Tag Archives: Droning

Donald Marshall: WHAT IS DRONING?

Some more information to Donald Marshall story:

Taken from vrillizards.webs.com/droning


Droning occurs when a Vril injects its quill/proboscis into the human eye where the lizard parasite takes over the human host brain. It is terribly painful for the human being until the human consciousness dies and the vril parasite consciousness is in full control. All (or most) memory and ability of former human is retained & the lizard consciousness now mimicks the former human’s behaviors. The former human is now a drone. These are the ‘people’ that are used by vril to infiltrate governments, religious, legal & financial systems, organizations and/or corporations. It is not uncommon for male or female drones to lose their hair at a younger age. Intelligence seems a little decreased-with a minimal capacity-if any, to understand sarcasm and/or dry humour. Offspring have increased risk of various birth abnormalities. Drones often seem incapable of empathy/sympathy and can quite often display psychotic behaviours. Drones enjoy perversion, sexual deviance and self gratification. The drone will seem to be an ill human until fully recovered from the parasitical infection which takes varying degrees of time, but is usually minimal. The eye that was droned with the proboscis will be affected and sometimes never fully recovers, leaving the affected eye to seem different from the other. Most drones appear completely normal and walk among us undetected.


The Vril proboscis connects with human eye and releases a foamy substance where the parasite injects itself into the human brain. The unfortunate human suffers temporary agony. Once the parasite is effectively in the brain, the human ceases to exist and the Vril is in full control of it’s host body.The age-old ‘eye of Horus’ symbol represents the age-old
~ Drones do NOT have lizard eyes. There are no major or obvious physical changes to the human body. The only change is that the human consciousness has ceased to exist and the Vril consciousness is now in control of the body.

~ Drones are NOT shapeshifters. Once the lizard takes over the human, there is no transferring in and out of the body as it is a permanent one time transfer until the lizard consciousness perishes. Shapeshifting is thought to be a metaphoric description of droning as it was difficult for people and/or their cultures to communicate the existance of Vril, much less the droning procedure in a way that would not bring them harm for attempting to expose the ancient secret or to preserve any information whatsoever.

~ Excessive or increased blinking and/or lip licking MAY POSSIBLY be lizard traits that transfer with the consciousness.
~ Drone offspring have increased chance of various syndromes and/or birth abrnomalities.
~ Drones are NOT nice people. They are a lizard consciouness who killled a human being via a parasite to assist the Vril agenda.
~ Most drones are ruthless, psychopatic, sexually driven and sadistic.
~ It is reported that the genitalia has an effect on male genitalia leading to the appearance of an underdeveloped penis.
~ Hair loss is reported to be a common trait among male and female drones. More skin anomalies appear such as moles, skin tags, age spots, etc.

After Reading Donald Marshall’s story where he claims to be a clone victim subject to tortuous acts by Queen Elizabeth & her gross elite friends, there was one part to his claims that I could NOT allow myself to believe….the parasitic ancient lizards called Vril. My conscious brain would not allow me to believe this part of Donald’s claims yet something was subconsciously driving me to look into it. Finally I decided to allow my ego to risk the potentials of embracing this ‘ludicracy.’

I communicated with Donald via skype several times and found that not only was he very REAL, he is very mentally stable as well. He’s humorous, kind & intelligent. He truly is an amazing, strong, courageous & moral human being. After getting good vibes from Donald, I kept up some really intense research and I believe I can offer merit to Donald’s claims about Vril Lizards. Please open that mind of yours to very real scientific possibilities that may just explain a few things.

I aim to link science to Vril lizard possibilities as I believe this is the one area that people are unable to wrap their minds around, as was I.

Humans, animals, insects & REPTILES can all become infected with a parasite. This is not a new concept and is widely known. Parasites ‘take over’ the thought process of the host (body) that it invades. An infected ant will be ‘driven’ to climb up on a blade of grass to purposely become eaten by grazing animals so that it can enter the stomach of sheep, cow, etc. and complete its life cycle. Sometimes the parasite can be transferred to a human that eats the newly infected animal, such as a pig. Pigs are very nasty creatures biologically and the bible FORBIDS any consumption of this meat or meat of any other ‘split hoofed’ animal. Sometimes humans can contract a parasite from an infected cat as well (Toxoplasma gondii). No matter how it gets contracted, once it enters the body it can in fact invade the brain. Parasites mimic their host yet the thought processes and further behaviors of infected persons alter significantly.

In the case of ‘Toxoplasma Gondii’ found in the stomachs of cats, the cats excrete the eggs and the eggs are eaten by smaller animals such as rats. The rats ingest the parasite and are ‘taken over’ to the point of losing their fear of cats and exposing themselves directly to a cat so that it can be ingested by and further infect that cat. Parasites instinctual nature is to ‘take over’ as much and as often as possible. There are various ways the parasites transfer from animals/bugs/reptiles to humans and once inside the human host, the natural process is to ‘take over’ the human thought process and control it. This is scientifically proven! Since humans are superior and there is nothing left to ‘take over’, the parasite is content to live in the human and the human becomes diseased. The parasite must feed and if it has infected the brain, then it begins to feed of the brain itself where the host begins to lose feelings like empathy & sympathy, they become sinister and self-driven. They eventually care for nothing but themselves and their self-preservation. They will hurt/destroy almost anyone/anything to get what they want/need. They become the most ruthless people on the planet.

See where this is going? Our world leaders fit this ‘psychopath’ description to a tee. Do you think all of our corrupt leaders, corporations, scientists, teachers, doctors, military, clergy, lawyers/judges, child welfare workers, police, etc. got infected by a cat scratch or could there be a different way they became infected? Since parasites are very common in lizards, I wonder if you could believe for even a fraction of a second that there may be truth to the fact that the illuminati’s best kept secret is Vril lizards. Could Vril lizards possibly transfer a parasite & ‘take over’ the elite characters on our planet and drive them to be the ‘evil’ that we just cannot understand in today’s world? I think so. If you’re not so sure, please keep reading.

When an uninfected rat senses a ‘predator’ cat nearby it becomes very frightened and aims to avoid the cat at all costs, as us ‘normal’ humans do when we sense an ‘evil’, ‘bad’, or ‘corrupt’ person. Yet when an infected rat senses the ‘predator’ cat it will present itself to the cat. This makes so much sense as far as I’m concerned. ‘WE’, the uninfected ‘rats’ naturally sense this same ‘fear’ when we are exposed to the ‘predator’ cat and we ‘run away’ from it, yet the infected ‘rats’ (psychopaths) among us do not fear the ‘predator’ qualities of the cat and instead desire & seek to become the same powerful ‘predator’. These people do not fear the bigger cats who could potentially ‘eat them’ and ‘desire’ to be as ‘powerful’ thereby giving up everything they are to become such. They don’t care about their former self…they now thrive for the power. Parasites and psychopaths often crave ‘evolving power’.



There’s tons more info out there folks….it’s time to wake up; a lot has happened while the world slumbered!

There are scores of interwoven conspiracy theories out there. This article is based on my opinions and/or observations. Please use your common sense when researching and stick to things that are scientifically suggestive. I do not claim in any way, shape or form claim to know everything on these matters, in fact, I’m just learning as I go & finally able to connect some dots. I sincerely hope you will too.

The author offers opinion through informed research. The author exercises freedom of speech with no intention towards: treason, sedition, blasphemous and defamatory libel, disruption of religious worship, hate propaganda, spreading false news, public mischief, obscenity, indecency and other forms. Content of expression is TRUE. The manner of expression is PEACEFUL. The intentions of the speaker are GENUINE AND NON-VIOLENT. The circumstances are a HUMAN RIGHTS ISSUE requiring information sharing.
