality; (3) The role that NDE testimonies play in shaping and reinforcing the potency of afterlife beliefs in IANDS and the NDE movement; (4) An examination of the life-review component of NDEs; (5) Research into the genetic structure of freshwater hydra which makes them effectively immortal, and its implications for human medicine; (6) Using immersive virtual reality to investigate how direct experiences of mortality, the possibility of post-death continued existence of the persona, and how the independence between the persona and the physical body might influence the beliefs, attitudes, character and behavior of people; (7) The afterlife beliefs in children and adults and their possible relationship between mind-body dualism; (8) The influence of culture on afterlife beliefs in mainland China compared with Chinese immigrants in the U.S.; (9) Determining whether the belief in the mutability of self reduces the fear of death and belief in the afterlife in Christian, Hindu and Buddhist cultures; (10) Why some people embrace the pursuit of indefinite lifespan extension while other people reject it, and how the prospect of being able to live indefinitely changes people’s investments in aspects of their religious and secular beliefs. Part of this grant will go to the University of Virginia headed by Dr. Bruce Greyson who will participate in a research study where doctors will attempt to monitor NDEs as they occur in the hospital, using computers near the ceiling to project random images in places where people tend to go into cardiac arrest. The images will be visible only at the ceiling, looking down. Because there already exists a substantial amount of anecdotal evidence supporting veridical perception, it may only be a matter of time before hard, scientific evidence of an afterlife is found. In this article you will discover even more astonishing evidence supporting the afterlife theory.

Table of Contents
1. People have NDEs while they are brain dead.
2. Out-of-body perception during NDEs have been verified.
3. People born blind can see during an NDE.
4. NDEs demonstrate the return of consciousness from death.
5. Raymond Moody’s NDE study has been replicated.
6. Experimental evidence shows NDEs are real experiences.
7. NDEs can be considered to be an objective experience.
8. NDEs have been validated in scientific studies.
9. Out-of-body experiences have been validated in scientific studies.
10. Autoscopy during NDEs have been validated in scientific studies.
11. A transcendental “sixth sense” of the human mind exists.
12. NDEs support the “holonomic” theory of consciousness.
13. Expansion of mind in NDEs supports consciousness theories.
14. The brain’s connection to a higher power has been validated.
15. NDEs can be replicated using drugs satisfying the scientific method.
16. NDEs are different from hallucinations.
17. The replication of NDEs satisfies the scientific method.
18. Apparitions of the dead have been induced under scientific controls.
19. People having NDEs have brought back scientific discoveries.
20. NDEs have advanced the field of medical science.
21. NDEs have advanced the field of psychology.
22. NDEs correspond with the “quirky” principles found in physics.
23. The transcendent nature of minds in NDEs corresponds with physics.
24. NDEs have advanced the fields of philosophy and religion.
25. NDEs have the nature of an archetypal initiatory journey.
26. People have been clinically dead for several days.
27. NDEs have produced visions of the future which later became true.
28. Groups of dying people can share the same NDE.
29. People having NDEs are convinced they saw an afterlife.
30. Childhood NDEs are remarkably similar to adult NDEs.
31. NDEs change people unlike hallucinations and dreams.
32. NDEs cannot be explained by brain chemistry alone.
33. NDEs have been occurring for thousands of years.
34. The skeptical “dying brain” theory of NDEs has major flaws.
35. Skeptical arguments against NDEs are not valid.
36. The burden of proof has shifted to skeptics of an afterlife.
37. Other anomalous phenomena supports an afterlife.
38. NDEs support the reality of reincarnation.
39. Scientific evidence of reincarnation supports an afterlife.
40. Xenoglossy supports reincarnation and an afterlife.
41. Past-life regression supports reincarnation and an afterlife.
42. Contact with “the dead” have occurred under scientific controls.
43. Many people have experienced after-death communications.
44. Dream research supports NDEs and an afterlife.
45. Deathbed visions support NDEs and an afterlife.
46. Remote viewing supports NDEs and an afterlife.
47. Studies show prayer to be effective under scientific controls.
48. The Scole Experiments supports NDEs and an afterlife.
49. Electronic voice phenomena supports NDEs and an afterlife.
50. Atheists believe in an afterlife after having an NDE.
51. Psychometry supports NDEs and an afterlife.
52. Memories of NDEs are more real than normal memories.


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