Tag Archives: Alfred Bielek

Here’s your program booklet, Project Red Book

Last one of these colored projects is “Project Red Book”.  This project is a huge database focusing mainly underground bases D.U.M.B.S and hollow earth theory.

Here is one explanation & database copnsidering this so called “Project Red Book”:

First there was Project Blue Book [Alien Aerial Phenomena], and Project Yellow Book [Alien Intervention in History], which have apparently been used as tools of propoganda to some extent. Now PROJECT REDBOOK [a global subsurface database on regressive alien activity sites] is here! No propoganda, just the flat out data! Unlike UFO’s which are here today and gone tommorrow, underground facilities can not so easily “disappear” and thus PROJECT RED BOOK may be an even more valuable resource for investigators and activists…

REDBOOK is the most concise “public” database of its kind in the world. The data is given as is, with no claims as to authenticity. These reports may range anywhere from absolute fact to mythological fantasy. However the sites are there, and pinpointed in most cases, for those who are daring enough to probe the depths of these subsurface facilities [or the depths of the folktales or legends themselves, whatever the case may be]. I have tried to focus on those sites which might pose a potential security rist to the sovereign nations, states, and individuals of the surface. The Red Book database will deal with underground sites where (alleged) benevolent encounters as well as (alleged) malevolent encounters have taken place… or you might say, areas where both ‘progressive’ (or benevolent) and ‘regressive’ (or molevolant and/or “neutral”) scenarios have been encountered underground.


Big part of this project is also called “Branton files” by Bruce Alan Walton. Here is a small description of them:

The Branton Files are a series of documents espousing various conspiracy theories. They have circulated on the internet since at least the mid-1990s. They are named after their editor, Bruce Alan Walton.The UFO conspiracy theory is prominently featured, but many other conspiratorial ideas are also mentioned. Many wild claims are made and are presented as self-evident, but little in the way of coroborative evidence is offered. The Branton Files might be seen as elaborate urban legends.

The Branton Files are typically written in a rambling style, with many digressions and asides… probably due mostly to the fact that his manuscripts are ‘collections’ of writings from dozens of different sources, compiled/edited in no particular order, but given with the intent that the reader will sort through and assimilate the information in keeping with their own individual perspectives on reality.


Here is more about Bruce Alan Walton:

Branton states that he is a “sleeper” agent for the CIA who was (possibly after stumbling on some information that he wasn’t supposed to know) electronically induced with an alternative personality which was “programmed” to serve the CIA Black Projects and the Bavarian-Gray collective. In this alternate or “double life” he had access to several underground bases, and has apparently encountered several alien groups as well.

When his “conscious” self began to awaken to the facts of this alternate existence (facts that were confirmed by others whom he knew), he began to investigate deeper and to expose the conspiracy against this planet in the best way that he knew how. He is not yet certain whether or not his “alternate self” presently shares his conscious values.

A great many people are involved in such “double” lives and have been programmed with alternate nocturnal personalities which “kick in” once they are in the presence of the aliens … these include contactees who work with human “Federation” personnel, others who work with the “Ashtar” collective, and still others who are being used by the “Gray” Empire in their continued efforts to infiltrate our society.

Several of the “Montauk” crowd such as Preston Nichols, Al Bielek and Duncan Cameron also claim that they had been programmed with alternate personalities during their work with the space-time and mind-control projects being carried out at Montauk Point, Long Island in the mid 1980’s.

Branton himself has a strong feeling that he was also involved with this project in some fashion. In 1985 when the Montauk Project was sabotaged and had ceased for a time, he was 25 years of age. This project is once again in full swing at Montauk, but everything has now been taken underground down into the 8-leveled subterranean facility there, which is being operated jointly by the CIA, the (Nazi) Thule Society, and the alien Grays and is to be a key operational base for the implementation of their “New World Order“.

This base has some connection with another base under the Archuleta mesa near Dulce, New Mexico where the Grays themselves have their underground headquarters.


Here is the link to Bruce Alan Walton’s Project Red Book files:

>> Project Red Book by Bruce Alan Walton

And then there is this huge database, which I have just scratched including all kind of info considering Project Red Book:


This is a huge flow of information and I have to get back to this Project in the future. But this was the end chapter of Project Blue, Yellow and Red books and it is a tough one. Have a good weekend my friends.

The Montauk Project – Experiments In Time

220px-Camp_hero_radar_ANFPS-35Camp hero radar ANFPS-35

Aaaahh… the legendary Montauk Project. This is a tricky one to crack. There is so much information considering about this case that it is almost impossible to investigate. On the other hand it is one of the most exciting cases, because of living persons who stick to their testimonies. So either they really went through this or they are just plain mad lunatics. Just right case to Blogman’s journey.

There are different kind of ways to approach this subject, but my way is through couple of persons and they are; the legend itself Preston B. Nichols, Duncan Cameron, Al Bielek and Steward Swerdlow. Those are the main characters of this case and you just have to read & listen all their testimonies to get the full picture. I can lead this, but you have to do your work yourself if you want to make your own conclusions.

There is also another aspect of this and it is the military projects carried through on the Plum island. This story includes the famous Montauk monster, but I consider this another story and maybe I investigate it later. Now we focus in the Montauk project, which includes disappearing warships (USS Eldridge), time traveling, soul transferring (soul matrix or walk-in), mind control and PSI. Awesome!

First I post here the testimonies of Preston B. Nichols and Duncan Cameron, because these were the first videos that I watched when I found this interesting case. So here you have these videos (10 parts). These videos mainly contains all the basic Montauk project data, so they are considered as mandatory, if you want to understand anything about this case:




You can find Preston B. Nichols testimony on the left sidebar called “The Montauk Project – Experiments In Time“.

Then there is a lots of information in Alfred Bielek’s own website. Here is one of him’s interview in Art Bell show in 1993. Lot’s of Philadelphia experiment stuff too, but it is impossible to separate these two cases so here you go (12 parts):




And then there is a man called Steward Swerdlow. I think he is one of the famous Montauk boys, but he also talks about Al Bielek and he has written a book of this case called “Montauk: The Alien Connection“. I have this book, but not yet read it, but soon I will and maybe I wrote a review about it, because I have thought to release some book reviews too. But here is a small snippet of Steward talking for example Al Bielek:


And here is the Steward’s story:


This Philadelphia experiment/Montauk project is just a big mess… I have studied this case since 2007 and it still makes me wonder, that if this really happened, should we know about it?

Philadelphia Experiment – Military project that went haywire

300px-De173EldridgeUSS Eldridge

This mystery was baybe the first ones, that I investigated in 2001 or 2002. It is a fascineting story about Nikola Tesla’s forbidden technology, military project gone wrong and time travel. Or actually it was accidental time travel, because this case was about invisibility project that went wrong and caused time travel. This case includes another project called Montauk project, but I like to handle these in different cases, because the topic is so complicated already.

Firstly I introduce the story from Wikipedia cause it’s no use that I invent this story again. So here is the brief summary about Philadelphia experiment:

The experiment was allegedly based on an aspect of the unified field theory, a term coined by Albert Einstein.The Unified Field Theory aims to describe mathematically and physically the interrelated nature of the forces that comprise electromagnetic radiation and gravity, in other words uniting the fields of electromagnetism and gravity into one field. Consequently, if light was bent, then space-time would be bent, effectively creating an invisible time machine. To date, no single theory is known to have successfully expressed these relationships in viable mathematical or physical terms.

According to the accounts, unspecifed ‘researchers’ thought that some version of this Unified Field Theory would enable a person to use large electrical generators to bend light around an object so that the object became completely invisible. The Navy would have regarded this as being of obvious military value, and by the accounts, it sponsored the experiment.

Another unattributed version of the story proposes that researchers were preparing magnetic and gravitational measurements of the seafloor to detect anomalies, supposedly based on Einstein’s attempts to understand gravity. In this version there were also related secret experiments in Nazi Germany to find antigravity, allegedly led by SSObergruppenführerHans Kammler.

There are no reliable, attributable accounts but in most accounts of the experiment, the destroyer escort USS Eldridge was fitted with the required equipment at the Philadelphia Naval Yard. Testing began in the summer of 1943, and it was supposedly successful to a limited degree. One test, on July 22, 1943, resulted in the Eldridge being rendered almost completely invisible, with some witnessesreporting a “greenish fog” appearing in its place. Crew members supposedly complained of severe nausea afterwards. Also, it is saidthat when the ship reappeared, some sailors were embedded in the metal structures of the ship, including one sailor who ended up on a deck level below that where he began, and had his hand embedded in the steel hull of the ship, as well as some sailors who went “completely bananas”.At that point, it is saidthat the experiment was altered at the request of the Navy, with the new objective being solely to render the Eldridge invisible to radar. None of these allegations has been independently substantiated.

The conjecture then alleges that the equipment was not properly re-calibrated, but in spite of this, the experiment was repeated on October 28, 1943. This time, the Eldridge not only became invisible, but she physically vanished from the area in a flash of blue light and teleported to Norfolk, Virginia, over 200 miles (320 km) away. It is claimed that the Eldridge sat for some time in full view of men aboard the ship SS Andrew Furuseth, whereupon the Eldridge vanished from their sight, and then reappeared in Philadelphia at the site it had originally occupied. It was also said that the warship went approximately 10 seconds back in time.

Many versions of the tale include descriptions of serious side effects for the crew.Some crew members were said to have been physically fused to bulkheads, while others suffered from mental disorders, and still others supposedly simply vanished.It is also claimed that the ship’s crew may have been subjected to brainwashing, in order to maintain the secrecy of the experiment.


Nikola Tesla’s involvement in the Philadelphia experiment:


So there is the story and in my point of view the most interesting thing about this is of course the time travel part. There are always people involved and also in Philadelphia experiment. The first person who is worth of mention is Morris K. Jessup. Here is his part of the story:

On January 13, 1955, Jessup received a letter from a man who identified himself as one “Carlos Allende.” In the letter, Allende informed Jessup of the “Philadelphia Experiment,” alluding to two poorly sourced contemporary newspaper articles as proof. Allende directly responded to Jessup’s call for research on the “Unified Field Theory,” which he referred to as “UFT.” According to Allende, Einstein had solved the theory, but had suppressed it, since mankind was not ready for it—a confession that the scientist allegedly shared with the mathematician and philosopher Bertrand Russell. Allende also said that he had witnessed the Eldridge appear and disappear while serving aboard the SS Andrew Furuseth, a nearby merchant ship. Allende named other crew members with whom he served aboard the Andrew Furuseth, and claimed to know the fate of some of the crew members of the Eldridge after the experiment, including one whom he witnessed disappearing during a chaotic fight in a bar. Although Allende claimed to have observed the experiment while on the Andrew Furuseth, he provided no substantiation of his other claims linking the experiment with the Unified Field Theory, no evidence of Einstein’s alleged resolution of the theory, and no proof of Einstein’s alleged private confession to Russell.

Jessup replied to Allende by a postcard, asking for further evidence and corroboration. The reply arrived months later, with the correspondent identifying himself as “Carl M. Allen.” Allen said that he could not provide the details for which Jessup was asking, but he implied that he might be able to recall some by means of hypnosis. Suspecting that Allende/Allen might be, or was, an impostor, Jessup discontinued the correspondence.

Jessup attempted to make a living writing on the topic, but his follow-up book did not sell well. His publisher rejected several other manuscripts. In 1958, his wife left him, and his friends described him as being depressed and somewhat unstable when he traveled to New York. After returning to Florida, he was involved in a serious car accident and was slow to recover, which added to his depression. He was found dead on April 20, 1959, and the death was ruled a suicide.


There is another book from the writers William Moore (Author) and  Charles Berlitz (Author) called “The Philadelphia Experiment: Project Invisibility” I have read the book and you can find it for example in Amazon.

There is also a movie about this case and you can watch this whole movie in YouTube:

In 1984, the story was adapted into a time travel film called The Philadelphia Experiment directed by Stewart Raffill. Though only loosely based on the prior accounts of the “Experiment,” it served to dramatize the core elements of the original story. In 1990, Alfred Bielek,a self-proclaimed former crew-member of the USS Eldridge and an alleged witness of the “Experiment,” supported the version as it was portrayed in the film. He added details of his claims through the Internet, some of which were picked up by mainstream outlets.



Heavily involved in this case is a person mentioned above, Alfred or Al Bielek. Here is his website:

>> Alfred Bielek – www.bielek.com

This is just a snippet of this story and if you want a full picture of the case, you have to read the books, watch the movie and read or listen the testimonies of the people involved. I think, that something based on the Nikola Tesla’s technology happened and some of the story has been colored Hollywood style, but as far as I know this story hasn’t been debunked and let’s face it, the evidence is overwhelming.

There is also The Montauks project, which is tangled with this case and is going under my scope next.