Tag Archives: Near-Death Experience

Kevin Williams Q&A about Near-Death Experience

This phenomenon has attracted me foe a while now, because it proves, that something happens when we die and we are not just skin and bones:

By Kevin Williams

The following questions were emailed to me by Suprina Walvekar, a college student who is interested in the near-death experience and who wrote a term paper on the subject. Her questions were very good so I spent a considerable amount of time answering them. What started out to be a simple reply to an email message, turned out to be a good interview of my own opinions concerning NDEs. So I decided to post them for anyone wanting to know my personal opinions about the NDE. Feel free to use this information in any way you wish. My responses will be updated from time to time as my opinion on this subject evolves. These answers are only my own 2 cents worth. Although I live, eat, breathe, and sleep NDEs, I don’t claim to be a NDE expert on the subject. There are many experts in this field who are far more qualified than I am. I have never had a NDE – at least not in this lifetime. We have all died and been reborn numerous times throughout history. This is perhaps one reason why NDE research is so popular – it reminds us of the afterlife knowledge we already know at a deeper and higher conscious level. And although I am no NDE expert, I am a NDE fanatic whose computer skills and manic depressive permanent disability allows me to express my NDE mania twenty four hours a day and seven days a week if I desire. This obsession I have for NDE research has helped me keep my sanity while incorporating this higher knowledge into my life. A person doesn’t need to have a NDE to have the life-changing effects that comes by actually having one. NDE research has certainly brought together my scientific, religious, and metaphysical knowledge and made them compatible. It is my desire that others can find the satisfaction I have had from studying NDEs and NDE research. With this in mind, here is the interview questions and answers I shared with Suprina Walvekar.

Suprina Walvekar:  What are you hoping to learn from researching NDEs?

Kevin Williams:  Foremost, I would like to find hard scientific proof of life after death. Specifically, I hope to learn for certain that consciousness survives well after bodily death. There is a mountain of circumstantial evidence that this is the case, but very little scientific evidence. But, it may be asking too much to obtain scientific evidence of life after death. Existence of the consciousness after death may not be scientifically quantifiable. I also would like to go beyond proof of life after death and discover exactly what life after death like? Is there some kind of divine plan for us? What does it mean to experience God? These are some of the questions I want to learn from near-death research.

Suprina Walvekar:  What kinds of NDE reports intrigue you the most?

Kevin Williams:  The experiences that interest me the most are those where people witness events while out of their bodies and are later verified to have occurred. I already have a few such experiences documented on my website. While experiences have been documented, they still only provide circumstantial evidence and not hard scientific evidence. The experiences of people born blind interest me tremendously. Studies suggest that people born blind do have vision while out of their bodies. For them, it is the first time in their lives they have vision. Experiences revealing the reality of reincarnation fascinate me. Experiences that bring back information about the future are extremely interesting to me. Finally, I am also interested in experiences that do not fit the typical profile. Such experiences suggest that the spirit realms are dynamic and not static.

Suprina Walvekar:  What do you think is the most important information you learned from researching NDEs?

Kevin Williams:  By far, the most important fact I have found from these experiences is how critically important love is. The NDE appears to be an encounter with the Source of all the love in the universe. It is as Dannion Brinkley was told, “Love is the difference that God makes.” Many experiencers have learned that love, the spirit of unlimited and unconditional compassion, is God. They suggest that this love is the highest form of religion there is. They also suggest that the way to these higher spiritual conditions of afterlife bliss is through practicing unconditional love here on Earth. Those who do not practice love in the physical will have difficulty experiencing it in the spiritual. This is because the spiritual realms are experienced within us. Another important fact I have learned from NDEs the idea that we are currently dwelling in the afterlife right now. The physical universe is only one of many realms in the afterlife. Some experiences, such as that of Edgar Cayce, suggest that our physical universe is a realm that is roughly half-way between the lowest afterlife realm and the highest. In a real sense, we may actually be half-way to heaven. We are working our way upward like a grade school student working toward high school and graduation. This is what I have learned from these types of experiences.

Suprina Walvekar:  How would you describe a typical NDE?

Kevin Williams:  A typical NDE would have some of the common aspects found in many other NDEs. It begins when people leave their physical body. Sometimes they see their bodies trying to be resuscitated or hear someone declare them dead. They may hear the thoughts and experiencing the feelings of the living people around their physical body. They may be sucked into a vortex or tunnel that appears to connect the physical realm to another realm. They may come into contact with a being made out of extraordinary light emanating tremendous love. This being knows everything about them yet holds no judgment at all. They may be reunited with loved ones and friends who have already died. They may then have their entire life instantaneously replayed – every thought, feeling, and act. Then, they may find themselves before some kind of barrier that is a point of no return. They may then be told their mission is not complete or their time to die has not yet come or some variation of this. Eventually, they will find themselves back in their body. After having a NDE, the person may discover that he/she is not the same anymore. There are some reported common after-effects that many people have after having a NDE. They may also be in need of information or even support. The internet also provides a wealth of information on this subject.

Suprina Walvekar:  What aspect of a NDE catches your attention the most?

Kevin Williams:  The life review is said to be one of the most amazing and enlightening aspect of the NDE. This is because your life is revealed in a reality that leaves no question about yourself. During a life review, every question you may possibly have is ultimately answered. You don’t merely witness your life flash before your eyes, you actually relive your entire life on Earth instantaneously – every thought, emotion and deed. And it is not only your thoughts, emotions, and deeds you experience. You experience every thought, feeling and deed of everyone you have ever come in contact with – even brief encounters with strangers. Some have described it as instantaneously becoming everyone in your life. You see your life from every possible perspective and angle: your own perspective, other people’s perspective and God’s perspective. Every possible thing you want to know about your life is there for you to review and study from a dimension where time doesn’t exist. The life review is for educational purposes – not for judgmental purposes. Some people, namely very strict religious people, may feel the life review is some form of judgment; but these people usually realize at the end of it that it is only self-judgment. Sometimes the life review is not limited to just one life, but many lifetimes. One experiencer, Dr. George Rodonaia, reported instantaneously living in the minds of everyone throughout history who ever lived. He was able to live in the mind of Jesus and his disciples.

I enjoy the tremendous emotions of love and happiness that people feel during these experiences. Although these experiences have similarities to each other, each one is unique because each person has a unique perspective and perception. But, love is the universal factor.

These experiences can be highly emotional. These emotions can run the full range of expression throughout these experiences. It can begin with the initial fear of dying. Then it can transform into curiosity when the person leaves their body. Then they might experience a profound peace they cannot express. When the light appears, the emotions change to that of experiencing a homecoming of love that one believes they have never before known. Then complete satisfaction, understanding and awe can come as a result of the life review. The ecstasy of being one with all things and God can be incredible. But then disappointment comes from discovering you must leave and return to your body. Then the pain returns once you are in your body again. The frustration about the inability to tell others about it can arise. Also, a tremendous depression can come – along with a profound homesickness for heaven. It appears that every possible human emotion – in its rawest and magnified form – can be found in these experiences. These are very powerful emotional experiences that forever changes people. No other experience even comes close.

Suprina Walvekar:  Did the NDE reports you have read and researched take away your fear of death?

Kevin Williams:  Very much so. It is very difficult to read these kinds of experiences and not have them take away your fear of death. These experiences show that death is actually an illusion and that we are already living in the afterlife right now. Death is just a brief transition from one dimension to another. In fact, reading these accounts has only made me eager to return home.

These experiences are contagious. The deeply profound, enormous unconditional love described by them, can overwhelm those who read about them. They speak to my heart in ways that I feel I have already known, but just forgotten.

The complete lack of the fear of death which experiencers have as a result of their NDE is a strong testimony that there is nothing to fear about death. Madame Marie Curie once said, “Nothing in life is to be feared, only understood.” Once we understand the nature of death by reading about these experiences, there is nothing to fear about them. Of course, everyone fears the pain that can occur during the dying process. But once this door has been crossed, and if you are generally a good person, there is nothing to fear about death. As one little girl stated after her NDE: “Life is the hard part. The light is for later.” For those who practice hatred, murder, and harm to others, however, it is the afterlife that may be the hard part and may be feared.

Suprina Walvekar:  Did you look at life differently after you first read some of these NDE reports?

Kevin Williams:  Very much so. Before I knew about NDEs, I was a fundamentalist Christian who was absolutely certain that when I die, I would be carried to the highest heaven to be forever before the very throne of God. But, after reading several NDEs, such as that of Dr. George Ritchie, I realized that merely believing in Jesus is not enough to attain heaven. I learned that one must become as Christ himself practicing unconditional love for others to reach this level of bliss. It means we get to heaven by emulating the love of Jesus rather than by worshipping him. Reading NDEs cracked my rigid religious mindset and made my religious beliefs to be completely ridiculous at best.

From reading NDEs, I discovered a spirituality and understanding I could never get through religion alone. The great thing about these experiences is that you don’t need to have one to benefit from them. All that is necessary is to read what others have experienced and put what they have learned into practice. Reading what they have learned will give you a larger understanding, the big picture, of reality. This includes the nature of God, life, love, and the afterlife. No other way, short of having an experience yourself, can give you this understanding.

Suprina Walvekar:  If you could tell us one important lesson in life, according to your NDE research, what would it be?

Kevin Williams:  Without a doubt, the most important lesson NDEs teach us is the supreme importance of unconditional love. Love is where we all came from and love is where we will all eventually return. Love is what life is really all about. Learning and growing in unconditional love is why we are all here on this blue marble called Earth. Life itself is God. Love itself is God. Everyone and everything is a part of God. All things are held together by the power of love. Love is the way to eternal bliss and the way to overcome the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. There is no greater force in the universe than unconditional love because it is universal and divine. The more love we cultivate within ourselves and the more love we give to others and the more we evolve towards embodying unconditional love, then the closer we come to our goal – liberation from death. True love can never die. Love and knowledge are the only things we can really take with us when we die. Death doesn’t change much of anything. I like how one particular experiencer, Chuck Griswold, put it. He said death is merely a body problem. This is so true. We are also continually born into this world and subjected to death until we have evolved and embodied unconditional love as Buddha and Jesus did. We don’t go to heaven. We grow to heaven to become permanent citizens of heaven. The kingdom of heaven is within us. When it becomes fully manifested within ourselves and the world through unconditional love, then we are no longer the prodigal children away from God. To manifest our higher spirit of love within us into conscious reality is the way we return to our origins – to the Source of All Things. Then wherever we find ourselves, heaven will always be manifested within us and we will always be in heaven – never to die again. This is the evolutionary goal of humanity.

Suprina Walvekar:  What do you believe is the ultimate meaning behind NDEs if you could tell us in one or two sentences?

Kevin Williams:  Everything is a part of God because God is life, light, and love. Practicing unconditional love is the evolutionary key for humanity to obtain eternal life (no more death) and death is just a threshold that we briefly cross over to another way of life.

“Love is the answer. Any questions?” – Kevin Williams


War and the Near-Death Experience

By Kevin WilliamsWar exists everywhere in nature. The world is a literal combat zone where survival of the fittest is law. Viruses invade our bodies and antibodies kill them. We are constantly at war against insects that destroy our crops and invade our homes. Because we, as humans, are at the top of the food chain, we slaughter all kinds of plants and animals for food and clothes. Law enforcement is fighting a war against crime and drugs. The federal government declared war on poverty and illiteracy. At times, our country declares war against other countries which threaten our national interests. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and other natural catastrophes unmercifully kills multitudes of people and destroys billions of dollars worth of property. Some day in the future, the world will in danger of being destroyed by a killer asteroid or comet. Ultimately, the whole universe might end the same way it began – with a violent explosion of unimaginable destruction. 
Table of Contents
1. Introduction 11. The Meek Will Inherit the Earth?
2. God’s Big Bomb 12. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
3. The War for the Survival of the Fittest 13. The Perfect Love of Adolf Hitler
4. Natural Born Killers 14. The Perfect Teacher Adolf Hitler
5. The Planet of the Apes 15. The Perfect Lessons From Adolf Hitler
6. Holy War? Smart Bombs? Friendly Fire? Military Intelligence? 16. Apocalypse Now
7. The War Against Death 17. The Enemy Within
8. Learning From War 18. War Is Hell
9. The Armies of Heaven 19. Farewell To Arms
10. No Pain. No Gain.
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1. Introduction
In New York City, terrorists flew airplanes into the Twin Towers and killed thousands of innocent people in the name of religion. What should our response be to this? Should we love the terrorists and pray for them in the hope that more of them don’t do it again? Or should we kill them all to prevent them from ever killing our children? In the light of the NDE and unconditional love, should we kill our enemies or should we love them? This is not an easy question for us to answer. Fortunately, we can find some answers by analyzing history, nature, and science in light of the NDE.
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2. God’s Big Bomb
An incredibly violent act by God resulted in the creation of the universe and all the acts of violence that followed. An infinitely massive explosion unleashed by God led to unimaginable chaos, destruction and fireballs of incredible proportions. After eons of time, the chaos began to subside and harmony began – the heavenly bodies were born.
Multi-colored icon.   “I saw that the Big Bang is only one of an infinite number of Big Bangs creating Universes endlessly and simultaneously. The only images that even come close in human terms would be those created by supercomputers using fractal geometry equations.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)
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3. The War for the Survival of the Fittest
From the very beginning, the survival of the fittest became the struggle for life through domination, submission, killing, and being killed. The evolution of all living things came about through war and aggression. The fight or flight mechanism within animals and humans is a critical component of evolution. Animals and humans kill plants and animals for survival. This is not a moral decision, but a matter of life and death.
Multi-colored icon.   A way became available for souls to enter the Earth and experience it as part of their evolutionary / reincarnation cycle. Of the physical forms already existing on Earth, a species of anthropoid ape most nearly approached the necessary pattern. Souls descended on these apes – hovering above and about them rather than inhabiting them – and influenced them to move toward a different goal from the simple one they had been pursuing. They came down out of the trees, built fires, made tools, lived in communities, and began to communicate with each other. Eventually they lost their animal look, shed bodily hair, and took on refinements of manner and habit. The evolution of the human body occurred partly through the soul’s influence on the endocrine glands until the ape-man was a three-dimensional objectification of the soul that hovered above it. Then the soul fully descended into the body and Earth had a new inhabitant: the homo sapien. (Edgar Cayce)
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4. Natural Born Killers
Evolution and reincarnation put humans at the top of the food chain of command. Humans succeeded in conquering the animal kingdom and ruling the planet through violence and killing. Science is beginning to understand how humans are genetically natural born killers. Medical researchers have discovered that people born with dysfunctional frontal cortexes of the brain are highly prone to be serial killers. In our courts of law, criminal defense attorneys have used the criminal defense of “my brain made me kill.” FBI profilers know young, white men are more prone to be serial killers. The Greek philosopher Plato, in his acount of the near-death experience of a soldier named Er, wrote how Er observed the reincarnation process where souls must decide their destiny or “fate” before incarnating:
Multi-colored icon.   “One of these fates casts before the crowd to be reincarnated a number of earthly destinies from which they may choose to be, for example, a tyrant, an animal, an artist, or, as Odysseus carefully chose, an ordinary citizen who minds his own business.” (Plato)
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5. The Planet of the Apes
The history of humanity is the history of warfare. Modern civilization is the product of a tremendous number of devastating wars and man’s inhumanity to man. History teaches us how humanity learns little from history. However, some people are learning from history by traveling back into time during their NDEs to experience the entire history of the world. Perhaps the reason near-death experiencers journey through history is to teach us the lessons of history.
Multi-colored icon.   “I went back and lived in the minds of Jesus and his disciples. I heard their conversations, experienced eating, passing wine, smells, tastes – yet I had no body. I was pure consciousness. If I didn’t understand what was happening, an explanation would come. But no teacher spoke. I explored the Roman Empire, Babylon, the times of Noah and Abraham. Any era you can name, I went there.” (Rev. George Rodonaia)
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6. Holy War? Smart Bombs? Friendly Fire? Military Intelligence?
In modern times, humans became capable of completely destroying the world and everyone in it with weapons of mass destruction. Experiencers reveal that war not only exists in the physical realm, but in the spirit realm as well. The inner nature of man that is responsible for committing atrocities against others becomes manifested in spirit realms.
Multi-colored icon.   “I had always thought of hell, when I thought of it at all, as a fiery place somewhere beneath the Earth where evil people like Hitler would burn forever. But what if one level of hell existed right here on the surface – unseen and unsuspected by the living people occupying the same space.” (Dr. George Ritchie)
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7. The War Against Death
Today, doctors are beginning to win the war against death. Modern medical technology can now be used by doctors to literally bring people back from death.
Multi-colored icon.   During her NDE, Laura experienced a heated battle between the doctors who were trying to save her and the angels who were trying to bring her over to spirit. During the struggle, an angel finally said, “They’re stronger than we are,” and she was sucked back into her body. (Laura)
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8. Learning From War
While it is true that love is always the best teacher, even war can result in divine revelations for the learning and soul growth of humanity in general. Near-death insights reveal that our greatest mistakes can be our greatest teachers.
Multi-colored icon.   The oldest near-death account ever recorded in western civilization was the result of war. Plato described the NDE of a soldier who was killed in battle and who came back to life on his funeral pyre. Er was told that he must be a messenger to humanity to tell them of the other world. (Plato)Multi-colored icon.   Lynn saw soldiers who died during the Vietnam War hiding in the near-death tunnel. They were afraid to come into the light or who were disoriented about where they were. Lynn was told that there was no need to worry about them because a guide would eventually help them along. (Lynn)


Multi-colored icon.   Ned Dougherty once lived an unspiritual and hedonistic life. While trying to murder his business partner, Ned had a heart attack and a NDE. He saw the light of God and felt God’s embrace and love – a love greater than any love he had ever known. Spiritual beings began cheering him and conveying their loving encouragement and support. They cheered: “You are doing wonderfully. We are here to support you. Continue to do good work, and we will help you. You are part of us, and we are part of you. We stand ready to come to your aid when you need us, and you will. Call us. Beckon us. We will flock to you when the time comes!” Ned was confused by all the attention because there wasn’t anything wonderful about the way he had conducted his life. He thought, “How can I be doing wonderfully? I almost killed someone tonight. Could I be justified in what I tried to do?” Ned’s deceased friend appears and says, “You were spiritually rescued from a negative event that was taking place in your life.” (Ned Dougherty)


Multi-colored icon.   After a man’s son was murdered, it angered him so much that he decided to kill the person responsible. One day, the spirit of his son appeared to him and said, “No hatred, no anger, Dad,” and he repeated it, “No hatred, no anger.” This amazing spiritual experience changed his heart so much that he no longer felt the anger and hatred. He even began to feel sorry for the man who murdered his son because he will have to live every waking minute of his life knowing that he is a murderer. (Bill Guggenheim)


Multi-colored icon.   During the Apostle Paul’s NDE, he witnessed the judgment and punishment of a soul who murdered three people. Paul saw angels whipping the murderer. The soul wonders what sin he has committed. The “gatekeeper” brings forth three of his murder victims. The soul was then cast down to the world to be reincarnated. (Apocalypse of Paul)


Multi-colored icon.   A woman consulted Edgar Cayce on a critical health matter. She was about to undergo a very risky surgery and she wanted to know whether or not to have it done. Cayce induced himself into having a NDE using hypnosis in order to read the woman’s life record in heaven. Afterward, he advised the woman to have the surgery because it would be a success. He explained that the surgeons who were to perform the surgery were once Inquisitors in a past life who tortured and killed her because of her religious beliefs. By going ahead with the surgery, she would be allowing the surgeons to pay a karmic debt they owed her. Because of this advice, the woman underwent the surgery. It was successful just as Cayce foretold. (Edgar Cayce)

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9. The Armies of Heaven
Some near-death accounts describe the unseen spiritual warfare occurring all around us and the warring angels involved. These angels are often described as extensions of God’s desire to bring peace to the world.
Multi-colored icon.   “God is in the process of recruiting an army in which God will shake the world. Working through his soldiers, God will produce great miracles that will shake the established hierarchy of organized religion.” (Rev. Howard Pittman)Multi-colored icon.   “The archangels Michael and Gabriel are two gigantic, magnificent and mighty beings dressed in brilliant garb. Michael’s role is to choose souls to be soldiers for God. Gabriel teaches souls the ways of the soldier for God.” (Lou Famoso)


Multi-colored icon.   According to the archangel Michael, God’s army of angels is visiting us with a life force of energy, a spiritual energy radiated by the Creator to all humankind. (Ned Dougherty)


Multi-colored icon.   “I was told that the war between darkness and light upon the Earth has grown so intense that if we are not continually seeking light, the darkness will consume us and we will be lost. I was not told when it would happen, but I understood that the Earth is being prepared for the second coming of Christ.” (Angie Fenimore)


Multi-colored icon.   “Souls preparing themselves for birth are like battle-hardened veterans girding themselves for combat.” (Dr. Michael Newton)


Multi-colored icon.   During her NDE, Kerry Kirk witnessed a battle between a Being of Light and a force of darkness during which the dark force was defeated. (Kerry Kirk)


Multi-colored icon.   “Everything in the spirit realm is controlled by the all-pervading vibration of God. This divine vibration controls all thoughts by destroying negative thoughts and allowing only good thoughts of love and happiness.” (Arthur Yensen)

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10. No Pain. No Gain.
Near-death accounts reveal that God’s love for us is not a passive love that would sit by and watch humans destroy the world and everyone in it. The evidence suggests that although God does not want people to kill each other, God permits it for the purpose of instruction. Such evidence suggests that God’s love is a tough love.
Multi-colored icon.   “God does not wish to see us suffer. Our adversities are of our own creation. Just as a parent punishes a child in order to correct it, so the laws of God prove immovable when we try to resist them. The more we struggle to resist, the more hopelessly do we entangle ourselves at the mental or physical or material or emotional level, and sometimes on all four levels simultaneously.” (Edgar Cayce)Multi-colored icon.   “God’s overriding desire is to purify the darkness of our souls, irrespective of the suffering it puts us through to achieve that end. If we learn to accept our situations in life, instead of fighting it, then our suffering is greatly minimized.” (Daniel Rosenblit)


Multi-colored icon.   “All the suffering in our lives is actually for our own good. Out of the most tragic of circumstances springs human growth.” (Angie Fenimore)


Multi-colored icon.   Howard Storm was given the following insights from beings of light after his life review when he was fearful of returning to Earth life and afraid he would make mistakes again:

“Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are here to make all the mistakes we want because it is through our mistakes that we learn. As long as we try to do what we know to be right, we will be on the right path. If we make a mistake, we should fully recognize it as a mistake, then put it behind us and simply try not to make the same mistake again. The important thing is to try our best, keep our standards of goodness and truth, and not compromise them to win people’s approval. God loves us just the way we are, mistakes and all. When we make a mistake, we should ask for forgiveness. After that, it would be an insult if we don’t accept that we are forgiven. We shouldn’t continue going around with a sense of guilt, and we should try not to repeat our mistakes. We should learn from our mistakes. God wants us to do what we want to do. That means making choices – and there isn’t necessarily any right choice. There are a spectrum of possibilities, and we should make the best choice from those possibilities. If we do that, we will receive help from the Other Side.” (Rev. Howard Storm)
Multi-colored icon.   “Our suffering is not a cross from God for us to bear. It is a challenge to help us grow and stay compassionate.” (Lynn)Multi-colored icon.   “Life is supposed to be hard. We can’t skip over the hard parts. We must earn what we receive.” (Angie Fenimore)


Multi-colored icon.   “An acceptance of suffering as a needed lesson can bring instantaneous healing.” (Edgar Cayce)

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11. The Meek Will Inherit the Earth?
Jesus said the meek will inherit the Earth. The question arises concerning the identity of the meek and the identity of the strong? Are the so-called strong actually weak? Are the so-called weak actually strong? Near-death insights reveal how people who appear to be very physically weak are often very spiritually strong and how these people chose to assume their physical weaknesses before they were born for the purpose of advancing the spiritual growth of themselves and others.
Multi-colored icon.   “There are many divine rewards from struggling and overcoming a handicap from birth.” (Mary Ellen)Multi-colored icon.   “The mentally retarded are special people who know much more than they are able to express. They are actually more spiritually advanced and come to Earth to teach the rest of us.” (Sandra Rogers)


Multi-colored icon.   “Life is a cycle leading humanity toward perfection. Most people have this secret revealed to them when they die, but handicapped children often know this and endure their problems without complaining because they know that their burdens will pass. Some of these children have even been given the challenge of teaching the rest of us how to love.” (Dr. Frank Oski)


Multi-colored icon.   “Hardships are necessary for the growth of our soul.” (Sandra Rogers)


Multi-colored icon.   Some people have a NDE because of losing a battle against a fatal disease. During their NDE, a Being of Light miraculously destroys the disease in their body. They are then returned to their body and returned to life. This suggests that God does destroy diseases in NDEs – possibly as a testimony of the supremacy of the spirit over the body. (Anecdotal evidence of NDE healings)


Multi-colored icon.   A firefighter lost a battle against a fire he was fighting. During his NDE, he was told that if he chose to return, he would miraculously not suffer the ill affects from the fire. He was told that this will happen so that: “God’s power over the elements would be made manifest.” (Jake)


Multi-colored icon.   Sarah was beaten to death by an intruder in her home which resulted in a NDE. In heaven, she was told by her guardian that she was brought to heaven to rest and gain the courage and energy to go on and finish her mission. (Sarah Powell)

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12. Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death
The NDE evidence suggests that free will is one of God’s greatest gifts given to humanity. This means we are free to war and kill each other at will. Although God’s gift has lead us to war and murder, free will is the only vehicle which permits us to truly love God and others. A robot with no free will can only do what it is programmed to do and has no choice to do otherwise. It is clear that God does not want robots to love. Perhaps divine love is something that cannot programmed and can only be attained through trial and error. Perhaps this explains all the injustices that exist in the world.
Multi-colored icon.   “War exists in the world because humans come here and make free choices to learn and evolve. Unfortunately, this creates a mess and war is a part of that mess. But the same free choice principle is instrumental in cleaning it up.” (David Oakford)Multi-colored icon.   “All the misery that happens in this world is our fault. God gave us the tools to live by including free will. It is our free will that is responsible for war and hatred.” (Carter Mills)Multi-colored icon.   “Some scientific discoveries were divine gifts that humanity perverted to use for war.” (Rev. Howard Storm)

Multi-colored icon.   “Humanity’s general inability to believe that life is everlasting is responsible for millions of people being killed by war. Human life has been held very cheaply. But humans are progressing up the spiral of evolution to a place where we know that there is no problem, no pain, no ill, no disharmony in the entire universe that will eventually not be made into harmony.” (Margaret Tweddell)

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13. The Perfect Love of Adolf Hitler
It’s hard to comprehend how one man can have such a horrible influence on the world. Adolf Hitler was responsible for unleashing a global war that was never before known in history. We think of Hitler as the personification of evil and we believe he is now somewhere burning in hell for eternity. We believe we are incapable of doing the things that he did. It horrifies us that any human being could do these things. We practically deny his humanity in order to demonize him. But this is one of the things that makes Hitler so horrifying – he was human. And the question concerning the Holocaust is not, “Where was God?” but “Where was man?”Try to imagine what Hitler’s life review must have been like. In the light of complete understanding, he would suddenly realize his true nature as perfect love. He would then become every victim of his atrocities and feel all their pain. He would see perfectly how all his thoughts and actions had an impact on the entire universe. Although he made such monumental mistakes, he probably learned monumental lessons from his life review. One might even wonder if Hitler learned more from a life review than anyone else. We can only speculate how horrible the negative aspect of his life review must have been. It may even be too unbearable for one man to take.
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14. The Perfect Teacher Adolf Hitler
From big mistakes come big lessons. It is clear that Hitler made very big mistakes which led to big lessons not only for himself, but for humanity. It should be clear to us that God permitted Hitler to make these mistakes for the purpose of instructing humanity. Near-death accounts reveal that God loves everyone unconditionally and this includes Hitler. So, we too must love everyone unconditionally, including Hitler. We know that God’s infinite mercy extends to him and someday Hitler will join the choir in heaven just like the rest of us.
Multi-colored icon.   “I’m sure that I asked the question that had been plaguing me since childhood about the sufferings of my (Jewish) people. I do remember this: There was a reason for everything that happened, no matter how awful it appeared in the physical realm. And within myself, as I was given the answer, my own awakening mind now responded in the same manner: ‘Of course,’ I would think, ‘I already know that. How could I ever have forgotten!'” (Beverly Brodsky)Multi-colored icon.   “Everyone goes to the same place. This includes Billy Graham, Hitler, and Jeffery Dahmer.” (Mac Wright)


Multi-colored icon.   “Mistakes are an acceptable part of being human. We are to make all the mistakes we want. It is how we learn.” (Rev. Howard Storm)


Multi-colored icon.   “There really is no sin as it is known in the world. The only thing that has any meaning in the spirit world is what we think. The very core of our being is perfect love and light.” (Jayne Smith)


Multi-colored icon.   “There is no evil in any human soul. It is the lack of love that distorts people. We are designed by God to self-correct, just like the rest of the universe. No one is lost because everyone is already saved.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)

From these NDE insights, we should conclude that Hitler was not an evil man because evil does not exist – only ignorance exists. Hitler was very spiritually ignorant. He was so spiritually ignorant that we might even consider him spiritually retarded. It is even possible that this spiritual retardation was the result of a dysfunctional frontal cortex of the brain. Who is to say? Thinking of Hitler as a mentally handicapped person (who but by the grace of God goes us) makes it a little easier to love him unconditionally. How can we hate retarded people? It is much easier to sympathize with them.
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15. The Perfect Lessons From Adolf Hitler
If we assume that Hitler was strong enough to enter into the Light after his death, and that he was able to endure the tremendous negative aspect of his life review and not flee into darkness because of it, then he would have seen the tremendous positive influence he had on the world. The positive influence resulting from his atrocities are positive lessons God gives to humanity for the purpose of instruction and perfection. One positive influence, as a possible example, is that never before in history have so many people cried out to God because of one man’s atrocities.During his life, Hitler was probably unaware of how his “demonic” influence upon the world would ultimately have the positive effect of bringing the world together toward a new level of spiritual awareness. Atrocities such as those of Hitler, teach us in a fierce manner, how such atrocities must never be allowed to happen again. For over the last fifty plus years, a war on such a massive scale as World War II has not happened again. This worldwide awareness of higher spiritual realities due to the utter horror that profound spiritual ignorance can bring, helped unite the world through the creation of the United Nations.
Multi-colored icon.   “Hitler was the catalyst that led to the development of the atom bomb, another factor that brought a new level of spiritual awareness to humanity. We now have the ability to destroy the planet many times over and everyone in it. This helped bring humanity together to prevent this from happening. The full extent of the horror of war is now realized. One act of aggression can now result in the complete oblivion of Earth. Ironically, the atom bomb is actually contributing to the deterrence of complete oblivion.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)Multi-colored icon.   “Hitler gave humanity a yardstick for which to measure the extent of the need for people to change for the better. The spiritual darkness that Hitler unleashed into the world greatly increased the need for spiritual light. Unbridled bigotry, hatred, and spiritual ignorance on such a massive scale are greater threats to the world than ever known before. Spiritual ignorance now has the power to bring humanity to the very brink of extinction.” (Kevin Williams)


Multi-colored icon.   “The legacy of Hitler demonstrates the folly of appeasing murderous dictators. It is too costly to allow them to threaten the world with impunity. Their murderous intent must be nipped in the bud early on before it takes a devastating world war to stop it. As stated earlier, God does not desire war but God will allow it to happen for the purpose of instruction leading to perfection.” (Kevin Williams)


Multi-colored icon.   “Hitler’s attempt to rule the world ultimately led to a shift in the balance of the world’s power. Colonialism dissolved all around the world and people began to be free to govern themselves. America became the Arsenal of Democracy to counter the threat of political oppression that breeds dictators such as Hitler. The legacy of Hitler and World War II is ultimately resulting in the victory of democracy all over the world.” (Kevin Williams)


Multi-colored icon.   “The NDE principle of how our greatest mistakes become our greatest lessons can certainly be applied to Hitler. Hitler and Nazism was such a colossal mistake that it resulted in a colossal lesson. A similar situation on the other side of the spectrum can be made concerning Jesus. The colossal mistake of executing Jesus led to an even greater good – the proliferation of his teachings.” (Kevin Williams)


Multi-colored icon.   “Humanity is designed to self-correct itself.” (Mellen-Thomas Benedict)

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16. Apocalypse Now
Near-death experiencers are given glimpses of the future. They see the future as it would exist if current trends continue. Near-death accounts reveal that the Earth as a single organism for which we are all a part. We are the Earth’s human awareness. Our wars and transgressions not only cause us to suffer but causes the Earth to suffer as well.
Multi-colored icon.   “The Earth has terrible wounds on her body. She is gasping for breath and calling out to God and to her children to stop the killing and hatefulness. The world is dying and praying for all of us to help her to heal and regenerate.” (Dr. Liz Dale)Multi-colored icon.   “Humans have fallen away from living in balance with nature. Great damage will be inflicted on the Earth before this harmonic balance is finally restored.” (David Oakford)


Multi-colored icon.   “Humans are out of harmony with the world and all its creatures, including our own brothers and sisters, with whom we are constantly at war.” (Norman Paulsen)


Multi-colored icon.   “Humanity is in the final moments before Jesus returns. The Earth is being prepared for this event. The war between the forces of light and the forces of darkness are growing so intense on Earth that humanity is in danger of being consumed by the forces of darkness.” (Angie Fenimore)

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17. The Enemy Within
Near-death accounts reveal how everyone has within them a divine nature and an animal nature which wars against each other. At a higher divine level of consciousness (spirit), everyone is connected and there is no separation between things. This “Universal Consciousness” connecting us all is what people refer to as “God.” But our lower animal nature tends to believe in a delusion that somehow we are separate from other people and God and that we are not connected. This creates a spiritual struggle within us between our lower nature and our higher nature.
Multi-colored icon.   The Biblical “war in heaven” between God and “the devil” is a symbolic religious description of this real spiritual struggle within all humans between our lower animal nature and our higher spirit nature. Our higher self – our spirit – is one with (or “a part of” but also “is”) the “Universal Consciousness” which people think of as “God.” The lower self is symbolized as “the beast within” which Jesus taught to put to death by “taking up our cross” and following him in practicing unconditional love through self-sacrifice, self-deprecation, and self-denial in devotion to others. By “crucifying the flesh,” we allow our higher selves to manifest itself more and our lower unevolved animal nature to recede. The nature of the beast within humanity is manifested as self-gratification, self-indulgence, self-centeredness, selfishness, self-consciousness, self-importance, self-righteousness, self-delusion, self-condemnation, self, self, SELF (the “ego,” the “false god,” “Satan”) This spiritual condition of a “conscious self” deluding itself into thinking it is separate from the “Conscious Whole” is what the Bible symbolically refers to as the “fall” of spirit in man at the “Garden of Eden” – or the “fall” of one third of the “angels” from heaven (both Biblical analogies refer to the same spiritual event). (Edgar Cayce)Multi-colored icon.   This struggle between our animal nature and our divine nature ultimately created a gulf in our consciousness which must be overcome. Self is the greatest enemy you will ever have to face. This desire for self constantly wars against our higher self – the Whole. The collective human desire for self and materialism (symbolically described in the Bible as “Babylon”) is the source of every war and atrocity committed by human beings. Only the painful processes of “crucifying self” and the “purification” of the Earth will restore everything to its original glory. For humans to fully evolve from their animal nature and overcome self, it is not enough to merely believe in these things or know about them. It must be experienced and put into practice. The higher self – the spirit – must be brought into conscious awareness. (Edgar Cayce)


Multi-colored icon.   It is not enough to merely focus on the cross of Jesus and the divinity within him. Jesus taught people to “take up their own crosses” and follow his example and way. A person whose higher self has overcome his lower self will then become spiritually “awakened” and a spiritual “resurrection” will take place. The person will then begin to manifest the human-divine unity that Jesus, Buddha, and other avatars did. Once our spirit “comes alive” in our conscious mind through the spiritual practice of unconditional love for others, we become liberated from the cycle of evolution and rebirth. This process of spiritual awakening within an individual and within humanity at large is described in the Book of Revelation in dream symbols – the language of the soul. The liberation of humanity is when the “devil” (the delusion of separation and self-will) is then “cast into the abyss” (self-will is suppressed from consciousness by the divine will). The result will be “heaven on Earth” (divine awareness within humanity). So, in conclusion, this describes in a nutshell the entire story of human evolution. It is the story of the struggle of the human spirit in overcoming the animal flesh. It is the Bible story, from Genesis to Revelation, concerning the fall and rise of the human spirit. It is paradise lost and paradise found again. The rest of the Bible is mostly commentary. (Edgar Cayce)


Multi-colored icon.   “The struggle between our higher and lower selves grows until finally the destructive elements are completely overcome.” (Betty Bethards)


Multi-colored icon.   “Humans are educated at a higher level by spirit beings who bring us into heaven. We grow and increase, and grow and increase, and shed the concerns, desires, and base animal stuff that we have been fighting much of our life. Earthly appetites melt away. It is no longer a struggle to fight them. We become who we truly are, which is part of the divine.” (Rev. Howard Storm)


Multi-colored icon.   “God’s love looks at all of us throughout the eyes of eternity. God’s overriding desire is to purify the darkness of our souls, irrespective of the suffering God has to put us through to achieve that end. However, it will greatly minimize our suffering if we learn to accept instead of fighting against our situation in life. (Daniel Rosenblit)


Multi-colored icon.   “Jesus knew he had to die on the cross to fulfill his mission. His mission was to demonstrate to humanity how to practice unconditional love through self-sacrifice in devotion to others and by overcoming self so that our divine nature can be manifested.” (Edgar Cayce)

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18. War Is Hell
Since war is so prevalent in this world, it should be no surprise that there exists a spirit realm where the human desire to kill can be fully expressed. At death, a person’s inner nature is expressed outwardly in the spirit realm. People take their inner hellish natures with them after death. The result is what people refer to as “hell“.
Multi-colored icon.   “Hell is a great battlefield where thoughts are not private and where hordes of angry souls are locked in fights to the death where no death is possible. They are locked into destructive habits of mind, emotion, hatred, lust, addictions, and thought-patterns which cannot be satisfied. Angry souls have been observed arguing over some religious point and trying to kill those who do not agree with them.” (Dr. George Ritchie)Multi-colored icon.   “Hell is a psychological condition which represents the hellish inner thoughts and desires within some souls. Here they become uninhibited and their hellish condition is fully manifested. No demons are there to inflict punishment. Each soul acts out their own anger and hatred by warring and tormenting others.” (Emanuel Swedenborg)


Multi-colored icon.   “Hell is a state where a wild orgy of frenzied taunting, screaming and fighting occurs. These souls are completely ignorant of any higher spiritual realities. They are a mob driven by unbridled cruelty and passions.” (Rev. Howard Storm)


Multi-colored icon.   “Murderers in hell do not see a devil. Instead they see visions of their own face distorted by hatred, greed, anger, and other defeating emotions. Souls such as these will stay in torment for a long, long time, until they believe themselves to be totally lost. At this point, they may at last cry out to God to rescue them. This wail of despair is heard by God and they are rescued. They are then given opportunities to make amends through the process of reincarnation.” (Ruth Montgomery)

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19. Farewell To Arms
Although the world has a long history of war and murder, near-death accounts reveal that someday all war will end and heaven will be established on Earth. This will happen when humanity learns its lessons, renounces war, and changes for the better.
Multi-colored icon.   “There will be no nuclear war in the world because God loves the world.” (Rev. Howard Storm)Multi-colored icon.   “If humanity changes for the better, a horrible world war will be averted.” (Dannion Brinkley)


Multi-colored icon.   “Out of all the wars that humans tried to create, God allowed only a few, to bring people to their senses and to stop them.” (Rev. Howard Storm)


Multi-colored icon.   “If people turn more to spirituality and less to materiality, these wars will not happen.” (Ned Dougherty)


Multi-colored icon.   “God is going to rescind some of humanity’s free will in favor of more divine control over human events in order to bring peace and harmony to the world.” (Rev. Howard Storm)


Multi-colored icon.   “Man will prey on man until man will pray for man.” (Lou Famoso)


Spirit Guides and the Near-Death Experience

Something about spirit guides:

By Kevin Williams


Peg Abernathy (www.self-full-life.com) is a near-death experiencer who knows a lot about spirit guides. Her near-death experience and subsequent transformation is documented in her book The Self-Full Life: A True Story That Will Help Your Soul Remember where she deals extensively with spirit guides. According to Abernathy, long before we fell asleep and began the dream-play we now call our life, there was a meeting that took place between our Spiritual Essence and our chosen team of Angels and Guides. We came together within the All There Is, in order to full-fill our karmic destiny at the time deemed most appropriate. And it was decided that this life would transpire and that we would incarnate, act out our life-play and apply the lessons that we brought forth from previous lives. And as a young school child that bursts forth through the front door with the latest picture or lesson, we, at the completion of our incarnated existence, run through the Light with our newly acquired experiences and into the welcoming arms of these comrades of feelings and Love. We have awakened into the All There Is and we have completed our destiny of this life-lived.

The following are profound insights she has learned from her experience:

1. Do we all have Spirit Guides?

Multi-colored icon.   Yes, absolutely. And they are always with us, talking to us through our intuition, through our hearts, minds and feelings. And some people, blessed with the ability to quiet the mind and receive messages and wisdom within that silence, are able to communicate with these wondrous Beings who wait patiently for us to call out. We are always here. Never do we leave and the moment your thoughts turn to the Light, ours will be directed in that path as well. That is why we are here: to Guide you towards this Light, The Knowing of the Light. Our gentle Guidance of your Soul is just that, Guidance. It is you who make the ultimate choice. And that is the Power of Will. You must understand that we are no better than you, that we seek the same Light as you. If a person wishes to directly contact their Spirit Guides while in the physical body, it can be done. But it takes great determination and the ability to completely quiet the mind. We are always mentally chattering away, thinking and asking yet never taking the time to actually listen, to be utterly still in order to hear the answers. That is where the miracle lives, within the silent mind. That is where we will hear and sometimes see our team, our most ardent admirers of this dream we call our life. But if we can believe and ultimately remember all that we brought with us, and that these beautiful Spirits are just a breath away and within reach of our touch, then we Know, we Become, once again, a merging of Lighted energies and Love. We are home.

2. From Peg Abernathy’s Spirit Guides

“We see a future of hope, of reason and of acceptance for all people. A time when expression of ideas, beliefs and experiences are encouraged freely and welcomed with unabandoned joy. We yearn for that Universal power of all things and we seek others of like-minds. We look for those struggling to understand and we reach out to them with an unconditional hand. Our Purpose, our reason for Being in this life experience is limited only by our minds and the boundaries within. The choices we make and the dreams we share, define our existence upon the Earth and vulnerability is the realization that we all matter. Every one of our lives is simply a confirmation of our own intuition. Delicate, sweet moments in time. And tenderly, we sing and rejoice in The All There Is.” (Peg Abernathy)

3. Examples of NDE Spirit Guide Contact

a. Christian Andreason’s NDE Insights on Spirit Guides:

Multi-colored icon.   What was your experience with a spirit guide like? “I saw an uncountable amount of wonderful places that were not of this world and many spiritual truths were Lovingly and generously revealed to me with mind-bending answers. Almost the whole time I was guided mostly by a being that appeared in the form of the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Following us were three other guides who all appeared as men. All were robed with a beautiful glistening white, diamond-like material. I could also distinguish that they had Light coming from underneath their garments. I knew that this Light was their true bodies. The moment they came into my awareness, I recognized these beings as having been some of my closest friends that have been with me for all time. They were very kind to me and very caring about my feelings. There are no secrets in Heaven, so information that might have been considered embarrassing was treated with tremendous sensitivity. And even in moments where I might have cried knowing that someone knew my deepest darkest secrets, wonderful warm laughter was often exchanged between us instead. No matter any unpleasantness they may have known about me, I knew that I was eternally and unconditionally Loved! For many years, after my experience, I have continued to stay in contact with these dear ones through dreams and meditations. During my experience it was revealed to me that they had made many appearances to me during my life, particularly during difficult times in my childhood and adolescence, only I was not consciously aware of them or their presence at the time … At first, I did not see God immediately. However, I did FEEL the presence of God everywhere! When I found myself in the Realm, initially I spoke with my very Loving guides, absorbed amazing information and took in the bigness of everything that was shown to me in God’s Heaven…”

Multi-colored icon.   What goes on in the “Divine Realm?” Lots of things! Individuals are laughing, relaxing and enjoying one another’s company. Some are off working together in pairs (or larger), so that they might bring a new concept or idea, or accomplish a Divinely intended goal for the planet. Some are off to themselves reflecting in far away, peaceful places and learning how to work with and trust the power they hold within them. Others form close-knit groups and enjoy learning together as they are taught by various Loving, advanced teachers and guides of Spirit…

Multi-colored icon.   How many Angels do each of us have? As many as we need. Some need one, but I understand that most have two or even three. These Angels mostly come in the form of guides. However, winged guardian Angels are never far away and always have a watchful eye on us to make sure nothing prevents us from accomplishing our Divine purpose.

Multi-colored icon.   Who are our guides and what are their roles in our lives? Our guides are what I call our wingless Angels. They are our most cherished friends and supporters in Heaven. They never leave our side … Never for a single second. In fact, what many do not know is that somewhere right here on Earth, in our families or somewhere in a line of dear personal friends, there is always one who acts as a Heavenly go between for us and the Realm. Hence the verse, “Angels walk among you unaware!” (Christian Andreason)

b. Diego Valencia’s NDE Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “The guides told me I was in the threshold of death. I wondered if the persons who were dying and leaving their bodies in that moment, knew where they were. The guides that accompanied me were kind, tactful and VERY COMPLIANT, but impenetrable when certain questions were asked, and when they did, they answered with only a smile. The communication was by telepathy and they knew instantly what I was thinking, but their answers were essential, concise and certain. My guides were very calmed, unadorned and with a tender sense of humor. It was then that the judgment began – only I was the one who judged myself. Although they considered everything was evident, they allowed me to understand all the contradictions, actions, guilt and non-guilt which I was feeling from the events of my life. They comforted me with precise words and calmed me. When I felt within myself a violent dialogue, justifying or blaming myself, they made me understand that it was all within the game of evolution and that in the depth, the events of my life were intranscendental. Then I had the sensation that I was still in a foggy place near Earth. They told me I could take the decision to continue, but it was with a maximum risk for my physical body or life. Then, identifying myself with my Diego ego in the earthly realm, I accepted to continue since the guides were willing to accompany me. I worried because of the risk. Nevertheless I accepted discretely and humbly, although with the haughtiness of my Earth identity that wanted to have the experience. At the same time my cosmic conscience allowed me to take the decision without panic. We then began to ascend at great speed without friction or effort, as when one is falling but instead ascending. I was in a state of reverberation – hearing a zooming sound and feeling a little dizzy as though in a car at great speed … I had then a slight, but vital sensation of unrest and anguish, because I again understood I had traversed the threshold, so I asked my guides for an answer. They told me that the decision did not depend on them anymore because we found ourselves in realms that were not of their reach. The answer made me feel dazzled. I asked them if they could keep on accompanying me because I wanted to have a dialogue with someone, and they kindly accepted. I felt a nostalgic abandonment. I later had the sensation that they took my hand.” (Diego Valencia)

c. Nora Spurgin’s NDE research insights into guides

Multi-colored icon.   Can spiritual growth take place on the other side? Yes, it appears to be a law of the universe that growth is always possible. According to many accounts, the spiritual world has teachers and guides (those who have died, sometimes centuries before, who have the mission to guide newcomers who want to learn and grow in the spirit world). For children, teachers are provided to give them basic knowledge, and people in the position of parents provide them with essential love. Those who are lacking in emotional growth, or who have lived unloving, resentful, vengeful, or selfish lives will be given the opportunity to serve and help others in order that they may advance to higher realms. They may even come back to Earth as spiritual helpers, like guardian angels, to influence people to avoid misdeeds and harmful lifestyles, and to overcome unloving attitudes. Those who have passed on often come back to their descendants to help and protect them. In so doing, spiritual growth takes place for both. Desire for such spiritual growth arises from a desire to be close to God. The spiritual world is a world where an ever-increasing unity with the love of God is the goal of one’s growth …

Multi-colored icon.   Do our prayers for the deceased help? Praying for someone who has passed on will be a boost on the other side to enlist the help of spiritual guides for the new arrival. Indeed, living in the spirit world, spirit persons may be even more sensitive to the beneficial effects of prayer than they were on Earth … It is extremely important on passing into the spiritual world to look toward the light and accept orientation from spiritual guides. If a person dies ignorant of the spiritual world, an Earth-bound state or spirit possession may result, severely hindering the growth of all involved. A prayer or call for help may be enough to move us through the tunnel and into the light described in NDEs. Most psychics who espouse reincarnation do not believe that one must immediately inhabit another body upon physical death. Long periods (centuries in physical time) are used for continued growth by entities who earn merit by temporarily visiting Earth as spiritual guides and teachers …

Multi-colored icon.   Are there demonic spirits and angels? There is, therefore, evil and darkness in the spirit world. The darkness may be a result of ignorance and lack of understanding. Spiritual guides will enlighten willing souls and offer growth opportunities to lead the spirit into the light and warmth of higher realms. Some accounts inform us that ignorance of the need to seek growth may keep someone in a state of darkness for a long period of time. (Nora Spurgin)

d. Dr. Michael Newton’s Past-Life Regression Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “Those subverted by criminal abnormalities do undergo separation in the spirit world, and this happens at the time of their orientation with guides. They are not activated along the same travel routes as other souls and will go into seclusion upon reentering the spirit world. These souls don’t appear to mix with other entities in the conventional manner for quite a while … Once our souls advance into the intermediate ranges of development, group cluster activity is considerably reduced. This does not mean we return to the kind of isolation that occurs with novice souls. Souls evolving into the middle development level have less association with primary groups because they have acquired the maturity and experience for operating more independently. These souls are also reducing the number of their incarnations. These souls are at last ready for more serious responsibilities. The relationship we have with our guides now changes from teacher-student to one of colleagues working together. Since our old guides have acquired new student groups, it is now our turn to develop teaching skills which will eventually qualify us for the responsibilities of being a guide to someone else. This is a significant stage for souls in their development because now they are given increased responsibilities for younger souls. The status of a guide is not given to us all at once, however. As with many other aspects of soul life, we are carefully tested. The intermediate levels are trial periods for potential teachers. Our mentors assign us a soul to look after, and then evaluate our leadership performance both in and out of physical incarnations. Only if this preliminary training is successful are we allowed to function even at the level of a junior guide. Not everyone is suited for teaching, but this does not keep us from becoming an advanced soul. Guides, like everyone else, have different abilities and talents, as well as shortcomings. By the time we reach the advanced level, our soul aptitudes are well known in the spirit world. We are given occupational duties commensurate with our abilities. Different avenues of approach to learning eventually bring all of us to the same end in acquiring spiritual wholeness. I believe that people on Earth who possess souls which are both old and highly advanced are scarce. A person whose maturity is this high doesn’t seek out a regression therapist to resolve life-plan conflicts. In most cases, they are here as incarnated guides. Having mastered the fundamental issues most of us wrestle with daily, the advanced soul is more interested in making small refinements toward specific tasks.” (Dr. Michael Newton)

e. Karen Schaeffer’s NDE Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “I was feeling lighter all the time. But wait … my son. I couldn’t leave my son! Babies need their mommies. I needed to be his mommy. I couldn’t let go. So much patience was shown to me – so much love. My guides explained that the feelings I was having were still a connection to my human side. Once my human-ness wore off, I would feel light as air, utter happiness, and extreme love … At a time when I felt the closest to accepting my death, I experienced a resurge of sorrow and pain, longing for my son, for my life. I couldn’t let go of my human life. My guides tried their hardest. They never gave up. They never became discouraged. It is unbelievable the amount of patience and love they exuded. Finally, my hysteria was calmed by a higher spirit who seemed to envelop me in love. My guides were instructed to allow me to return. Despite their pleas to allow them more time, they were told that at this point, my spirit would not rest. It was best to let me return, to settle my spirit, learn further lessons.” (Karen Schaeffer)

f. David Oakford’s NDE Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “I could see many spirits leave Gaia with guides and could see spirits returning to Gaia without guides. The being told me that some of the spirits passing were the ones that were doing the work with humans on Gaia. I could make out the type of spirits that were doing the work and the spirits that were coming to the great city to become replenished to eventually go back to Gaia to experience and further evolve.” (David Oakford)

g. May Eulitt’s NDE Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “The guides taught us that doctrine and creed and race meant nothing. No matter what we believed we were all children joined under one God, and that the only rule was God’s true law – do unto others as you would have them do unto you. We should treat all people as if they were a part of our soul because they were. All living things in the universe were connected to one another. They said that soon humanity would mature enough to assume a higher place in the universal scheme of things, but until then we must learn acceptance and tolerance and love for each other. They said there would come a new age when people would not be able to endure seeing others homeless and hungry. We would realize that only by helping each other could we truly help ourselves.” (May Eulitt)

h. Mister M’s NDE Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “The return journey was smooth, I felt secure in the presence of my Angelic Guides and at ease with the newfound knowledge afforded me. Gradually, I felt a slowing as I began picking up the dimensional drag associated with the coarser vibrations of the MEST continuum in which our bodies reside. Reincorporation into our 3D realm was nearly at hand and a vestige of doubt fell upon me. I fretted, “Will it be enough to turn the tide? Will They be in time? What if They get here to late and it all goes to hell in a hand basket??” In response, one of my Angelic Escorts telepathed that the only reason I wondered about this sorta thing in the first place was because I was reentering the worlds where doubt exists. He continued, ‘Where We come from doubt is recognized as a lower state of consciousness and doesn’t even exist. Where We come from the only thing that exists is Knowing.’ (Mister M)

3. Various NDE Insights on Spirit Guides

Multi-colored icon.   “The world is changing. Soon, everybody will be in direct communication with his or her angels and guides.” (Donna Gatti)

Multi-colored icon.   “Spirit guides who talk through mediums are often in this dimension as well, bringing their enhanced knowledge to Earth.” (Spiritualism)

Multi-colored icon.   “Once we have fully evaluated our lives, we are debriefed in an orientation process. This is when we discuss the lifetime previously lived and reviewed in the scanning machine. We meet with guides who are trained orientators who discuss ways of amending for previous mistakes. We receive help if we were unprepared for our crossing over into the spirit realm.” (Sylvia Browne)

Multi-colored icon.   “A dream may be of a physical, mental, or spiritual nature and may deal with all manner of psychic manifestations. These include telepathy, clairvoyance, prophetic visions, out of body traveling, remembrance of past lives, communication with beings in other realms including deceased friends and relatives, spirit guides, angels, Christ, and even the voice of God.” (Edgar Cayce)

Multi-colored icon.   “The Native American chief White Thunder, during his visit to the world of spirits, was shown by his spirit guides ‘various areas of the spirit world – some containing happy spirits and others peopled by unhappy evildoers.'” (Dr. Craig Lundahl)

Multi-colored icon.   “As in other realms we are not resident but transient in the Fourth Region, and we also take leave of this region occasionally to visit others. We never travel alone but are guided and helped by spirit guides in our journeys. When visiting another realm we take on the form of that realm, or we could not exist fully within it.” (Edgar Cayce)

Multi-colored icon.   Betty’s guides show her a drunken man lying on the sidewalk and ask her what she sees. Betty sees only a drunk wallowing in his own filth. Her guides show her who the man really is. They reveal to her the man is filled with light and love and is greatly admired in the spirit world for being a reminder to people of the need to help others. (Betty Eadie)

 “The guides taught us that doctrine and creed and race meant nothing. No matter what we believed we were all children joined under one God, and that the only rule was God’s true law – do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” – May Eulitt, near-death experiencer


Homecoming and the Near-Death Experience

Something about NDE and experiences:

A homecoming in heaven.

By Kevin Williams

 Examples of Homecoming in the NDE

Multi-colored icon.   Betty Bethards’ NDE Homecoming Experience:  “When you die you are greeted by loved ones first so that you may understand what has happened. There is a big celebration, like a birthday party, heralding your arrival. Family and friends who have gone on before you are there to celebrate your arrival. There is always good at the time of your cross-over. Even people who have lived lives of selfishness will know and understand the rejoicing. Whatever you have sown you are going to reap in terms of structuring your experiences and lessons which continue on the other side. But the first few days of cross-over (as you know time on the Earth plane) you are allowed to be with your teachers, and those who have loved you in the past. You are able to see those you left behind and to hear their thoughts and words. The first six weeks we stay very close to our loved ones on the Earth plane … After the first six weeks the soul meets with what may be called a loving board of directors. It is composed of teachers and other higher beings who have walked with you. These beings help you review your past life, to begin to look at what was learned and not learned, and what you wish to work on or do from this point.” (Betty Bethards)

Multi-colored icon.   Ned Dougherty’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “I turned to my right, realizing that a group of spiritual beings had joined us on the celestial field. This event was indeed a homecoming for me. Among the group of spiritual beings, I recognized deceased friends and relatives from my life. I also recognized other friends from my spiritual life prior to my birth on Earth. I was filled with joy when I recognized my grandparents, aunts, and uncles who had died during my life. However, I was disappointed because I did not see my Dad among the group. I then recognized other friends from my life, including a girl from high school. I did not know she had died. The feelings of love and joy that I shared with these relatives and friends were far beyond the emotions I had shared with them during my life. As the child of an alcoholic and broken home, I did not communicate feelings to relatives or friends very well. In fact, I wasn’t aware that I had many feelings. Most of my feelings were hidden inside. Now that I was at my homecoming as a spiritual being, the greetings were the kind that I had imagined took place in a healthy family. It seemed as if we were celebrating every major holiday, every birth and birthday, every wonderful event in all of our lives in a manner that we could never celebrate as mortal human beings. I wanted this celebration and homecoming to continue forever, but a silence suddenly fell across the crowded amphitheater.” (Ned Dougherty)

Multi-colored icon.   Sylvia Browne’s NDE Homecoming Experiences:  “Most people, who go through the heavenly process, go through a tunnel and towards the light of God. They return home to the place they came from on the other side. Here, they have a reunion with family and friends who have departed before them. After the reunion, most of us are lead by our spirit guide to a building on the other side called the Hall of Wisdom. In a sacred room, we see our lives flash before us … Once a person has adjusted to the transition, they can visit a place called the Hall of Records where historical data is stored such as the charts of everyone’s past lives. Another beautiful structure is the Hall of Justice where people go before the Council of Elders who are highly advanced spokespersons of God who help us decide how we are to progress further into the spirit realm. Sylvia describes seven levels of advancement and they are: (1) The reunion and homecoming previously discussed, (2) The orientation process previously discussed, (3) Becoming skilled in a particular vocation, (4) Becoming creative in the arts, (5) Researching areas of progress and passing the knowledge to Earth through a process of infused knowledge, (6) Becoming a teacher or leader, (7) Forfeiting your identity as a personality by willingly absorbing into the light of God.” (Sylvia Browne)

Multi-colored icon.   Betty Eadie’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “Life does not end when we die. Death is a rebirth into a spirit world of light and love, a transition from the physical to the spiritual that is no more frightening or painful than passing between rooms through an open doorway. It is a joyful homecoming to our natural home.” (Betty Eadie)

Multi-colored icon.   George Anderson’s Psychic Revelations:  “Well, according to what they say, go through the different levels of consciousness. We’re working our way up. It’s like, to go up to the twelfth grade, you’ve got to pass the first through the eleventh. When we pass on, we do go into the tunnel, we can go through these little darker levels, which can represent a form of hell or purgatory, because these are the two negative levels, or the darker ones. But if we’ve been a good person, we generally just seem to pass through them very quickly and then we go on through the third and fourth levels of consciousness, where average people such as ourselves go – not everybody can be a Mother Teresa, who would probably go higher up. When we go through these levels we meet our relatives and friends greeting us at the end of the tunnel, much as in the movie Resurrection, where they’re waiting and they lead us into the light. And there’s like a form of spiritual rejuvenation, like a reunion, like a party, ‘Hey, it’s great to see you again.’ We recognize each other by personality. As we all have individual, unique fingerprints, we each have a very singular personality.” (George Anderson)

Multi-colored icon.   Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross’ NDE Homecoming Research:  “His entire family had piled into a family van and were on the way to pick him up when this tragic accident occurred which burned his entire family to death. He shared the shock and the numbness, the utter disbelief of suddenly being a single man, of having had children and suddenly becoming childless, of living without a single close relative. He told of his total inability to come to grips with it. He shared how he changed from a money-earning, decent, middle-class husband and father to a total bum, drunk every day from morning to night, using every conceivable drug and trying to commit suicide in every conceivable way, yet never able to succeed. His last recollection was that after two years of literally bumming around, he was lying on a dirt road at the edge of a forest, drunk and stoned as he called it, trying desperately to be reunited with his family. Not wanting to live, not even having the energy to move out of the road when he saw a big truck coming toward him and running over him. It was at this moment that he watched himself in the street [sic], critically injured, while he observed the whole scene of the accident from a few feet above. It was at this moment that his family appeared in front of him, in a glow of light with an incredible sense of love. They had happy smiles on their faces, and simply made him aware of their presence, not communicating in any verbal way but in the form of thought transference, sharing with him the joy and happiness of their present existence. This man was not able to tell us how long this reunion lasted. He was so awed by his family’s health, their beauty, their radiance and their total acceptance of this present situation, by their unconditional love. He made a vow not to touch them, not to join them, but to re-enter his physical body so that he could share with the world what he had experienced. It would be a form of redemption for his two years of trying to throw his physical life away. It was after this vow that he watched the truck driver carry his totally injured body into the car. He saw an ambulance speeding to the scene of the accident, he was taken to the hospital’s emergency room and he finally re-entered his physical body, tore off the straps that were tied around him and literally walked out of the emergency room. He never had delirium tremens or any aftereffects from the heavy abuse of drugs and alcohol. He felt healed and whole, and made a commitment that he would not die until he had the opportunity of sharing the existence of life after death with as many people as would be willing to listen. It was after reading a newspaper article about my appearance in Santa Barbara that he sent a message to the auditorium. By allowing him to share with my audience he was able to keep the promise he made at the time of his short, temporary, yet happy reunion with his entire family. (Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross)

Multi-colored icon.   Aziz Khabirpour’s NDE Homecoming Research:  “Meeting others during a NDE is not uncommon, and often has great effect upon the person’s being afterwards. The people they meet are either family members or very close friends. These people, in form of spiritual beings, are usually there to either protect or guide the person. It is not always common for the person to be seen, but usually they are more felt’. One woman who met her family when she died states, I felt that they had come to protect or guide me. It was almost as if I was coming home, and they were there to greet or welcome me. All this time, I had the feeling of everything light and beautiful. It was a beautiful and glorious moment (Moody 55). Accounts have also been reported where the dead person is guided around by his/her pet, that he/she used to have. The people one encounters with are usually people that played an important role in ones life. The people that were seen could often be described as soul mates. So this shows how only people that we have a special bond with in this life, will we encounter in the next.” (Aziz Khabirpour)

Multi-colored icon.   Michelle Dillon’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “And then I was Home and I knew it was Home and I wasn’t afraid. I saw lots of people I knew, some of whom I’ve since met, and a lot of whom I knew were ‘related’ but that wasn’t what mattered. What mattered was that I KNEW them and they KNEW me and we hadn’t said a word. Or, well, we had, sort of, only not SAID. But I have never since been involved in such a joyful welcome, being loved, totally loved.” (Michelle Dillon)

Multi-colored icon.   Randy Gehling’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  Randy could hear beautiful music playing somewhere off in the distance. “Just a little ways off I could see a bridge with someone standing on it. Beyond the bridge, I saw a golden city with towers like European castles. The whole city seemed to be shining with light that shot up into the sky like a giant searchlight. I could see that some of the domes of the city were red, others were gold, and a few were blue. The gates and walls of the city seemed to be made of bright blue, red, and violet lights.” Randy asked Areo if they were going to visit the city. The angel nodded. “That’s to be your new home, Randy.” They began walking toward the bridge to the city, and Randy saw that the man standing awaiting them was his Grandpa Hansen. Randy ran to his grandfather and felt his strong arms close around him. Grandpa Hansen had been a farmer all of his life in Minnesota. He had died, still a powerful man, when Randy was six. Randy asked his beloved grandfather if he would now be living with him in heaven. “One day,” Grandpa Hansen told him. “But not just yet.” When Randy questioned his grandfather, he told him that he still had things to learn on Earth. (Randy Gehling)

Multi-colored icon.   Laurelynn Martin’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “As I admired the beauty of the light, I was drawn closer, feeling the radiant warmth, infinite love and lasting peace. I felt as if I were home in the light. Before I became further engulfed in the light, I became aware of many spirits. They surrounded, embraced and supported my journey with their gentleness, knowledge and guidance. I felt one of them approach from my right upper side. This familiar presence came forward and my feelings changed to sheer joy when I discovered my thirty year old brother-in-law, the one who had died seven months earlier from cancer. My essence moved to meet his essence. I couldn’t see with my eyes or hear with my ears, yet I instinctively knew that it was ‘Wills.’ I heard his smile, saw his laughter and felt his humor. It didn’t make sense, but it made complete sense. We were separate but we were also one. It was as if I had come home and my brother-in-law was here to greet me. I instantly thought how glad I was to be with him, because now I could make up for the last time I had seen him before his death. I felt sad and a bit guilty for not taking the time out of my busy schedule to have a heart-to-heart talk with him when he had asked me to. I realized I was not being judged by him but by myself. I was in his position dying, wanting to say goodbye to those I loved, and then meeting people like myself not ‘getting it’ not getting that all the achievement, money or recognition in the world cannot be taken with you when you die. The only thing you take with you is the love you give away.” (Laurelynn Martin)

Multi-colored icon.   Karen Schaeffer’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “Immediately I was in the most beautiful serene place I had ever been. My grandfather, another person whom I had known in a previous life, and a guardian were ready to help me with the transition. They told me of the accident, showed me the site. It was my time to come home they said. The overwhelming love and happiness of that place was so inviting.” (Karen Schaeffer)

Multi-colored icon.   Dr. Michael Newton’s Regression Research:  “After physical death, a soul’s journey back home ends with debarkation into the space reserved for their own colony, as long as they are not a very young soul or isolated for other reasons. The souls represented in these cluster groups are intimate old friends who have the same awareness level. Members of the same cluster group are closely united for all eternity. These tightly-knit clusters are often composed of like-minded souls with common objectives which they continually work out with each other. Usually they choose lives together as relatives and close friends during their incarnations on Earth.” (Dr. Michael Newton)

Multi-colored icon.   Barbara Springer’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “I then became aware of a bright heavenly being. I felt as if I was in the presence of God. This being had light radiating from him and he embraced me. And when he embraced me, I could feel the most powerful love. It is the greatest love that there is in the universe. There is no greater love. It was absolute, total, real, great, engulfing love. I felt the love surrounding me. I felt it flowing through me. There really are no words. I can’t find words to explain how I felt. The amount of joy I felt. The amount of love I knew I was being given. I felt as if I had come home. I knew this is where I actually belonged. Even though I love Earth and I love living here. But when I was encountered by that being, I knew I had come home.” (Barbara Springer)

Multi-colored icon.   Barbara Marie’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “And then there was a period of being embraced by this love and peace and serenity and knowing I had reached my final destination, that this was truly a home. It gave new meaning to the word “home.” This, she realized, was where she actually belonged. This is where she wanted to permanently be.” (Barbara Marie)

Multi-colored icon.   Arthur Yensen’s NDE Homecoming Experience:  “As the heaven-people gathered around, the oldest, largest and strongest-looking man announced pleasantly, ‘You are in the land of the dead. We lived on Earth, just like you, till we came here.’ With unbounded enthusiasm I shouted, ‘This is wonderful!’ ‘It’s marvelous!’ they answered. Then with delight they told me how I could swim around in the lake as long as I pleased and when I came out, I’d be dry! Another one said, ‘You can run, jump, dance, sing and play as much as you want to and you’ll never get tired!’ Then I noticed that the landscape was gradually becoming familiar. It seemed as if I had been here before. I remembered what was on the other side of the mountains. Then with a sudden burst of joy, I realized that this was my real home! Back on Earth I had been a visitor, a misfit, and a homesick stranger. With a sigh of relief, I said to myself, “Thank God I’m back again. This time I’ll stay!” (Arthur Yensen)

“Think of stepping on the shore and finding it heaven, of touching a hand and finding it God’s, of breathing new air and finding it celestial, of waking up in glory and finding it home.” – Don Wyrtzen


Told Not Ready To Die and the Near-Death Experience

Interesting concept about how you can be pushed back to life:

By Kevin Williams

At some point in every near-death experience, the person returns to life. Otherwise, the person’s body would die and their soul would remain on the Other Side. In such a case, instead of a NDE, the person would experience death. But some people are given a choice as to whether or not to return. For example, they might be asked, “Are you ready?” Some people return because of a desire to finish their earthly mission. Once they return to life, they may say that God permitted them to return because their life’s work or mission was not complete. Such people may also say that returning to life was their choice. This choice to return may have been permitted because it stemmed from some sense of responsibility for others such as a mother’s desire to raise their children. On the other hand, some people are not given the choice to stay in heaven or return to life. After receiving a “taste” of heavenly bliss, experiencers may be told that they must return and therefore are forced to return to life. They may try to resist having to return. They may even beg to not be sent back. They may argue. But all attempts to resist are futile and the experiencer returns to life often bitterly disappointed. Some people are told of a specific task they must accomplish such as building meditation centers, starting an organization or writing a book.

Sometimes the experiencer returns to life instantaneously. Sometimes their return coincides with attempts to resuscitate their body such as with a electrical shock to the heart. Some people report of being pushed or forced back into their body. Some people return automatically for no apparent reason. But experiencers usually return from death convinced of a mission they must complete – a job they must perform for the greater good of humanity.

The experiencer may be given a reason why the must return. Usually, they are told by some heavenly being something like, “It is not your time” or “You are not ready” or “Your mission is not fulfilled” or “Your purpose is not complete” or “Your life is not finished” or “There has been a mistake” or “You must go back” or some variation of these. Such messages received by experiencers begs the following questions: Isn’t it strange that so many people are being told basically the same thing? Why are do many people report being given virtually the same message? If NDEs are just hallucinations, as so many skeptics claim, how can so many people be hallucinating the same message? If NDEs are just hallucinations, then aren’t they “mass hallucinations?” Given the fact that so many people are given this somewhat cryptic message, doesn’t this prove an objectivity to the NDE which cannot be explained by brain chemicals? In other words, suppose a large percentage of people are told something just as cryptic such as “Where’s the beef?” or some variation of this. Doesn’t this show that such messages are not a product of the brain? For many people, including myself, the answer is an obvious “yes.”

This web page focuses on the aspect of the NDE where the experiencer learns that they must return to life.

1. Being Told “It Is Not Your Time”

Multi-colored icon.   After reading so many NDE testimonies on how experiencers are told that they must go back and return to life, one might wonder “Why must they return? Do they have a choice?” The best answer I have ever found to this question appeared In the NDE documentary video entitled Shadows which is one of the best NDE documentaries I have ever seen. One of the experiencers in the video is named Cindy Massey and she describes a heart-wrenching conversation she had with Jesus on why she had to return to life. It is obviously very difficult for Cindy to recount this conversation with others. The following is the verbatim transcript of her recounting her conversation with Jesus.

Cindy: “I want to come home now.”
Jesus: “No, you can’t.”
Cindy: “But I don’t want to stay there anymore. I don’t like it.”
Jesus: “I know that.”
Cindy: “Well, I just want to come home. They are very mean down there. I don’t like it.”
Jesus: “I grieve for you and what they’ve done to you. And I grieve for what they do to each other. I grieve deeply. I hurt for you and for all of you. You have to go back. You have to return.”
Cindy: “Why?”
Jesus: “Because you promised me.”
Cindy: “But I can do it another time and another place.”
Jesus: “There is no other time. There is no other place. You must do it this time. You promised.”
Cindy: “Well, you don’t understand.” Cindy states that when see looked into Jesus’ eyes, she knew he did.
Jesus: “You promised me, child, it would be this time. You must return but I promise you I will be back when it is time for you to go.”
Cindy: “I don’t know what I am supposed to do.”
Jesus: “You’ll know. You’ll know when it’s time and you’ll know what to do.'” (Cindy Massey)

Multi-colored icon.   “Gently, he opened his arms and let me stand back far enough to look into his eyes, and he said, ‘Your death was premature, it is not yet your time.’ No words ever spoken have penetrated me more than these. Until then, I had felt no purpose in life; I had simply ambled along looking for love and goodness but never really knowing if my actions were right. Now, within his works, I felt a mission, a purpose; I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that my life on Earth had not been meaningless. It was not yet my time. My time would come when my mission, my purpose, my meaning in this life was accomplished. I had a reason for existing on Earth. But even though I understood this, my spirit rebelled. Did this mean I would have to go back? I said to him, ‘No, I can never leave you now. He understood what I meant, and his love and acceptance for me never wavered. My thoughts raced on: ‘Is this Jesus, God, the being I feared all my life? He is nothing like what I had thought. He is filled with love.'” (Betty Eadie)

Multi-colored icon.   “And it seemed that I heard this voice from heaven speak to me and say, ‘Well done my son.’ Upon hearing this, I then believed that I had been carried to heaven or before the Almighty God. I was so filled with LOVE and JOY. I was content and NEVER wanted to go back to Earth, ever. But I again heard these words, ‘It is not your time – for you have much fruits to bring to me.’ But I did not want to return back to this Earth. Suddenly I felt myself back on my bed and the cloud had left.” (Victor Borras)

Multi-colored icon.   “I saw Jesus on the cross taking his last breath. I saw my body in a heap on the ground. I was above. There seemed to be no differentiation of time. It was all one. And then I felt his pain and loneliness as he took his last breath and he said without using words, ‘It is not your time to go’ and BAM I was back in my body wrenching in pain strapped to a board bleeding all over.” (Jeanne Ciampa)

Multi-colored icon.   “I left the room of heat, noise, and pain and lay upon a bed in this cool blue mist and my ‘uncle’ came in and spoke to me. We spoke telepathically for hours which in real time must have been a very short time and when he rose from my bedside to go I came up out of my body to join him with peace and joy only to be told – No! ‘But I want to go with you, I want to go home!’ I cried. And again he said with such kindness – ‘No, Jesus sent me to tell you, now is not your time.’ When I mentally shrugged and gave up (who was I to deny Jesus) everything came back … the pain, the smells, the heat, the noise and I wept.” (Jean Harmon)

Multi-colored icon.   “Now I’ve always told Linda that when I get to heaven, the first thing I want to do is walk the dusty road that Christ walked. As I stood with my hand on the gate, I looked off toward the right, and there was my dusty road. I couldn’t believe it. I could see it right there, just as I always pictured it. I started to turn the lever to open the gate when I heard this voice saying, ‘M.L., go back. It’s not your time.’ I said, ‘But I don’t want to go back!’ And all of the sudden I heard Linda’s voice calling me, saying, ‘M.L., I love you, and I need you.’ ‘Please don’t do this to me,’ I pleaded. ‘Let me go.’ Then there was another voice, coming from beyond the fence saying, ‘No son, it’s time for you to go back.’ And Linda’s daddy said the same thing, ‘Not yet. Linda still needs you.’ I started moving back in the tunnel. It was so black!” (M.L. Gordon)

Multi-colored icon.   “Two elderly women came. I recognized them as both my grandmothers. They had died some five or six years previously. My father’s mother looked quiet and solemn. My mother’s mother was pleased to see me but, at the gate-keeper’s bidding, was quite firm in her tone. I had to promise solemnly not to try to return. I agreed. ‘Once more, I stood in front of the great dark disk again. As the stars and shapes slowly revolved, a deep voice said slowly, ‘Your time has not yet come.’ Then, once again I was in the long tunnel, feeling the wind against my cheek as I looked away and saw the long wall rushing past me. I awoke prostrate on the floor … I got up and walked thoughtfully across to my bed and sat quietly on it for the remainder of that evening, quietly reflecting on the experience. Echoing in my mind were the faces and voices of the disappointed young people, the revolving disc and the Voice, ‘Your time has not yet come.’ Twelve years later, my young son and daughter were playing one evening and it was time for me to put them to bed. My son turned and looked at me, smiling; my daughter sighed. In the golden twilight I recognized his look and her sigh immediately. They were two of the young people I had seen in my near-death experience.” (Robert Coleman)

Multi-colored icon.   “I heard a voice say, ‘Be not afraid child. It is not your time. You are not through on Earth. Everything has a purpose and you will have to complete yours before you return. Mankind is doing things the wrong way. Go back and teach humankind that LOVE is what is important. Love one another justly. Help those who cannot help themselves. Teach one another compassion, undying love and respect. My creatures on Earth, large and small, are here for a purpose. They know everything here on Earth. They know everything from the beginning of time till the end of time. They have no fear of death. Mankind needs to learn from my creatures. They are here to teach us what is important in life. If you have no love and respect for my creatures whom you have seen. How can you respect me and love me whom you have not seen? Go back and tell the four corners of the Earth what is truly important, not which religion. You are but the pure in heart. There will be many wars, poverty, storms upon storms to rage the Earth, but will man ever listen? My child go back and tell.’ I awoke gasping for air – screaming for someone to come to me. My daughter said to mom, ‘The air is on 70 degrees. It is cold in here.’ She sped up the ceiling fan a notch.” (Beth Hammond)

Multi-colored icon.   “Then I saw my Grandmother who had died 15 years earlier of a long and cruel illness and that I had loved very much. She had gangrene in one leg and had to have it amputated. At the time of her death, her illness had really taken a toll on her appearance. But when I saw her she looked radiant. She looked about 35 years old, healthy and had both of her legs! I was SO happy to see her and I wanted to stay with her. I asked her if she was OK and she told me she was fine and then told me I had to go back. She told me, ‘It is not your time. You have many things to do.’ And with that I was slammed back into my body – back was the pain and I felt sad.” (Karen Floyd)

Multi-colored icon.   “Life here pales in comparison to what awaits us. But I was told, ‘It is not your time!’ … and like a rebellious child I rebuked this and wanted to remain in this realm of ‘completeness’ but found that it was an effort in vain … and I can recall returning to my body like a hand in a glove and bouncing on the floor beneath my hospital bed and up back into my body.” (William Harris)

Multi-colored icon.   “I could hear the doctors working on me, saying that they had lost my vital signs. I was on the “All That Jazz” escalator with a long tunnel and a lot of white light. Then I specifically remember a dominant male voice saying, ‘It’s not your time. Get off the escalator. You’ve got shit to do.’ I came to, and got sewed up.” (William Petersen)

Multi-colored icon.   “And I said to him, ‘You must wonder what I’ve been doing, or you must sometimes feel angry with me.’ And he said, ‘No. Here, what goes on in the world has no meaning.’ He said, ‘We’re here to care for you, we’re here to take you on.’ And then there was a sense of drawing back, and I panicked and said, ‘Dad, I don’t want to go!’ He said, ‘You have to go, it’s not your time yet, you must go back. You’re going to have a son, and you’ll have to bring this boy up, bring him up yourself.’ Then Dad told me my marriage was going to break up. (We’d only been married just a year!)  And I remember saying, ‘Dad, I don’t want that to happen. I always thought that when I got married, it wouldn’t happen.’ It was a very intense feeling. I said, ‘Dad, I don’t want to go – I want to stay with you. Let me stay with you.’ I was most distressed, I didn’t want to go back. He sent me back.” (Grace)

Multi-colored icon.   Immediately, she [Vicki Umipeg] recognizes this Being to be Jesus. He greets her tenderly, while she conveys her excitement to him about her newfound omniscience and her joy at being there with him. Telepathically, he communicates to her, ‘Isn’t it wonderful? Everything is beautiful here, and it fits together. And you’ll find that. But you can’t stay here now. It’s not your time to be here yet and you have to go back.’ Vicki reacts, understandably enough, with extreme disappointment and protests vehemently. ‘No, I want to stay with you.’ But the Being reassures her that she will come back, but for now, she ‘has to go back and learn and teach more about loving and forgiving.’ Still resistant, however, Vicki then learns she also needs to go back to have her children. With that, Vicki, who was then childless but who ‘desperately wanted’ to have children (and who has since given birth to three) becomes almost eager to return and finally consents. However, before Vicki can leave, the Being says to her, in these exact words, ‘But first, watch this.’ And what Vicki then sees is ‘everything from my birth’ in a complete panoramic review of her life, and as she watches, the being gently comments to help her understand the significance of her actions and their repercussions. The last thing Vicki remembers, once the life review has been completed, are the words, ‘You have to leave now.'” (Vicki Umipeg)

Multi-colored icon.   “And the light communicated with words. He said, ‘You’ll now believe in me.’ He also said, ‘I made you a woman, I created you. I know everything about you and I’m now going to send you back, because it’s not your time to come over. You still have your life’s work to do.’ I felt very humble, very much in awe of such love. I could hardly believe that someone could love me so much. At that time I remember asking what my life’s work was, and I was told, ‘You’ll not know at this time but you will be shown.’ And I think I was still asking questions like, ‘When? (laughing) I was always saying, ‘When?’ I was also told to come back and tell my husband and children what had happened. I was to share it with them. I think it was about then that I regained consciousness. I don’t recall coming back. Strangely enough, I only recall waking up a day and a half later, and by that time I was back in the ward.” (Janet)

Multi-colored icon.   “I saw an angel pass me. I was ready go to the light. Suddenly, the voices said, ‘It is not your time. Go back. I’ve got work for you to do.’ I went back. (Patty)

Multi-colored icon.   “I looked forward and saw a lighted tunnel and at the entrance were many people. They saw me coming and alerted the person in charge. This person came floating up to me. He reached me in an instant. I immediately knew him as ‘Uncle.’ I remember thinking, ‘I don’t have an uncle who looks like him.’ He was dressed in khaki pants, a white shirt and a tan sweater vest. He carried a clipboard. I thought, ‘How odd.’ He had floated just a bit in front of my path blocking me from going further. Then he telepathically said, ‘It is not your time.’ In the same manner I told him, ‘I am going home!’ (It was sort of like saying, ‘What are you talking about?’) Seeing how I willed to go forward, he talked to ‘others’ who were somewhere else. They told him to show me something. Then he came up beside me and we both looked down onto the Earth. All over the U.S. and some other countries, there were groups of people, some three, some one person, some many people, etc, at work doing what looked like triage work of mending hearts by putting their hands over the hearts of others. It seemed at times they would roll them into what looked like caves. Once they were healed, they would be wheeled out again and set on their way. Most of the healings worked but some failed. They were working so fast to get as many healed as possible. They also wore white. I asked if they were nurses? ‘No,’ he said. I said almost in disbelief, ‘But there are only thousands of them!’ And then he said, ‘That is all we need.’ They would tip the balance. What they did was all that was necessary to do to accomplish what needed to be done. Then I saw this whole group of people become one consciousness because of something ‘they’ on the Other Side had activated within them. They became ONE. At that moment, ‘they’ were able to send a bolt of pure light into the world through their bodies. It entered through their backs, behind their hearts, and exited through their chest and out into the world and into every nook and cranny of the world. Then the fog of shadows and fear rolled back and a new age of Heaven on Earth came. It wasn’t going to last forever, but it would for many thousands of years. Everything would be different. I looked at him and he said, ‘We need you there.’ Then I remembered it was my ‘contract’ to be there and to do my part. It was my husband’s part to send me over to see this and experience what I was seeing. It was just a role for which he had no bad intentions. It was up to me to remember and not play a victim. With that, I found myself back in my body but there still were no sounds.” (Anne Horne)

Multi-colored icon.   “I didn’t feel like I knew anything; yet, there was a place in me that knew everything. I asked Wills if I could stay. He said, ‘It’s not your time yet. There’s been a mistake. You have to go back.'” (Laurelynn Martin)

Multi-colored icon.   “The Hindu near-death experiences profiled here are typical of the cases studied in India by researchers Satwant Pasricha and Ian Stevenson. The subject does not view his or her physical body, as do many subjects of western near-death experience cases. Instead the subject is taken in hand by ‘messengers’ and brought before a man or woman who is often described as having a book or papers that he or she consults. A mistake is discovered. The wrong person has been ‘sent for,’ and this person is then brought back by the messengers to his or her terrestrial life; or the subject is ‘pushed down’ and revives. The error supposedly made is often a slight one, as a person of the same given name but a different caste, or someone living in a different but nearby village, should have died and been brought instead of the subject of the near-death experience. In six of their cases, the informants said that another ‘correct’ person (corresponding to the subject’s information from the ‘next world’) did, in fact, die at about the time the subject revived; but the researchers did not verify those deaths. In contrast, subjects of western near-death experiences usually give no reason (in psychological terms) for their recovery; if they do give one they may say that they revived because they decided to return of their own accord, often because of love for living members of their family. Sometimes they are ‘sent back’ by deceased persons who tell them ‘their time has not yet come.’ Indian subjects sometimes report meeting relatives and friends in the ‘other realm’ in which they find themselves, but these persons have nothing to do or say about the prematurity of the subject’s death and a need for him or her to continue living. The idea of prematurity of death, or ‘your time has not yet come,’ occurs in the cases of both cultures; but the persons involved in sending the NDEr ‘back to life’ differ.” (Satwant Pasricha’s NDE research in India)

2. Being Told “You’re Not Ready To Die”

Multi-colored icon.   Randy Gehlng ran to his grandfather and felt his strong arms close around him. Grandpa Hansen had been a farmer all of his life in Minnesota. He had died, still a powerful man, when Randy was six. Randy asked his beloved grandfather if he would now be living with him in heaven. “One day,” Grandpa Hansen told him. “But not just yet.” When Randy questioned his grandfather, he told him that he still had things to learn on Earth. “You nearly bought the farm this time, Randy-boy,” Grandpa Hansen said with a chuckle. “But you aren’t ready to cash in your chips yet.” Aero seemed puzzled. “But it seemed to me that I was doing the right thing. The word that I received indicated that now was Randy’s time to return home.” Grandpa Hansen shrugged. “I was told to meet you at the bridge and tell you to take him back home. He’s got some lessons that he hasn’t learned yet – and lots of work that he hasn’t even started to fulfill.” (Randy Gehling)

Multi-colored icon.   A diabetic Mexican woman who speaks no English (Steve is fluent in Spanish) and who, Steve ascertained, was completely unfamiliar with NDEs before her own experience. Here is her story: :Prior to her experience, she had lost the ability to see. Diabetes had taken away her retina, and her heart wasn’t supplying enough circulation to her brain to allow her to speak. She was in very poor shape. They prepared her for surgery. Open-heart surgery on a diabetic woman of sixty-seven is full of risk. The doctors went outside to discuss their strategy. While they were conferring, she saw the wall open up and a brilliant light pour out. A bearded man in white stepped up beside her. He was made of white light. ‘You’re not ready to follow me yet … you’re not prepared. I’m going to give you back your eyesight. You’ll need it to finish your life. And I’m going to heal the heart valve, so you can speak again. You still have a few more things to do. Your grandchildren need you to teach them.’ According to the woman’s account, he placed his hand on her chest, and her eyesight returned. [Later] she sat in a wheel chair, serene, full of confidence, and smiling. Her legs were gone, but her eyes were clear, and she was happy in a calm way. Her cardiologist later told her, ‘Something has happened to change you body. We don’t have an explanation for it. I personally ascribe it to be the will of God. You can go home now. We did nothing.'” (Dr. Kenneth Ring’s NDE research)

Multi-colored icon.   “He led me up through what seemed like a tunnel. I seemed to be walking, but my feet didn’t touch a floor. Suddenly I heard what sounded like a city-sized playground full of kids, laughing and playing. Hearing them calmed me. Another man came to meet us. I didn’t see him either. He asked the one leading me who I was, then he went away. When he returned he told the man with me that I had to go back, that they weren’t ready for me yet.” (Clara)

Multi-colored icon.   “At first, when the light came, I wasn’t sure what was happening, but then, it asked, it kind of asked me if I was ready to die. It was like talking to a person, but a person wasn’t there. The light’s what was talking to me, but in a voice. Now, I think that the voice that was talking to me actually realized that I wasn’t ready to die. You know, it was just kind of testing me more than anything else. Yet, from the moment the light spoke to me, I felt really good – secure and loved. The love which came from it is just unimaginable, indescribable. It was a fun person to be with! And it had a sense of humor, too – definitely!” (Dr. Raymond Moody’s NDE research)

3. Insights On Being Ready To Die

Multi-colored icon.   “There is such tremendous LOVE, PEACE and JOY there that you can think of no other place you would rather be. There is no way to really describe the high Heavens. It has to be experienced by the individual. And all individuals will have this experience when they are ready and it is time for them … Contrary to what many of us were taught in our various religions, ‘Heaven’ is not a reward for good behavior, it is a ‘higher plane of existence’ that awaits those who ready themselves to enter. The only way to enter through the door … is to hold the key of Love.” (Christian Andreason)

Multi-colored icon.   “The first city was like first grade. People stayed there until they were ready to go to the next city – your eternal progression, from city to city.” (Cecil)

Multi-colored icon.   “Since your arrival here, you have been escorted through several different realms; there are many more, and nothing is restricted. Each person is free to experience fully, and the only governor is the state of the conscious mind. Deeply held beliefs are what come into visible expression here, just as they do on the dimension from which you have just come. Not everyone will have the same experience, for truly we create our own. However, subtle energies gently press on closed, restrictive minds, and like the rosebud’s petals, they slowly open and expand and are soon willing to accept greater understanding. Then they are ready to move from their limited concept of life to the eternal adventure, for there is ever more to know, to do, to be.” (Jan Price)

Multi-colored icon.   “We stay in heaven (and there are many divisions to this vibratory level) for however long best serves our development. There is a sense of benefit here, as if one has found one’s true home and all is well (what some people call ‘recess,’ or a time of rewards). In heaven, we have the opportunity to assess our progress as a soul, to evaluate pros and cons and outcomes, to remember all truths including that of our real identity. We experience the glory of love and the power of forgiveness. This is not an end point, but, rather, the realization of our purpose in creation’s story, how we fit, and what possibilities for future growth and learning exist. We do not leave until we are ready for our next advancement either in the world of form or beyond it.” (P.M.H. Atwater)

Multi-colored icon.   “I thanked this loving being for explaining and showing me what he did. He told me that there was more for him to show me if I was ready to experience it. I told him I was ready. I did not know why I was chosen but I was not about to question why. It just seemed small to me then.” (David Oakford)

Multi-colored icon.   “Some people may want to hang around their old surroundings on Earth rather than go on to discover for themselves the beauty and wisdom which is offered to them on the other side. This may take a long time, but they are coaxed along slowly. Nothing is forced on a soul, neither attitudes nor understandings. This is why we are always counseled here on Earth never to force our beliefs on another person until one is ready to hear them. The free choice of every individual should be acknowledged … On the other side you see things with a clearer, more objective nature, but you are not given total knowledge because you would not understand it or be ready to use it, any more than while you are here on Earth. We are given knowledge only as we are ready to receive it, whether we are in or out of the body … As you are ready, and as you choose, you will be shown your past lives. If you do not believe in reincarnation it may take a long time before you are able to deal with this. Eventually, you must learn to understand yourself in a continuity of growth over many lifetimes.” (Betty Bethards)

Multi-colored icon.   “When your time comes … and the Light, the tunnel, Christ or your departed Loved ones come for you to take you home … go with them and go to Heaven! That is where you really belong! Just know that when you Love God or Christ … you will just naturally sense of feel where you need to go in Heaven and arrive in that place automatically.” (Christian Andreason)

Multi-colored icon.   “There is much, much work for you. You have to go back and tell them. Life is a precious gift. Each moment is filled with great opportunities. Don’t waste your time on Earth. Spread love and understanding. We will always be with you guiding you, protecting you, awaiting the time when we will be reunited when your work on Earth is over.” (Josiane Antonette)

Multi-colored icon.   “The NDEr may then receive a telepathic message, ‘It is not yet your time’ or ‘Your mission is not completed’ or ‘You are not ready to die’ or some variant of this. The decision to return may be voluntary or involuntary. If voluntary, it is usually associated with unfinished responsibilities. (Kevin Williams)

Multi-colored icon.   “We progress at our own rate to reach the light. If you do things that take you away from the light, then you are perpetuating your time here.” (Dr. Kenneth Ring)

Multi-colored icon.   “Concerning the transcendent experience (i.e., expansive revelations, alternate realities): Exposure to otherworldly dimensions and scenes beyond the individual’s frame of reference; sometimes includes revelations of greater truths. Seldom personal in content. Usually experienced by those who are ready for a mind-stretching challenge and/or individuals who are more apt to utilize (to whatever degree) the truths that are revealed to them. Incident rate: 2% with child experiencers, 18% with adult experiencers.” (P.M.H. Atwater)

4. Being Told “Your Mission Is Not Fulfilled”

Multi-colored icon.   “During this NDE I was ‘told’ I had to come back (from there) because I had a mission.” (Darren Corlett)

Multi-colored icon.   “Now, within his words, I felt a mission, a purpose; I didn’t know what it was, but I knew that my life on Earth had not been meaningless. It was not yet my time. My time would come when my mission, my purpose, my meaning in this life was accomplished. I had a reason for existing on Earth. But even though I understood this, my spirit rebelled. Did this mean I would have to go back?” (Betty Eadie)

Multi-colored icon.   “‘It’s not just your children, RaNelle. You have things to do – things that aren’t finished yet.’ ‘No, I’m better off here. I don’t want to go through all that.’ I pointed to my body. ‘I refuse. I want to stay here.’ I sensed my grandmother’s awareness that time was growing short. ‘You must go,’ she said. ‘Your mission isn’t complete.’ (RaNelle Wallace)

5. Being Told “Your Life Is Not Complete”

Multi-colored icon.   Eventually realizing he was in heaven, Dovel, a child with no religious training, stood in the presence of Jesus and immediately understood that his work on Earth was not complete. (Matthew Dovel)

6. Being Told “Your Life Is Not Yet Finished”

Multi-colored icon.   “However, I did not want to come back but I was told that my life had not finished and that I must. I argued and lost. So I reluctantly came back and got into my body and woke up.” (Alise)

Multi-colored icon.   “In the inner world, Michael and I were walking hand in hand towards the Pearly Gates. It really was the Pearly Gates! I never knew the Pearly Gates actually existed, but they did – at least, in my experience. The wise guardian of the gate came. He welcomed us and addressed Paul (Mike had changed his name to Paul) in connection with joining the ‘Children of God.’ This wise being said some things to Paul such as, ‘Off you go. Go in through the gates.’ I was about to follow and he said, ‘Stop! You’re not finished yet.’ (Palden Jenkins)

Multi-colored icon.   “These Beings knew what I was thinking and I had to tell them I felt I could have done a better job on Gaia. I knew what I had come to Gaia to accomplish and was well on my way to doing that but I knew I was not finished yet. They agreed and told me that I still had many things to do and that I may want to go back and do them. I was told it was understood how difficult it would be for me but it was necessary for the universe for me to finish. They said it may be wise to go back and live my life how I had originally planned it. They said I had set lofty goals for my life on Gaia and the events in my life were achieving the goals I had set. They said I originally came to Gaia to learn and share with others using the gifts I have accumulated over several lifetimes. They said I am needed on Gaia to help souls bring themselves and Gaia back to harmony. They said I have great potential to affect other souls, to help them grow and Gaia is the best place to do that. I was told the events I had experienced thus far were preparing me to make a large contribution to the universe and my experiences were not to be considered personal attacks in any way. I did not want to accept it. I wanted to stay. I told them that. I told them I was tired and wanted to stay because life on Gaia is hard and unforgiving. I felt going back would be dangerous for the universe because I was not advanced enough in my spiritual evolution. They said that was precisely why it would be in my best interest to go back to Gaia. They said I was more advanced than I give myself credit for. They said it was possible for me to stay but I would need to finish my work on Gaia sooner or later. The type of work I was destined for can only be done on Gaia. I could stay if chose to but I would only be prolonging the completion of what I needed to do for this universe. They explained the fastest way to finish my work would be to go back to Gaia as soon as possible.” (David Oakford)

7. Being Told “It Is Not Your Time To Die”

Multi-colored icon.   “I didn’t feel like I knew anything; yet, there was a place in me that knew everything. I asked Wills if I could stay. He said, ‘It’s not your time yet. There’s been a mistake. You have to go back.'” (Laurelynn Martin)

Multi-colored icon.   “I heard a voice say, ‘Be not afraid child. It is not your time. You are not through on Earth. Everything has a purpose and you will have to complete yours before you return… My creatures on Earth, large and small, are here for a purpose.'” (Beth Hammond)

Multi-colored icon.   “Telepathically, he communicates to her. ‘Isn’t it wonderful? Everything is beautiful here, and it fits together. And you’ll find that. But you can’t stay here now. It’s not your time to be here yet and you have to go back.’ Vicki reacts, understandably enough, with extreme disappointment and protests vehemently. ‘No, I want to stay with you.’ But the being reassures her that she will come back, but for now, she ‘has to go back and learn and teach more about loving and forgiving.'” (Vicki Umipeg)

Multi-colored icon.   “‘I know everything about you and I’m now going to send you back, because it’s not your time to come over. You still have your life’s work to do.’ I felt very humble, very much in awe of such love. I could hardly believe that someone could love me so much. At that time I remember asking what my life’s work was, and I was told, ‘You’ll not know at this time but you will be shown.’ And I think I was still asking questions like, ‘When?’ (laughing) I was always saying, ‘When?’ I was also told to come back and tell my husband and children what had happened. I was to share it with them. I think it was about then that I regained consciousness.” (Janet)

Multi-colored icon.   “And then there was a sense of drawing back, and I panicked and said, ‘Dad, I don’t want to go!’ He said, ‘You have to go, it’s not your time yet, you must go back. You’re going to have a son, and you’ll have to bring this boy up, bring him up yourself.’ Then Dad told me my marriage was going to break up. (We’d only been married just a year!) And I remember saying, ‘Dad, I don’t want that to happen. I always thought that when I got married, it wouldn’t happen.’ It was a very intense feeling. I said, ‘Dad, I don’t want to go – I want to stay with you. Let me stay with you.’ I was most distressed, I didn’t want to go back. He sent me back. He told me that he would be there, he would be there again for me.” (Grace)

Multi-colored icon.   “Upon hearing this, I then believed that I had been carried to heaven or before the Almighty God. I was so filled with LOVE and JOY. I was content and NEVER wanted to go back to Earth, ever. But I again heard these words, ‘It is not your time for you have much fruits to bring to me.’ But I did not want to return back to this Earth. Suddenly I felt myself back on my bed and the cloud had left. (Victor Borras)

Multi-colored icon.   “I started to turn the lever to open the gate when I heard this voice saying, ‘M.L., go back. It’s not your time.’ I said, ‘But I don’t want to go back!’ And all of the sudden I heard Linda’s voice calling me, saying ‘M.L., I love you, and I need you.’ ‘Please don’t do this to me,’ I pleaded. ‘Let me go.’ Then there was another voice, coming from beyond the fence saying, ‘No son, it’s time for you to go back.’ And Linda’s daddy said the same thing, ‘Not yet. Linda still needs you.'” (M.L. Gordon)

Multi-colored icon.   “We spoke telepathically for hours which in real time must have been a very short time and when he rose from my bedside to go I came up out of my body to join him with peace and joy only to be told – No! ‘But I want to go with you, I want to go home!’ I cried. And again he said with such kindness – ‘No, Jesus sent me to tell you, now is not your time.’ When I mentally shrugged and gave up (who was I to deny Jesus) everything came back……the pain, the smells, the heat, the noise and I wept.” (Jean Harmon)

8. Being Told “There Has Been A Mistake”

Multi-colored icon.   “He kept saying, ‘All is known. You have simply forgotten.’ I didn’t feel like I knew anything; yet, there was a place in me that knew everything. I asked Wills if I could stay. He said, ‘It’s not your time yet. There’s been a mistake. You have to go back.'” (Laurelynn Martin)

Multi-colored icon.   “I was totally aware that God was there but I was also aware that it was a mistake I was there and He fixed it very quickly.” (Kathleen Young)

9. Being Told “You Must Go Back”

Multi-colored icon.   “At that moment I asked God, ‘What do you want me to do?’ And the answer that came to me was that I had to go back into my physical body in order to complete certain goals that had already been set into motion.” (Liz Dale’s NDE research)

Multi-colored icon.   “The light spoke and it said, ‘Lynn, it is not time for you yet. Go back, child.’ I put my hand up to touch the top of the light. I knew then that I had touched the face of God. I told God that I loved him, and I wanted to stay with him. Again the light said, ‘Lynn, go back. It is not time for you. You have work to do for me. Go back.'” (Lynn)

Multi-colored icon.   “I started to turn the lever to open the gate when I heard this voice saying, ‘M.L., go back. It’s not your time.’ I said, ‘But I don’t want to go back!’ And all of the sudden I heard Linda’s voice calling me, saying, ‘M.L., I love you, and I need you.'” (M.L. Gordon)

 “I think of death as some delightful journey that I shall take when all my tasks are done.” – George Elliot
