Tag Archives: CIA

Ole Dammegård: Truth Seeker, Conspiracies, Open Mind Awareness, False Flag ops

Hi and sorry that I have not posted anything in a while. I have done this blog for almost 7 years now and I have covered so many topics on the road. In the beginning I was keen on many different topics and mysteries. Lately I have been very critical to what to believe, because we are in the middle of info war at it’s worst. Every organization is pushing their agenda from left and from right. So I am very critical what I post and what not. In my twitter feed it is more about the topics and then when it is important enough I will make a post of it.

Last week and this week I have studied an info provided by very kind and talented guy called Ole Dammegård. His info is very interesting and he provides a lots of facts. He is a true Truthseeker. I just love his way to tell the things so everybody can understand what is going on. His info about so called false flag operations is phenomenal, it’s awesome. For example here you can check out his presentations about assassination of Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, Estonia boat disaster and Massacre in Norway:

Here is his Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/ole.dammegard/

Florida shooting hoax and crisis actor David Hogg

Hi! It is time to wake-up guys. These all school shootings have been so suspicious and the merging of so called crisis actors, that it is just time to wake-up, I have nothing else  to say about this. This last Florida shooting was so obvious scam/hoax to try to take the guns out of US people that it is almost ridiculous.

Here is Laurence Moutford’s post about the situation:

DMRP:Whats that you say?

Its ridiculously obvious?

Well.. Welcome to what we’ve been trying to say for ages.

This is the tip of the iceberg guys.

To admit this was faked is to admit a conspiracy that faked it, and if thats the case? How far does this conspiracy extend? When did it start? What is it in aid of? Are the other similarly faked events? How many? Who is involved? How far are they willing to go to achieve their goals?

I’ll answer that last one. They are willing to go so far as to literally show you crisis actors being terrible and sloppy around an event meant to convince you of a certain concept. But this concept is not that school shootings happen, if That were the goal they Would and Have done it better. No. This event was meticulously planned to convince you of the exact opposite; That stuff is manipulated and faked.

And it has been for god knows how long. The reason they want to convince you that stuff is faked, is because people stuck in the upper echelons of this system DESPERATELY want out. They want out because they are afraid of the real monsters and they know that raising awareness about this is literally their only chance of escaping this ancient evil system.
But they can’t come right out and say it, they have to get us to start asking them questions en masse.

So. My advice to you all. Ask these three questions to every single high or low celebrity you can where it is public;

Do you know about REM Cloning?
Do you know about Vril and their Drones?
Do you know about Donald Marshall.

Ask those three questions in this way, all they will have to say is yes. But they will only answer yes once they know there is no other option, that it is unavoidable. That to say no would be in fact worse for them .

Really Think about it. Would anyone trying to manipulate the public allow such a sloppy and obvious attempt get so much attention? The answer is No, and the truth is we have been ruled by certain groups for a very, very long time and this world we live in now is the natural result of that system going on for centuries.

This system has existed for so long and is so evil people are desperate to escape it, even some of the people that you think are the most powerful and evil, they only act that way because they were born into that world and forced to be otherwise they’d have been killed a long time ago. There would be no way for anyone to come out and say all this is happening, they would be killed. All they can do is hint as loudly as they can that something is up..

And because people refused to notice this because the manipulation over the years worked so well..

They literally had to do something like this, just to make people see whats up.

Why do you think the world is suddenly becoming so insane with control? Its so loud and abrasive which isn’t what you do to actually enact your plan, its what you do if you want it to fail and they Do want it to fail.

I would say about 98% of people in the so called illuminati want out of it, they want actual freedom just like the rest of us. They are so scared.

See what this mass shooting shit is really about. Its not the act of an evil group trying to forward evil plans, its mostly what are ultimately insane victims desperately trying to hint to people louder and louder that something is up and you NEED to notice it or you and me and all our race and our children will be doomed.

We are so close to winning guys. We’ve always been so close to winning since 2013, this is the closest we have ever come, we just need more people and we Will get more people from events like these. The world is being woken up from its deep slumber, its our job to make sure it happens.

Be the one that tells others about Cloning, Vril and Donald.

Soon this world will seem so insane people will be far more willing to listen. And this is only being intensified.

The list of people becoming aware of this grows by the day, I watch it happen.

Don’t give up.
We Will find our future and we will make it good.
Have hope guys, please, just have hope.


Here is awesome summary about this whole scam/hoax:

Wake-up, share and stay safe.

No Longer A Conspiracy Theory: CIA Director Admits Plans Of Aerosol Spraying For Geoengineering

By Matt Agorist

In June 2016, , the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, John O. Brennan addressed instability and transnational threats to global security at a meeting with the Council on Foreign Relations. During his long-winded talk of threats to US interests and how the largely CIA-created ISIL threat is impacting the world, Brennan brought up the topic of geoengineering.

Another example is the array of technologies—often referred to collectively as geoengineering—that potentially could help reverse the warming effects of global climate change. One that has gained my personal attention is stratospheric aerosol injection, or SAI, a method of seeding the stratosphere with particles that can help reflect the sun’s heat, in much the same way that volcanic eruptions do.

Brennan went on to echo the calls from some scientists who have called for aerial spraying.

An SAI program could limit global temperature increases, reducing some risks associated with higher temperatures and providing the world economy additional time to transition from fossil fuels. The process is also relatively inexpensive—the National Research Council estimates that a fully deployed SAI program would cost about $10 billion yearly.

The extent at which Brennan talked about stratospheric aerosol injection shows that he and the CIA have likely been considering this for some time.

As promising as it may be, moving forward on SAI would raise a number of challenges for our government and for the international community. On the technical side, greenhouse gas emission reductions would still have to accompany SAI to address other climate change effects, such as ocean acidification, because SAI alone would not remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

On the geopolitical side, the technology’s potential to alter weather patterns and benefit certain regions at the expense of others could trigger sharp opposition by some nations. Others might seize on SAI’s benefits and back away from their commitment to carbon dioxide reductions. And, as with other breakthrough technologies, global norms and standards are lacking to guide the deployment and implementation of SAI.

“Chemtrails” have long been the talk of conspiracy theories with massive amounts of disinformation being posted all over the internet including fake studies and photos. However, several real studies show that some ‘seeding’ or geoengineering may be taking place.

A study published in the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health is suggesting that geoengineering has already begun, and the substance being used is a toxic by-product of coal burning call coal-fly ash.

“The widespread, intentional and increasingly frequent chemical emplacement in the troposphere has gone unidentified and unremarked in the scientific literature for years. The author presents evidence that toxic coal combustion fly ash is the most likely aerosolized particulate sprayed by tanker-jets for geoengineering, weather-modification and climate-modification purposes and describes some of the multifold consequences on public health.

Also, it has been proposed that unintentional geoengineering may already be taking place as well. As Derrick Broze points out, researchers with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) are suggesting contrails from airplanes may be inadvertently geoengineering the skies.

Chuck Long is a researcher with the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory at the University of Colorado in Boulder. At the recent American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Long and his team released their paper, “Evidence of Clear-Sky Daylight Whitening: Are we already conducting geoengineering?” The analysis found that vapor from airplanes may be altering the climate through accidental geoengineering.

It may be a very long time before we know what, if anything, is actually going on in our skies. However, when the CIA, who is responsible for so much turmoil on a global scale, begins talking about geoengineering, we should listen.

Please share this story with your friends and family who think it’s only conspiracy nuts who talk about spraying things into the sky.

The part of the speech where Brennan talks about geoengineering begins at the 12:05 marker.

The CIA’s Presidents

Some presidents backed up CIA pretty good and some of them tried to tell the Truth and got bullet to the head…

The CIA’s Presidents

Any unmasking of the shadow forces that pull the strings that often determine events requires a time frame context. Historical study can go back to antiquity for classic examples of surreptitious intrigue, but in an age of distorted and diachronic mind control, the creation of the CIA by President Truman was our modern day and literal water shed monument. Coming out of the Office of Strategic Services, the brainchild of Wild Bill Donovan developed into the playpen of Allen Dulles.

The OSS origins on their face are clandestine by nature. Spooks and spies might be a trendy name for a board game, but when the pieces on the squares are pushed in direction of liquidation and oblivion, the uninitiated are truly the uneducated, for not grasping their significance. Being one of those pieces requires the responsibility of every citizen to wake up out of their lethargy.

Research material is so extensive that penning another account on the hidden secrets behind the throne may just confuse the public even more. One needs to take off the blinders and face the consequences of the big picture. Presidents have seldom been autonomous leaders. Those who demonstrated independence, integrity and courage were either marginalized and banished from positions of influence or killed.

The CIA is not just a standalone organization. The “Agency” is more of a euphemism than a society of black bag hit squads. The underlying ethos that underpins the operations and missions of the “Intelligence Community” has a distinct purpose. Never let an administration, much less a President, gain the actual power to rule the country or the global empire.

Until people accept and admit that the “SYSTEM’ is the ultimate crime syndicate, no one can liberate their minds or their circumstances.

Few remember the black and white culture that existed in the United States forty years ago. John Chuckman writes in the Foreign Policy Journal, The CIA and America’s Presidents.

“The 1975 Church Senate Committee looking into earlier illegality came into being because a number of sources were suggesting the CIA had been engaged in assassination and other dark practices, matters which at that time quite upset the general public and some decent politicians.”

Two things are totally different all these years later. Only a grub living under a rock would be shocked by reports that the government continues a policy of “dark practices”. But they would be genuinely surprised if someone could find and prove there is a single descent politician.

Examine the record. George H. W. Bush, was a CIA director, his successor William Jefferson Clinton was a CIA asset during his years avoiding his Rhode Scholar classes, George W. Bush another Skull and Bones diabolist followed in the family’s footsteps and who could forget the current POTUS, Barack Hussein Obama II the son of a CIA recruit and a 3D printed prototype of a mystery man with a false identity. The manufactured indoctrination of these anointed commanders in chief is the true definition of “The Good Shepherd” movie account.

The Great Man theory of history has been relegated to the most efficient synthesis organization that is based upon the official version of elitism “Political Correctness”.

Presidents must surrender their contrary visions, objections and actions against the established order. However, that power embodied by the supra elites, requires a silhouette caricature of subversion as their instrument of coercion, while bearing the focal image of blame.

No balanced observance of sincere national interest would dispute that the function of gathering information and analysis of its significance is out of bounds in a civilized society. The bounds, extent and intrusive methods are fair game for debate; however, the need to know is valid.

Deciding who should have access to that information is a core concern. When Hillary Clinton is allowed to violate even the most rudimentary security practices, one has to wonder why she is so special to get away with her treason.

In the book, Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA by Terry Reed, critic John Cummings looks at the definitive book on the Mena connection that bonds the Clinton’s and the Bush’s with their CIA overseers. A short video that interviews a Former C I A Agent Chip Tatum On George H W Bush Bill Clinton’s Cocaine Smuggling Connect, provides first hand testimony.

The point of going over a decades old record that was a bomb shell at the time, but never gaining the critical political mass support within the government is that nothing has really changed in all these passing years.

Looking at this experience from the vantage of a conspiracy perspective misses the very essence of how power is imposed on the planet. The question is not does the CIA control American Presidents, but the proper perspective is to embrace has the psychopathic globalist implement their sociopathic system of command and control on humanity, using organizations like the CIA to foster the sinister strategy of enslavement that every President promotes.

Taylor Caldwell’s master work in her book, Captains and the Kings, is not just the story of an American Dynasty; it is a template of the way the world actually operates.

The forbidden reality that is suppressed is that any President may order men and women to their deaths for trivial jingoistic reasons, but none of these fearless leaders can tame the hidden cabals that keep the Nefarious Warrior Organism growing and destroying humanity. The NWO is served by intelligence organizations, even when they jockey with their foreign counterparts for a perceived advantage.

The CIA conducts their cloak-and-dagger wars in plain sight. If U.S. Dollars cannot buy loyalty, a hellfire strike from a drone will kill you. Such a foreign interventionism is not a beneficial policy protecting our country.

Managing the poppy field in Afghanistan to keep the opium trade profitable is far more important to the boys from Yale, than defending our own borders from the mujahideen terrorists, who were trained and taught many tricks of the trade under the tutelage of Agency contract mercenaries.

Eating one’s own is not taboo when the political powers on high deem a sacrifice is needed. Former Director David Petraeus is no General George S. Patton, but he was thrown under the bus quicker than in a New York minute.

The irony that the former NY Senator, Hillary Clinton can get another pass to her much more grave violations of security and law, only goes to prove that being the CIA top spy does not provide enough protection, when the ‘Arkancide” mafia family is threatened.

Now you know the substantial value of all those J. Edgar Hoover secret files when it comes down to the blackmail game.

Avid history buffs always ask the question. Who are behind and actually controls the puppets that are selected to win elections? This is no connivance experiment to out the most unlikable villain that a Hollywood CIA script writer can pen. No, the film industry has always been an integral part of a dream machine to spoof the public with subtle reminders of who is really in control.

The flick, ‘Spectre’ Is The Worst 007 Movie In 30 Years, reveals an important lesson.

“Pretty much everything Spectre has to offer amounts to something that a previous Bond movie did better. And that’s the trap of doing a Bond movie in the “generational nostalgia” sandbox. You end up replaying the best parts of other films and reminding audiences that prior 007 adventures did it better. The notion of 007 doing generational nostalgia is interesting and timely, but the end result is merely an example of it rather than a dissection or deconstruction.”

The message about replaying the best parts from other operations should not go unnoticed. How else can an immortal demonic enterprise continue their dissection and deconstruction of civilization?

There is no hero coming, who will mix shaken elixirs that will stir the public to go cold turkey and jump on the wagon of political sobriety. The CIA is meant to distract the television addicts to become and remain junkies of false reality propaganda. The “so called” threats of the last sixty plus years were necessary to divert the public away from the consolidation of power under NWO governance that is totally visible for everyone to see.

Another Bay of Pigs looms. This time it will be nuclear, and there in no JFK in the oval office. Nor will it take place in Cuba. Obama awaits the development of condos on the shores of Guantanamo Bay. CIA agents reserved their slot and are on the waiting list.

The synergistic and comingling of mutual interests drives the interdependency among different factions within the family structure of government mob enterprise. Ideological deviations are mostly for populace amusement.

When the professional assassin bureau engages in plausible deniability, they are really contracting out the assignment to an expendable fall guy. Can anyone shout out Oswald?

The figure head position of the most powerful person in the free world is less mighty than the corpse of E. Howard Hunt. Those magic bullets always hit the wrong victims.

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Cell Phone Stingrays

Have you ever heard of these jamming and spying devices? It’s time to wake-up to cell phone conspiracy:

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Cell Phone Stingrays

The release of a secret U.S. government catalog of cell phone surveillance devices has revealed the names and abilities of dozens of surveillance tools previously unknown to the public. The catalog shines a light on well-known devices like the Stingray and DRT box, as well as new names like Cellbrite, Yellowstone, Blackfin, Maximus, Stargrazer, and Cyberhawk.

The Intercept reports:

“Within the catalogue, the NSA is listed as the vendor of one device, while another was developed for use by the CIA, and another was developed for a special forces requirement. Nearly a third of the entries focus on equipment that seems to have never been described in public before.”

Anti Media has reported extensively on the Stingray, the brand name of a popular cell-site simulator manufactured by the Harris Corporation. The Electronic Frontier Foundation describes Stingrays as “a brand name of an IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity) Catcher targeted and sold to law enforcement. A Stingray works by masquerading as a cell phone tower – to which your mobile phone sends signals to every 7 to 15 seconds whether you are on a call or not – and tricks your phone into connecting to it.”

As a result, whoever is in possession of the Stingray can figure out who, when, and to where you are calling, the precise location of every device within the range, and with some devices, even capture the content of your conversations.

Both the Harris Corp. and the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) require police to sign non-disclosure agreements (NDA) related to the use of the devices. Through these NDAs local police departments have become subordinate to Harris, and even in court cases in front of a judge, are not allowed to speak on the details of their arrangements. Due to this secrecy, very little has been known about how exactly the Stingrays work.

The bit of publicly available information was disclosed through open records requests and lawsuits filed by journalists and researchers. This new catalog provides even more detail about how the devices operate.

We already knew that Stingrays drain the battery of a targeted device, as well as raise signal strength. We also knew that as long as your phone is on, it could be targeted. Some newer details include the fact that the Stingray I and II will not work if the user is “engaged in a call.” Also, the device can gather data from phones within a 200 meter radius. And the next generation Hailstorm device is even capable of cracking encryption on the newer 4G LTE networks.

A number of the devices in the catalog are Digital Receiver Technology (DRT) boxes, also known as dirt boxes, which can be installed in planes for aerial surveillance. DRT was recently purchased by Boeing. We first learned of dirt boxes in late 2014, when the Wall Street Journal revealed a cell phone monitoring program operated by the U.S. Marshals Service, using Cessna planes mounted with Stingrays. AntiMedia has also reported on surveillance planes equipped with thermal imaging technology.

Other devices include:

Cellbrite: “a portable, handheld, field proven forensic system for the quick extraction and analysis of 95% cell phones, smart phones and PDA devices,”capable of extracting “information such as phone book, pictures, video, text messages, and call logs.”

Kingfish: a Stingray-like device that is “portable enough to be carried around in a backpack.”

Stargrazer: “an Army system developed to deny, degrade and/or disrupt a targeted adversary’s command and control (C2) system,” which “can jam a handset and capture its metadata at the same time it pinpoints your target’s location. But watch out — the Stargazer may jam all the other phones in the area too — including your own.”

Cyberhawk: which is capable of gathering “phonebook, names, SMS, media files, text, deleted SMS, calendar items and notes” from 79 cell phones.

Jennifer Lynch, a senior staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, told the Intercept that the use of these tools is part of the militarization of the police in the U.S.: “We’ve seen a trend in the years since 9/11 to bring sophisticated surveillance technologies that were originally designed for military use — like Stingrays or drones or biometrics — back home to the United States.”

The Office of the Director of National Intelligence, the FBI, NSA, and U.S. military declined to leave a comment with the Intercept regarding the catalog. Marc Raimondi, a Justice Department spokesperson, told theIntercept that the Department “uses technology in a manner that is consistent with the requirements and protections of the Constitution, including the Fourth Amendment, and applicable statutory authorities.”

The Intercept notes that Raimondi worked for Harris Corp. for six years prior to working for the DOJ.

Secrecy surrounding the use of these devices has been a contentious topic of debate for several years. Truth In Media recently reported that four members of the House Oversight Committee sent letters to 24 federal agencies including the Department of State and the Securities and Exchange Commission, demanding answers regarding policies for using the controversial surveillance technology.

House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaf­fetz, ranking member Elijah Cummings, and Reps. Will Hurd (R-Texas) and Robin Kelly (D-Ill.), as members of the committee’s IT subcommittee, issued requests for information related to the potential use of stingrays.

Chaf­fetz also recently introduced the Stingray Privacy Act, which would expand newly established warrant requirements for the Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security to all federal, state, and local agencies that use the cell-site simulators.

In September, the DHS joined the DOJ by announcing warrant requirements for the use of Stingray equipment, but those rule changes have come under fire for possible loopholes which may allow the continued use of surveillance equipment without a warrant.

“Because cell-site simulators can collect so much information from innocent people, a simple warrant for their use is not enough,” Jennifer Lynch told theIntercept. “Police officers should be required to limit their use of the device to a short and defined period of time. Officers also need to be clear in the probable cause affidavit supporting the warrant about the device’s capabilities.”

At this point, it’s painfully obvious that America is the home of the Police-Surveillance State. Awakened hearts and minds everywhere should continue to educate themselves and their communities about the dangers of these tools. We should also support initiatives to create technology that can defend against the prying eyes and ears of Big Brother. Privacy is a dying notion in a nation of fools determined to be safe rather than liberated.


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