Tag Archives: Carolyn Hamlett

Propaganda, A Tool of Mind Control

I have researched through conspiracies, facts, fiction, books, films, documentaries, but still I can’t be sure what is the Truth. And now I want to highlight the fact that what ever you hear, read or watch is not the absolute Truth. Always when you make research and try to solve things at the end it’s you who decide in your mind that what is the Truth and what is the lie. So I want to tell you, that this blog is mainly my own journey to find the Truth and if someone else is also interested about it, that’s ok. But if I had only one reader I would be satisfied.

So let’s continue with propaganda and why you should think yourself and not let others think for you. Here’s Carolynn Hamlett’s article about propaganda:

Propaganda, A Tool of Mind Control

A note: Propaganda is still very much a mind control tool in the hands of the Illuminati globalists. You may want to research and discover just who owns and controls ALL of the mainstream media sources in the United States. This includes Hollywood, TV,  news sources, and publishing houses. Even the majority of commercials you see on national television are those of companies owned and run by this same group. They not only promote their products, but so often with it, they slyly promote through visual and audible propaganda, their ideas which will influence your thoughts and actions to follow their slow, but steady leading to not think, but to fall in line with their message, adopt it as your own and act on it. You may think that you know something, but what you ‘know’ is only what was fed to you. Maybe it was a lie. Even a half truth is a lie; even a message taken out of context can make it a lie. You may think that you have your own opinion, but how could you if  “they” fed you ‘your’ opinion?

Sadly, even the American foreign policy is being shaped by propaganda through Hollywood, television, publishing houses, newspapers and even through what you may deem as simple commercials on television.

Think about it!

“There is a difference–a big difference–between education and propaganda.
Education shows you how to think. Propaganda tells you what to think. Good educators present all sides of an issue and encourage discussion. Propagandists relentlessly force you to hear their view and discourage discussion. Often their real motives are not apparent. They sift the facts, exploiting the useful ones and concealing the others. They also distort and twist facts, specializing in lies and half-truths. Your emotions, not your logical thinking abilities, are their target.

The propagandist makes sure that his message appears to be the right and moral one and that it gives you a sense of importance and belonging if you follow it.”
“Awake!” June 22, 2000. Page 9

A history of propaganda
Today the word “propaganda” has a negative connotation, suggesting dishonest tactics, but originally that was not the meaning intended for the term. “Propaganda” apparently comes from the Latin name of a group of Roman Catholic cardinals, the Congregatio de Propaganda Fide (Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith). This committee-called Propaganda for short-was established by Pope Gregory XV in 1622 to supervise missionaries. Gradually, “propaganda” came to mean any effort to spread a belief.
But, the concept of propaganda was not born in the 17th century. From ancient times, men have used every available medium to spread ideologies or enhance fame and power.
The term “propaganda” took on a generally negative connotation in World War I when the governments of especially the Illuminati run United States and Great Britain began playing an active role in shaping the war information spread by their Illuminati controlled media. (Keep in mind that the directing seats of power for the NWO were primarily in the United States and Great Britain).  Our Illuminati owned media worked to manipulate and control the masses with lies and propaganda which continued toward their successful goal, to bring us World War II. Onward toward their NWO. We still suffer the affects of it today as they presently use the lies created and promoted then, to support and fund their push for WW III and at last their NWO. In recent years the growing sophistication of propaganda techniques has been evident not only in the advertising of products, but in election campaigns, and even the direction of the US foreign policy and of all global affairs.


How does propaganda work?

“As means of communicating have expanded, from printing to the telephone, radio, television and the Internet, the flow of persuasive messages has dramatically accelerated. This communications revolution has led to information overload, as people are inundated by countless messages from every quarter. Many respond to this pressure by absorbing messages more quickly and accepting them without questioning or analyzing them.



The cunning propagandist loves such shortcuts, especially those that short-circuit rational thought. Propaganda encourages this by agitating the emotions, by exploiting insecurities, by capitalizing on the ambiguity of language, and by bending rules of logic. As history bears out, such tactics can prove all too effective.


The handiest trick of the propagandist is the use of outright lies.

Making Generalizations
Another very successful tactic of propaganda is generalization. Generalizations tend to obscure important facts about the real issues in question, and they are frequently used to demean entire groups of people.

Some people insult those who disagree with them by questioning character or motives instead of focusing on the facts. Name-calling slaps a negative, easy-to-remember label onto a person, a group, or an idea. The name-caller hopes that the label will stick. If people reject the person or the idea on the basis of the negative label instead of weighing the evidence for themselves, the name-caller’s strategy has worked.

See this article by “Jolly Roger” : “Conspiracy Theorists” written in January of 2005.

The Institute for Propaganda Analysis notes “bad names have played a tremendously powerful role in the history of the world and in our own individual development. They have ruined reputations,…sent (people) to prison cells, and made men mad enough to enter battle and slaughter their fellowmen.”

Playing on the Emotions
Even though feelings might be irrelevant when it comes to factual claims or the logic of an argument, they play a crucial role in persuasion. Emotional appeals are fabricated by practiced publicists, who play on feelings as skillfully as a virtuoso plays the piano.For example, fear is an emotion that can becloud judgment. And as in the case of envy, fear can be played upon.Hatred is a strong emotion exploited by propagandists. Loaded language is particularly effective in triggering it. There seems to be a nearly endless supply of nasty words that promote and exploit hatred toward particular racial, ethnic, religious (and political ) groups.Some propagandists play on pride. Often we can spot appeals to pride by looking for such key phrases as: “Any intelligent person knows that…” or, “A person with your education can’t help but see that…” A reverse appeal to pride plays on fear of seeming stupid. Professionals in persuasion are well aware of that.Slogans and Symbols
Slogans are vague statements that are typically used to express positions or goals. Because of their vagueness, they are easy to agree with.For example, in times of national crisis or conflict, demagogues may use such slogans as “My country, right or wrong,” or “Freedom or Death.” But do most people carefully analyze the real issues involved in the crisis or conflict? Or do they just accept what they are told?In writing about World War I, Winston Churchill observed: “Only a signal is needed to transform these multitudes of peaceful peasants and workman into the mighty hosts which will tear each other to pieces.” He further observed that when told what to do, most people responded unthinkingly.The propagandist also has a very wide range of symbols and signs with which to convey his message. (Such as a flag, an emblem, a particular image etc.)
 So, the sly art of propaganda can paralyze thought, prevent clear thinking and discernment, and condition individuals to act en masse.”Think. Do your own extensive research.Some excerpts from Awake! June 22, 2000, “Do Not Be A Victim of Propaganda”, and “The Manipulation of Information”.



Carolyn Hamlett and NWO plan

Just interesting story from whistleblower called Carolyn Hamlett and her story about New World Order plan:

A Brief Introduction


My story covers a broad range of information starting with my family’s part in the founding of the United States, as well as their allegiance to a hidden agenda that has been silently supported from generation to generation. The hidden agenda being The Plan for “The One World Order”; aka “The New World Order”.

The time has come in history where many people are becoming aware of this plan for global rule. What most of the “aware” people and even actual servers to The Plan don’t know, is that there is a “Spiritual Hierarchy” that rules over any physical action that takes place on the face of this earth.

This Spiritual Hierarchy is where some members of my bloodline have served. My great grandfather, my mother and then I were chosen to serve in this section of the organization. My mother’s involvement began at age 16 years old when one of “the ascended masters of wisdom” appeared to her. He told her that they, the ascended masters had been watching her for a long time and liked what they saw in the way of her ‘natural’ psychic ability. From that time on she worked directly with them until just before her death in the spring of 1971. As for me, I was raised from infancy directly and indirectly by the ascended masters themselves.

“The Ascended Masters”: Not What They Claim To Be


The “Ascended Masters”are not what they claim to be.
They claim to be highly evolved spiritual beings that have moved beyond the earth’s total cyclic law of karma of birth and rebirth. Some of them claim to have come from stars, some from other planets, and others claim to have come from other realms or planes of existence. Their proposed ‘benevolent’ purpose is to raise the unified consciousness of mankind to a higher spiritual level and to bring about an era of global peace and equality.

Their true identity and purpose is revealed only to top initiates who have risen to the highest level of ‘enlightenment’. Initiates must also have been proven to be loyal and trustworthy to the organization and to the proposed Plan.

It is at this final stage of illumination that one is shown the pure truth, That it is Lucifer who sits on the seat of authority and that the ‘beloved’ ascended masters are masters of deception. They are the enemies of the Righteous Creator of the universe and all that is Pure and Holy.

They are dark stars, fallen angels, all of them. Their “Plan” has never been about raising the spiritual consciousness of mankind. It has always been about power and control.

While they would have you believe that the body is a curse, they crave the pleasures of this physical world and lust after the power it affords them.

The era of global peace and equality that they promise is candy coated poison.

They are the authors of The Plan for the New World Order, a plan that has been in the works for many generations.

The Spiritual Hierarchy: Structure and Purpose

The authors, overseers and the directors of “The Plan” are the referred to as “The Spiritual Hierarchy”. The human leaders of “The Plan” are for the most part people who are not known or recognized by the general public. Most of the leaders in the public eye are puppets and pawns. I belonged to a section of “The Plan” that involved the supernatural and didn’t directly interact with these unknown people. I cannot tell you who they are because I have never met them. My only physical contacts were several mentors, two during my youth and one in my adulthood. My contacts from a very early age and in adulthood worked directly with the “Ascended Masters of Wisdom”. What I know of my section of “The Plan”, I know well, and was able to progress to the top of my specialized area.

The rest of what I have written below may shed some light on the structure and workings of this powerful organization.

I came up with a diagram to help illustrate my information about the leaders of the organization whose plan is to install a global government, which is referred to as the New World Order. I had intended to include this diagram in my post, but will have to add it later. I will try to describe the diagram. The diagram is designed to help one understand how the organization works.

Picture a pyramid divided into levels from the foundation on up to the very top. Each level represents a degree of spiritual enlightenment. One advances to a higher level through an initiation where the initiate is trusted with higher esoteric (hidden, occult) knowledge.

Each section or level is organized in such a manner that it can operate independently of the other levels.

Each section is governed by its own hierarchy. Only the top members of each section know that there are levels higher than the one they are working in.

Now, picture the pyramid with a line through the middle going from top to bottom. The left side is shaded dark. The right side is white. The dark side represents Satanism. It is the “Brotherhood of the Black Lodge” governed by “The Son of Perdition”. The right side is the “Brotherhood of the White Lodge of the Ascended Masters of Wisdom”. Both sides take orders from the same source. Only the people in the highest level of each Lodge are aware that they are of the same organization, governed by the very same head, which is Lucifer.

The organization is made up of millions of people working for the same cause with varying degrees of awareness of that cause. They come from all age groups, all walks of life, all religions, and all nationalities from all governments. They are all physical people who are being used by the powers of darkness. A famous political figure is just a person in a position of power to be used as a means to manipulate or control the masses. Most of today’s government leaders are puppets and pawns. They, like the rest of the servers have varying degrees of awareness of “The Plan”. The true directors of “The Plan” are mostly unknown names to the general public. They work to influence the people who are in positions of power.

If someone in power chooses their own agenda over that of the Plan, they are removed and replaced by one who will serve the higher order or “Will”.

I have two examples of this:

Dag Hammarskjold (1905-1961) September 18, 1961:
Secretary General of the United Nations known for his peace keeping missions in the Congo died when the United Nations DC-6B carrying him crashed in the Rhodesian bush land. My personal testimony is that with my mother’s connections, she knew something was going on before the media reported Hammarskjold’s death. When she questioned the purpose of his death, she was told that, “Mr. Hammarskjold’s usefulness had run out.” Within the group it was known that Dag Hammarskjold, the Secretary General of The United Nations was a valuable political figure who unselfishly served what he knew as a Plan to bring world peace. It is my doubt that he was ever aware of the true identities of those who authored “The Plan” or that their reason for wanting the nations united was not for peace.

President John F. Kennedy:
A former associate of mine, a designer of the guidance missile systems was the military adviser to the President during The Bay of Pigs Invasion and The Cuban Missile Crisis. It is his word that the President rejected the U.S. military directive in favor of his own agenda, which not only cost the United States dearly in the Soviet negotiations, but also put the U.S. in a compromised military disadvantage. I think the truth is that JFK was a threat to the plan for the NWO.

One of the reasons the organization works so well is that they work in compartments where all energies are concentrated on specific jobs. Everyone knows the success of the whole requires the unified efforts of many. All of the workers get a piece of the picture puzzle. Everything is on a need to know basis and when one needs to know something for their particular task, they are given only the minimal knowledge required to complete their assignment. Also, the more one is trusted, the more of the whole picture they are shown. Most of the people who serve on the political scene know only their department and those of that department. The identities of those members are kept within that department. Not even blood relatives know what each other’s rank or mission is unless they happen to be in the same department. Even then, if something doesn’t involve a particular family member, it is kept secret from that family member.

So it was with my mother. She knew of some of our ancestors and family members who lived their lives in allegiance to “The Plan”, but of their specific roles, she knew very little. What I knew of my mother’s involvement was that she was an educator and a recruiter and that she worked directly with the spiritual hierarchy on the political scene. She knew who the key players were in world politics and the world’s religions. She knew who were the dedicated servers were and who the pawns were.

Before my mother died in 1971 at the age of 45, she came to me with a frightened and worried look on her face. She said that she had something she wanted to tell me and that she would be in trouble for telling me. She told me that “The Plan’s” sole purpose for forming the United Nations was to usher in “their” Christ (anointed one) and “their” one world government. I was a bit surprised that she would tell me something that was basic knowledge at that time to servers in our division. She then emphasized the importance of my remembering what she had told me.

For many years I thought that my mother had died believing that that “The Plan” was God’s Plan, the masters were of God and we were the chosen elite Christians who were helping to make the world ready for the rule of God’s Christ (anointed one).

I thought this myself until I was taken to my final initiation in which I was introduced to the highest being of “The Plan”, whom I was told was “the most illumined of all”. Upon this meeting, my Luciferic teachings began and it was revealed to me who the “Masters of Wisdom” really are and the true purpose of “The Plan”.

I was shown that the Satanists were our brothers and more enlightened than the Christian servers who were still under a degree of deception, not being advanced enough to know the truth. It was then up to me to accept the truth and gladly serve “The Higher Will which the masters know and Serve”. I chose to leave instead; something that usually has dire consequences.

At another time I will go into more detail about that very confusing time in my life; of how I was able to come to my decision to leave the organization and how I am now able to write about this more than 20 years after the fact.

It has been through my thinking back on all of this that I have come to believe that my mother did know before her death the same truth that I was shown years later. I think she wanted to tell me who the masters and the leaders of The Plan really were, but couldn’t because she had reason to fear for the lives of her children. It has occurred to me that she gave me the clues when she came to me many years before to tell me something I already knew; the purpose of The United Nations.

The first clue was that she was afraid and worried, not enthusiastic like she ordinarily was when ever she spoke of the masters and “The Plan”.

The second clue was when she put special emphasis on the word, “their”. She spoke of “their” Christ and “their” one world government.

Third, she broke off all communication with her physical contacts at that time.

These things have led me to believe that my mother loved me enough to not endanger my life by telling me the truth at that time and that she was smart enough to leave me the clues I would need long after she was gone.

On this Mother’s Day, May 11, 2008

I graciously thank you, Mom for so many things. As I think about the love you gave us and the sacrifices you made for us, I wonder if there was any selfishness in you.

And Mom?…..thank you for being my mom.

I never told you before you died…..that I Love You.

I Love You Mom.
Forever, I Love You.

