Tag Archives: DOR Poisoning

The Symptoms of DOR Poisoning

Something about DOR and so called “smog” clouds:


By Dr. Wilhelm Reich
Posted March 15, 2006


Wilhelm Reich- CORE (Cosmic Orgone Engineering), OROP Desert
Part 1: Space Ships, DOR & Drought


“The reader of Oranur may remember that M? had struck for the first time forcefully at the end of March 1952, when no Oranur experimentation was going on at Orgonon [Reich’s laboratory and research estate located in Rangely, Maine]. But already in January 1951, at the very start of Oranur, a major problem was the falling ill of most workers at Orgonon.

As the months and years passed by, many millions of people all through the USA and the world fell ill from DOR sickness. The basic and typical symptoms of DOR sickness, commonly referred to as “Virus X” or “Intestinal Flu”, will be enumerated later. DOR sickness has nothing to do with any virus. It is a clear-cut, well circumscribed disease due to pre-atomic “DOR clouds”. These black clouds were passing at irregular intervals over various parts of the world, for various lengths of time, from a few minutes to several days. What is being called “smog” over big cities is a mixture of fog, soot, etc. This fog becomes stagnant and does not dissolve when DOR clouds are present in the atmosphere. It appears not only over big cities, but also in the open countryside which is free of any industrial smoke. So-called “smog” has, therefore, little to do with smoke; however, industrial regions full of soot may well enhance the hovering of DOR clouds over big cities. This makes the situation worse than it would be without the presence of smoke particles in the air. The Orgone Institute organized and received reports from many parts of the USA about DOR sickness, the bulk of the reports coming from New York.

Typical symptoms of DOR sickness are:

General fatigue and emotional distress; in some cases the fatigue is interrupted or even replaced by emotional outbursts of hatred. Nausea frequently follows in the wake of prolonged fatigue. Pressure in head, chest, arms and legs are common. Respiration is difficult, and sensations of lack of oxygen frequently accompany the distress. Thirst, hunger for much water, is grave under conditions which promote a DOR atmosphere, such as presence of fluorescent lights, neon signs in a restaurant, clocks and watches with luminous dials, x-ray machines in a hospital filled with filing cabinets which act as accumulators of atmospheric energy.

Hot flashes alternate with a blackness of appearance. Faces appear bluish to purple. People seem to be choking, as it were. They complain about “something wrong in the air”, or “something queer going on”.

Heart failures with subsequent death are frequent, especially when prolonged fog or drizzling rain with low-lying clouds prevent the supply of fresh oxygen and OR energy from the atmosphere.

Diarrhea is one of the most distressing symptoms in prolonged DOR emergency. The stools become black, due to Melanor which is being eliminated through the intestinal tract. They also become. In advanced cases, soft to watery and contain much mucus. Symptoms of dysentery may develop further, up to amoebae in the stools. This has nothing whatever to do with “infection”. The protozoa develop from low-charged epithelia (see the Cancer Biopathy, 1948).

When the atmosphere clears again, either spontaneously or by means of DOR removal, the symptoms likewise abate, but they never fully disappear as long as there are DOR clouds passing over the region or, as in big cities, are hovering over buildings for weeks on end. The discoloration of the atmosphere may go as far as a dirty brown in the smog or fog.

The stools of DOR-sick people may at times become white or gray from lack of bile. But the blackish soft and watery stool is the more typical symptom.

Nausea may develop into frequent vomiting.

Tachycardia is not an infrequent symptom in some cases.

Typical is also a shivering or fibrillar quivering of muscle groups in various parts of the body. Such fibrillations may harass the heart.

Typical of DOR sickness is an emotional dullness, a letdown in stamina which at times takes the form of stupor in some cases. It goes hand-in-hand with a dull gaze in the eyes, with an expression of despair of the face, not necessarily known to the victim of the disease. At times, a metal ceiling in a room full of people may induce a complete standstill of emotional functioning.

During 1952 and 1953, there were more prison riots in the USA than ever before in a similar stretch of time. This is now understandable as a revolt of organisms against the torture of living in metal cages with DOR clouds present.

In addition to these typical symptoms, persons may develop various atypical symptoms from their individual constitution in response to DOR. Those suffering from a slight liver disturbance may develop severe hepatic syndromes.

Loss of body heat down to a temperature of 96? F or less has been observed in several cases.

Swelling of glands (parotis, submaxillaris), edema of tongue, uvula, glottis, were frequent occurrences.

Total flacid paralysis of legs was seen several times in one case.

Sever thirst, due to dehydration of blood and tissues, and oxygen hunger, due to reduction of oxygen in the air through DOR, are the most distressing syndromes.

It was found that the following remedies at least alleviate the distress.

Frequent warm, soaking baths eliminate Melanor from the skin.

Continuous ventilation of living and sleeping quarters.

Drinking water or tea in abundance.

Orgastic discharge of bio-energy is essential.

DOR removal over the effected region with the cloudbuster at irregular intervals, according to the DOR situation, helps to keep DOR clouds moving on, and reduces at least the distress otherwise caused by accumulated and stagnant staleness of the atmosphere.”

