Tag Archives: Nikola Tesla

What Chemtrails Really Are

I found interesting article about chemtrails and how they could use them as a medium for directed energy weapons like HAARP for example.

What Chemtrails Really Are

By Carolyn Williams Palit

“The United States does not torture.” –President George W. Bush

We are dealing with Star Wars. It involves the combination of chemtrails for creating an atmosphere that will support electromagnetic waves, ground-based, electromagnetic field oscillators called gyrotrons, and ionospheric heaters. Particulates make directed energy weapons work better. It has to do with “steady state” and particle density for plasma beam propagation.

They spray barium powders and let it photo-ionize from the ultraviolet light of the sun. Then, they make an aluminum-plasma generated by “zapping” the metal cations that are in the spray with either electromagnetics from HAARP, the gyrotron system on the ground [Ground Wave Emergency Network], or space-based lasers. The barium makes the aluminum-plasma more particulate dense. This means they can make a denser plasma than they normally could from just ionizing the atmosphere or the air.

More density [more particles] means that these particles which are colliding into each other will become more charged because there are more of them present to collide. What are they ultimately trying to do up there — is create charged-particle, plasma beam weapons.
Chemtrails are the medium – GWEN pulse radars, the various HAARPs, and space-based lasers are the method, or more simply:

Chemtrails are the medium — directed energy is the method.

Spray and Zap.

This system appears to be in Russia, Canada, the United States, and all of Europe. Exotic weapons can be mobile, stationary, land-based, aerial, or satellite.

It is an offensive and defensive system against EM attacks and missiles. It uses ionospheric particle shells as defense mechanisms [like a bug-zapper shell]* against missiles and EM attacks. That means they spray and then pump up the spray with electromagnetics. When these shells are created using the oscillating, electromagnetic, gyrotron stations, it “excludes” and displaces the background magnetic field. These shells can be layered one above another in a canopy fashion for extra protection from missiles. The chemtrail sprays have various elements in them like carbon which can used to absorb microwaves. Some of these sprays have metal flakes in them that make aerial craft invisible to radar. Spoofer sprays. Sprays like these can be used to create colorful, magnetized plasmas to cloak fighter jets.

There are satellite weapons involved. Activists are using meters and are getting readings of microwaves, x-rays, and some other kind of emission that they are not sure of, maybe a low-intensity laser.

They are also photographing gas plasma generation due to the heating of chemtrails by electromagnetics. The technical names for vertical and horizontal plasma columns are columnar focal lenses and horizontal drift plasma antennas. Various size of gas plasma orbs are associated with this technology. These orbs can be used as transmitters and receivers because they have great, refractory and optical properties. They also are capable of transmitting digital or analog sound. Barium, in fact, is very refractive — more refractive than glass.

What does that mean? Someone or someones are very involved in unconstitutional, domestic spying and the entrained plasma orbs carried on electromagnetic beams can be used for mind control programming. The satellites can be programmed to track and monitor various frequencies on different parts of your body. These electromagnetic beams carrying the gas plasma orbs stick due magnetic polarity and frequency mapping and tracking to people’s eyes, ears, temples, and private parts. A beam with entrained orbs carries pictures in each orb just like the different frames in a movie. It is a particle beam that is also a frequency weapon.

The satellites download holographic mind control movies, pictures, sounds, and sensations to people through this technology. The Air Force has stated in “Air Force 2025” that their goal is to develop virtual and augmented reality mind control. Depending on the how the computer is programmed or depending on the mood or intent of the person interfacing with the technology, you can be probed, bothered, gaslighted, frightened, manipulated, electronically raped, or tortured. It scans your brain frequencies and deciphers your thoughts. The satellites track you by mapping your bioenergetic signature [body biometrics] and constantly scanning an area to find you.

We are the lab rats for this technology and something is very wrong in the military or intelligence branches somewhere. Because developmental projects in government and military are often so compartmentalized, I suppose someone could be using and developing this technology secretly and without authorization. Then again, behavioral and mind control programs were an authorized policy under MKULTRA. Our country has a history of experimenting on its citizens. We are talking about satellite charged-particle frequency weapons attacking a person 24 hours a day. Psychotronic weapons are considered weapons of mass destruction by the U.N.

“HAARPs” can create earthquakes and can also x-ray the earth to find underground military bases, gold, or oil reserves. These ionospheric heaters can also operate as an over-the-horizon or under-the-ocean communications system. This system can control the weather or create disasters. Taken together with the aurora keyhole through-your-roof satellite surveillance system, Echelon electronic computer/phone sweeps, plasma-cloaked DOD Drug War helicopters and stealths, implants, and cameras on the street, it constitutes one, big global and space control grid.

These weapons involve beams. Two beams overlapped will couple into a particle-ion beam that will bounce off of a remote target and send a holographic image back to the satellite for remote spying operations. When you cross two strong beams, you can supposedly* create scalar energies. These energies can be used as untraceable weapons for nuclear size explosions or for defense. These crossed-energies can be used to cause a person’s physical electrical system to fail or with a lower frequency, administer a kind of remote electro-shock. Visualize touching a positive and negative electric cable to each other on top of your head. Scalar energies can be utilized in hand-held military guns and on tanks. They can dud-out electronics or cause large, electrical blackouts. Scalar energies are practically impossible to shield against. You need lead, ceramics, and a deep underground facility to not be affected by these weapons. Or, you need to be up and above the field of battle.

People who are working on these issues hear tones and hums. If you hear persistent tones and static; have body vibrations, burning sensations, “bangs” to the head, neurological damage, or immune system damage; are hearing electronic voices or hearing the sound of a plasma; suffering from pains deep in your organs or constant headaches; or experiencing other anomalous activity then you may be being targeted by directed energy, mind control weapons. These weapons could be on helicopters, jets, stealth fighters, or on satellites. Directed energy beams and electromagnetic waves can be sent to you via hand-held devices or piggy-backed in on cell phone and satellite towers.

Is it possible that someone(s) are very afraid of coming famines and riots due to the ongoing, man-induced failure of the ecological system, and they are saturating the earth with chemtrails for large- scale, gas plasma mind control? Is this the last grasp for the world’s resources? Or, are they just control freaks and money mongers? Someone would like to get to that oil under the melting [due to chemtrail-trapped EM heat] Artic. And, I guess the Third World is not a part of this system. I don’t think that the developed nations are going to let them in on this either.

Any country that joins this NATO system will become mind-controlled and diseased due to the associated, intense, oscillating, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic soup, and the poisonous, toxic chemtrails. Our DNA will break. We risk the earth’s spin and tilt becoming messed up due to mucking around with the magnetic fields through this military technology. Maybe, it is already messed up.

It constitutes U.S. global domination via NATO and the erosion of civil rights. According to Charlotte Iserbyt and Al Martin, there are ex-KGB and ex-STASI advising our new Office of Total Information Awareness. They are the ones creating our new internal passports [national ID]. And under “The Treaty on Open Skies,” we have overflights by Russian and German military. Who exactly is flying those plasma-cloaked craft that are seen all over this country and mistaken for UFOs by people who do not know about this aerial deception technology? Obviously, we have another “Project Paperclip” in the making. We can add the new thugs to the 2,000 Iraqi brought into country by Daddy Bush who are now living in Nebraska.

The elitist corporate government is going to hold the rest of us hostage with directed energy weapons in space, if the Policy for a New American Century group – PNAC – Bush and cronie think tank has their way, along with directed energy attacks against any country or citizen that they decide they do not like. These weapons can create climate war, weather war, mind war, cyber war, disease war, disaster war, and undetectable war. Taken together they can create economic war.

If this system is not stopped, it will kill billions due to aluminum and barium poisoning. It will kill billions due to crop failures and world-wide famine. It will cause heart attacks, strokes, and cancers. It will cause stillbirths, miscarriages, and infertility. The chemtrail sprays often have fungi, bacteria, viruses, dessicated red blood cells, crystalline substances, carbon, metal cations, lithium, other chemicals, heavy metals, and God knows what – probably smart dust, or nanocrap. Years of biowarfare testing on the American public is no big secret anymore. Spraying germs in the sky where they mutate due to the ultra-violet light — brillant plan, my man. Are we acceptable losses or is this by design?

I know that many of the major players have big investments in pharmaceutical companies, GM seeds [seeds that can grow in an electromagnetic soup], weapons and directed energy development contracts, oil contracts, genetic research, and mind control research. Some of these people have had a familial history of financial and policy support for population control, eugenics, Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Marx, Pinochet, Hussein, and various other dictators. Some of the major players were the masterminds of the death squads in Central and South America. They stand to make a big profit on our death and disease. Just take a look at Rumsfield and Tamiflu.

I assume that they know the dangers of this system and that they take care to stay in their shielded, air-filtered offices, homes, bases, and cars. I assume they take chelating substances to remove the barium and aluminum from their bodies and minds. If not, then they really do not understand the far-ranging implications of this destructive system. Congress may not understand just what a terrible weapons system and control grid they are funding.

As I understand it, Tesla towers attached to deep-earth, free-energy taps are to be created over the 10-12 magnetic poles and the GWEN system phased-out. Has this already been done? This should allow total control of the earth through giant, Tesla death ray-guns. This natural, electromagnetic earth was not meant to be an un-natural dynamo to power man’s weapons or his utility companies.

Over-unity systems [Tesla devices]* are as of yet, another unexplored and probably not understood man-made energy. We should be very suspect of free energy. As we can see, the forms of man-made energy that have been created and used in the past have not been good for this planet. Maybe it is time to reconsider the options available to us through the development of crops for fuel, wind, solar, and water power. We need world-wide, different, more holistic, renewable, energy programs.

Is there any good news? Yes. There has been tons of particulate dumping through the spray operations for 8 years over the Americas, Europe, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, and from what I can find out, over Russia. And, what goes around blows around, right? So, these substances are probably actually global. It sure makes a ton of sense to spray poisonous elements in 24 NATO countries and let the substances be carried around the earth on the jet streams to poison yourself, your enemies, and all neutral and non-combatent countries. Talk about making more enemies.

The water, air, and soil of all of these countries is so saturated with metal cations that these weapons freaks should be able to zap and mind f–k each other quite well now and as often as they wish. Once they have clobbered each other with light-saber beams for a few years and razed and scorched sections of the earth, they may start to realize that this foreign policy will lead to a defective human race and a rotten economy.

Do you think they will have knocked some sense into each other by then and will decide that non-proliferation and arms reduction is the more civilized and mature direction to take in world affairs? I doubt it, cause only idiots would have developed horrific, planet-killer weapons like these. But, I’ll bet the rest of the planet will finally rise up and tell these juvenile delinquents to quit playing with those rayguns right this second.

After further thought on Bearden + — a big over-unity and free energy proponent of Tesla technology that makes energy off of boiling the ionosphere or stealing electricity from the mis-named “vacumn” called Life, I have decided that Bearden is telling us some, if not most, of the truth. Same for Eastlund.

>> Download article (pdf)



Here it is free energy by Nikola Tesla!:


small QEG-HopeGirl-logo

As Promised, here are the open sourced documents for a quantum energy generator. This has been made possible by the people and for the people. It is freely given to the world.


An average modern household requires 5-10KW of power  to operate.

A conventional generator needs   15KW to produce 10KW of power.

To produce these 15KW of power we rely on gas, diesel, propane, coal or other products that can be metered creating profits for the oil industry.

130 years ago Nikola Tesla invented and patented an energy generator. This is a resonance machine that only needs 1KW of input power to produce 10KW of output power.  His patents are now in the public domain.

The Fix the World Organization has reproduced Teslas design with a few modern twists to generate the same results.   Our Quantum Energy Generator (QEG) provides 10KW of power output for less than 1KW input, which it supplies to itself.

We have freely given this technology to the people of the world.  We’ve open sourced a full set of instructions, user manual, schematics and parts list for any engineer to follow and reproduce the same results.

How the QEG works:
First we use a starting power source, such as an outlet or a crank to power the 1 horsepower motor. This motor spins the rotor in the generator core. The unique oscillator circuitry configuration in the generator core causes resonance to occur. Once the core achieves this resonance it can produce up to 10KW of power, which can then be run through an inverter to power the motor that spins the rotor. You can then unplug the motor from the original power source and the generator will power itself.

Cottage Industry Community Units specifically for the production of QEG’s are NOW developing in communities in 30+ countries.  The People are making their own free energy devices.

The QEG belongs to humanity now. Many will make further improvements and we will all co-develop this practical bridge technology together.

The QEG: For the People and By the People

Fix the World is currently traveling to Taiwan, London and Morocco for the month of April to help communities build QEG’s. Everything we have accomplished has been made possible by the donations of people like you. If you would like to help keep us going, every little bit helps! Please consider giving back and making a donation of any amount to the Fix the World Organization. By Clicking here:



Forbidden technology part V, Hutchison Effect and Ark Of The Covenant

This next post is about a “Mad” scientist called John Hutchison. Many people claim that he is a hoax and his so called “Hutchinson Effect” is a big joke, but something tells me that it isn’t the whole truth. There are lots of disinformation related to Hutchinson, but what waked up my interest to this guy was the replica of the Ark Of The Covenant, which he built with couple of guys and it was a very powerful device. And beside that John is a very funny and warm man. Here is small description of John Hutchinson:

John Hutchison’s life changed drastically in 1979 when, upon starting up an array of high-voltage equipment, he felt something hit his shoulder. He threw the piece of metal back to where it seemed to have originated, and it flew up and hit him again. This was how he originally discovered fundamental frequencies can shield gravity. When his Tesla coils, electrostatic generator, and other equipment created a complex electromagnetic field, heavy pieces of metal levitated and shot toward the ceiling, and some pieces shredded. Upon analysis and thorough investigation, the Canadian government dubbed this phenomenon the Hutchison-Effect.

What is the Hutchison effect? As with much of the new-energy field, no one can say for sure. Some theorists think the effect is the result of opposing electromagnetic fields canceling each other out, creating a powerful flow of space energy. The Canadian government also reported invisible samples phasing in and out of existence. A Vancouver businessman, George Hathaway, heard about the Hutchison Effect in 1980, contacted Hutchison, and brought in a consulting engineer from Boeing Aerospace, and the Canadian government to form a company that would promote technology developed from the effect. Many different political factors ensured Hutchison would not be allowed to continue in his research unless he signed agreements with either the Canadian government or the U.S. military. John refused. During one of John’s overseas trips to Germany, the Canadian government seized the opportunity to acquire all of John’s priceless replications of Nikola Tesla’s equipment by paying off his “partner” George Liscazis upwards of 70 million dollars and creating a false PCB scandal so they could use the local press to justify their actions and hide the true nature of what the government was actually removing from John’s Lab located at 13th and Kingsway,

Vancouver B.C. After many more years of experiments, demonstrations and lectures in other countries such as U.S.A. Germany and Japan, Hutchison returned to Vancouver in 1991. Piece by piece, he built out of surplus Navy equipment what now had become a landmark in New Westminster, British Colombia. John has built himself an apartment laboratory second to none. It took several years before he could reestablish his collection, however despite many obstacles , most political, John, until recently had his apartment lab equipped to perform for all types of media demonstrating the Hutchison Effect. The Mayor of New Westminster forced him to cease in 2006, then in 2010 John was forcibly removed by order of the Mayor directing the fire marshal to remove him from his famous apartment lab on 5th Ave.

Under the ExperimentsSection, you will find John and friends are still developing new ideas, and historically engineering suppressed and lost technologies for release and scrutiny by the general public. The Egyptian Technology Section, and the Atlantean Technology Section are favorite topics, of ours and the fans. In John’s newsletter, he has released never before seen, previously classified documentation from his own works as well as some of the Department of Defense documentation he has acquired over the years from government sources, with or without official authorization.

Please enjoy this independent scientist’s website and all it has to offer. John has remained independent regardless of multi million dollar offers to conceal his findings from the general public. NASA is among the agencies he has turned down, as well as both the superpowers offerings to privatize and or militarize his inventions. John believes in a world of free energy and the marvels of anti- gravity for the general public, not just those in positions of power. Now that the government has destroyed his third laboratory, and again taken his home from him, where did John end up with his tiny fixed income and boxes of his broken dreams? A German research team gave him enough seed money to take his whole show on the road with his new wife Nancy. As John travels the U.S.A. in his newly converted S.W.A.T. bus, he treats polluted waters of the gulf with the Hutchison Effect and researches different possible pollution solutions from his mobile command center. He also remains hopeful his inventions one day will ease the burden and suffering, and enrich all of mankind all around the world, rich or poor.

In the end, the government didn’t crush his spirit and destroy his dreams. They set him loose. John roams the planet quite freely now with his wife and explores natures mysteries to this very day. We hope you enjoy the website, and if you feel a desire to participate in John’s adventure, all you need to do is email him.


John has investigated many things, but his main research has been his so called “Hutchington Effect”:

An inventor in Canada named John Hutchison is credited with one of science’s most unusual and controversial discoveries. It is described as a “highly-anomalous electromagnetic effect which causes the jellification of metals, spontaneous levitation of common substances, and other effects.” It is known as the Hutchison Effect, or the H-Effect for short.

What the H-Effect is purported to do is nothing short of extraordinary. It is said to cause objects to defy gravity, cause metal to spontaneously fracture, cause dissimilar materials to fuse (such as metal and wood), and other strange phenomena. Hutchison has captured the effect on video many times, and claims to have demonstrated it for scientists from U.S. Army intelligence. But the claims are mired in doubt because the effect is not reproducible, even by the discoverer himself.

Hutchison is a bit of an eccentric, conducting his experiments in his apartment using surplus Navy and Army electronic equipment. His living space is absolutely crowded with oscilloscopes, digital readouts, gauges, switches, lights, receiver dishes, chains, and all manner of hardware. His supporters often liken him to the brilliant scientist and inventor Nikola Tesla, and in fact it was during an attempt to reproduce one of Tesla’s experiments that the H-Effect was said to have been accidentally discovered.

Hutchison’s experiments utilized multiple electrical coils called Tesla coils, as well as a static electricity machine called a Van de Graaf generator. How these high-voltage devices work in concert to create the H-Effect is uncertain, but supporters believe that a hypothetical electromagnetic wave called a scalar wave allowed Hutchison’s apparatus to tap an exotic energy called zero-point energy.

Zero-point energy is the energy present at zero degrees Kelvin zero Kelvins, the temperature at which all activity in an atom supposedly ceases. It is also called vacuum energy because it is descriptive of the energy in a perfect vacuum, where no light or matter is present. In this state, random electromagnetic oscillations can still be observed, meaning that there is still some amount of energy present. Essentially, the concept of tapping zero-point energy assumes that the universe is saturated in a constant background energy which we cannot observe because it is present everywhere, even within ourselves and our measuring devices. If such energy exists, it could be an enormous amount… it is theorized that there is enough energy in the volume the size of a coffee cup to completely boil away Earth’s oceans.

Much of the criticism of Hutchison’s work stems from the shortage of impartial third-party observations, and by the fact that the H-Effect has not yet been reproduced elsewhere. There are several demonstration videos supposedly showing the phenomena, including a few short videos online and some more involved footage which he sells by mail-order for up to $150. The online videos indeed feature close-up shots of objects which appear to be levitating and moving in strange ways, but many suspect that his levitation tricks are fakery.

One suggestion made by skeptics is that Hutchison uses an electromagnet on the ceiling, and places hidden pieces of metal inside objects so they will be attracted to the magnet. He could then film the objects with an upside-down camera as he powers down the electromagnet, making the objects on film appear to float up and out of the shot when in reality they are falling down to the floor. Many of the videos include conspicuous objects in the scene which do not move (such as an old broom), which could be deliberately attached to add to the illusion that the camera is not upside-down. Critics also point out that the videos do not show what happens to the objects after they levitate.

One particularly damning piece of evidence against him is a video he produced for a television special which shows a toy UFO levitating and jumping around wildly. A string is clearly visible in the upper left-hand corner of the video, wiggling in sync with the UFO’s movements. At first Hutchison claimed that it was a wire which was part of the apparatus, but later he confessed that he was “creative” with the footage because he has been unable to reproduce the effect since 1991.

Given that Hutchison’s claims are outlandish and his credibility damaged by admitted fakery, it is likely that the effect named for him is complete claptrap. Carl Sagan famously said that “extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence,” and Hutchison offers no such evidence aside from easily faked videos and unsubstantiated claims. But much valuable science has been done by eccentrics who are mocked by the rest of the scientific community in their time… so it is possible that his claims are indeed valid. Science is half skepticism and half open-mindedness, so as much as I doubt the veracity of Hutchison’s claims, at the same time I would be delighted to be proven wrong.


Here is John’s official film about Hutchington Effect:

 Hutchington has investicated the famous Ark Of The Covenant. Here is first a little bit different description of the ark:

This is a condensed version of Gnosis Part 4: Ark of the Covenant

Like the Grail, the Ark of the Covenant was an object endowed with supernatural powers. The Ark is described in the Bible as a large wooden chest on carrying poles, gilded inside and out with gold, and having a solid gold lid surmounted by two golden winged figures.

The Ark remains the most sacred artifact of the Jews despite their losing it long ago. Without it, their ancestors would not have overcome certain obstacles, vanquished their enemies, received guidance from it, or prospered into the eventual nation of Israel. Therefore the entire Judeo-Christian paradigm owes its existence to the Ark of the Covenant.

Is the Bible’s descriptions of the Ark accurate? Well, the Old Testament is a fictional story pieced together from separate historical episodes. Isolated parts are true within their original contexts, but they may be out of order, superimposed, embellished, or borrowed from other cultures. Here are some examples:

  • The story of Moses being drawn from a river comes from an Akkadian legend pertaining to the genesis of their king, Sargon the Great. The Akkadians may have actually been the Hyksos, who reigned in Egypt from 1628 to 1550 B.C. When the Hyksos were expelled from Egypt, they resettled in Canaan and their descendants became Israel.
  • The two pharaohs of the Exodus were Pepi II and Merenre II circa 2200 B.C. They were the last pharaohs of the Old Kingdom of Egypt. This is almost a thousand years before conventional Biblical chronology places the Exodus.
  • The cataclysm that ended the Old Kingdom and killed Merenre II in the “place of the whirlpool” occurred around 2190 B.C. and was an early contributor to the stories of Passover, the Ten Plagues, and the Parting of the Sea of Reeds.
  • In 1628 B.C., the Mediterranean super-volcano of Thera exploded, forcing migrations out of Egypt and inspiring further additions to the stories of Exodus, particularly the Israelites seeing a pillar of cloud and fire before and later behind their wandering procession.
  • The Semitic Hyksos were purged from Egypt in 1550 B.C. after being paid off in large sums of gold and silver to leave. From this derives the story of the Israelites being given gold, silver, clothing, and jewels by the Egyptians in preparation for their exodus. The walls of Jericho fell around 1550 B.C. according to archeological dating, suggesting the Ark of the Covenant was en route to Canaan by that point.
  • The historical King Solomon lived in north-central Canaan in the decades following the Hyksos expulsion from Egypt. According to classical historian Flavius Josephus, the Hyksos founded Jerusalem.
  • The historical Temple of Solomon was built around 1500 B.C. along with the megalithic temple complex at Baalbek located in modern day Lebanon. Both were constructed by the Phoenicians using advanced technology; they were familiar with the Ark of the Covenant.
  • Queen Hatshepsut (1508–1458 BC) was contemporary with the historical King Solomon and may have held personal relations with him, the Phoenicians, and the Mitanni. Some believe she was Queen Sheba of the Bible.
  • After Hatsepshut died, her nephew and successor Thuthmose III waged military campaigns into northern Canaan and sacked Solomon’s Temple just four decades after it was built. He then defaced Hatshepsut’s statues and attempted to erase her from history. Thuthmose III was the historical basis for the Biblical pharaoh Shishak.
  • Pharaoh Akhenaten (reigned 1353 – 1336 B.C.) imposed a tyrannical form of monotheism upon Egypt. At the end of his infamous reign, traditionalists who had remained loyal to the old ways attempted to cleanse Egypt of Akhenaten’s influence. One of Akhenaten’s devoted followers, a high priest named Osarseph, resisted this by leading an uprising against the Egyptian traditionalists. The uprising failed, and he was forced to flee Egypt with his followers. Osarseph became the historical model for the Biblical Moses. They fled to Canaan and integrated with the descendants of earlier Egyptian exiles.

Despite being an invented narrative overall, the Old Testament still contains factual portions. Hence we can confidently glean from scripture the technical capabilities of the Ark of the Covenant, since these derive from actual historical events. What follows is a list of key aspects of the Ark and my interpretations of them.

Ark: Etheric and Electric Fields

The Ark is infamous for its deadly energy discharges. Those unqualified to touch, approach, or even look at the Ark would be struck dead. In attempting to explain this, others have noted that the gilded wooden box resembles a capacitor, something that stores electric charge. Since the Ark could accumulate and store high voltage electricity, some conclude the Ark was nothing more than a big capacitor. A large enough capacitor can indeed electrocute a person, but according to my calculations, the capacitance of the Ark is too small to do so. There is no way a wood-based capacitor by itself can accumulate enough power to kill a crowd, let alone surround itself with a glowing energy field and perform the more miraculous feats ascribed to it.

While the Ark may be a capacitor, that is only a small aspect of its total function. For instance, its construction resembles that of an orgone accumulator, a device invented by Wilhelm Reich to concentrate etheric energy. One has to go beyond regular physics to understand it. The Ark alone cannot do what the Bible says it can, at least not according to conventional science. High demiurgic technology, however, explains everything.

Since it was a chest with a lid, the Ark presumably carried something, and that object may have been responsible for its purported powers. The Bible says that the first item it carried was the stone tablet that Moses brought out from Mount Sinai. This fictional story has elements of truth, namely that a stone-like object was retrieved and placed in the Ark, after which it brimmed with energy. Therefore the Ark served more as the housing for a mysterious object placed inside. From this point on, when I refer to the Ark, I mean the Ark with this power source installed.

When it was being transported, it was thoroughly wrapped in shielding material and its carriers were forbidden from touching or looking directly at it. This indicates the Ark radiated a dangerous energy. When encamped, it was kept inside a structure known as the Tabernacle. The Tabernacle was a portable tent system designed to safely contain and surround the Ark. The first tent around the Ark was made of flax linen, the second of woven goat hair, third and fourth of dyed animal skins. This great redundancy in layer upon layer appears to be additional shielding. And shielding is only necessary if the Ark were putting out an intense energy field.

The choice of construction materials is significant. Flax fiber has a spiral crystalline structure. Hair and wool strands are nonlinear dielectrics, making them excellent attenuators of scalar waves. Baron von Reichenbach found through extensive experimentation that wool had the ability to attenuate etheric energy, the same way metal shielding attenuates electromagnetic waves.

Copper, silver, and gold were the only metals used in constructing the Ark and the Tabernacle. Iron was strictly forbidden. Folklore says that fairies and other supernatural beings have an aversion to iron. It seems that iron has undesirable effects upon etheric entities and technologies. Therefore we can infer that ferromagnetic materials interfered with the Ark’s operation, save iron-containing blood that played an important role in its function.

From the above, we can already see that the Ark’s operation included both etheric and electric elements. We are dealing with demiurgic technology here, not human technology.

Ark: Vortical Plasmic Intelligence

The Ark was surrounded by a luminous cloud known as the “Glory of the Lord” or “Shekhina,” the latter being a Hebrew term literally meaning the dwelling, settling, or presence of the Lord. It would seem that the Shekhina is just an electrical corona emanating from the golden winged figures, however the Shekhina was mobile and independent of the Ark. For instance, the Shekhina accompanied the Biblical Hebrews out of Egypt even before the Ark was built. It led them as a pillar of cloud by day and fire by night as they crossed the desert. It settled itself on Mount Sinai. It appeared in the desert when food was about to manifest from the heavens. Even after the Ark was built, the Shekhina could leave it and freely travel about of its own volition.

The Shekhina is described as looking like a “pillar of cloud” during daylight, suggesting condensation of water vapor into a visible tornado-like structure. This makes sense because, according to Wilhelm Reich, sufficiently dense orgone energy causes water vapor condensation. At night it glowed like a “pillar of fire” possibly indicating it was a fiery plasma. A very dense etheric energy field accounts for both the condensation of water vapor into visible mist and the glowing field of ionized gas. When kept in an enclosed shielded place like the inner Tabernacle tent or inner chamber of Solomon’s Temple, the Shekhina would fill the space like a luminous fog.

Solomon’s Temple was built to house the Ark permanently. Like the Tabernacle, the Ark rested within the Temple’s central chamber surrounded by numerous shielding walls. The energy field diffused and filled the space surrounding the Ark, creating a glowing atmosphere testifying to the power residing in Solomon’s Temple. This first temple was eventually destroyed and the Ark went missing. The second Temple of Solomon completed in 516 BC lacked both the Ark and its Shekhina. While the people rejoiced that their temple was back, the priests lamented because they knew it was missing the most critical component.

Note that all these characteristics don’t support the notion that the pillar of fire and cloud was an alien spaceship. It’s something else. That the Shekhina could localize upon the lid of the Ark and give messages or travel about freely suggests that it possessed intelligence and volition. Enough so that the Hebrews were convinced it really was their Lord dwelling in their midst.

Ark: Water Influencer

When the Hebrews fled Egypt under pursuit by the Egyptian army, the “Lord” went ahead of them and parted the Sea of Reeds so that they could cross. Water piled up into vertical walls and allowed passage over dry ground as though a solid force field had materialized left, right, and underneath them. The waters literally congealed beneath their feet and kept them dry. Later the Ark was used to part the Jordan River. Levite priests carried the Ark into the river, causing water to pile up on both sides some distance away and allowing the Israelites to once again cross over what they perceived as dry ground. When the priests carried the Ark to the other side, the river resumed course.

Mere weather or seismic explanations don’t account for this. Note also that while the water was pushed away, the people crossing were not; therefore it wasn’t just an outwardly blowing antigravitational field but something acting selectively on just water. Either the powered Ark created a shell-like force field or else it had direct control over water itself.

In another curious detail, cast metal basins were installed both in the Tabernacle and in Solomon’s Temple. In the Tabernacle it was a smaller bronze basin filled with water, said to be for washing. It was kept between the inner tent and a sacrificial altar in the courtyard where the Shekhina could pass over it. In Solomon’s Temple the basin was circular, fifteen feet in diameter and almost eight feet high. Presumably it was also filled with water, but something that large and deep excludes a basin solely for washing. Therefore one could speculate that the Shekhina had an affinity for water and the basins served a functional purpose toward that end. Wilhelm Reich wrote about the great affinity that orgone and water have for each other. A circular basin like that at Solomon’s Temple is the optimal shape for a whirlpool, and water scientist Viktor Schauberger indicated that whirlpools infuse water with etheric lifeforce energy.

Ark: Soul Frequency Selectivity

The Ark was selective with what effects it had upon whom. Those who possessed a high degree of etheric and astral integrity and obeyed protocol were left unharmed. This included the Levite Priests in charge of operating the Ark. Those who disobeyed protocol or were spiritually tarnished were struck dead or afflicted with sores, boils, and other symptoms of biological disintegration mimicking leprosy.

When the Philistines captured the Ark, wherever they moved it among their territories there broke out death, boils and in one case an outbreak of mice. This illustrates what happens when the Ark is brought in the midst of those who have not been sufficiently trained and purified. It seems to amplify and bring into outward manifestation the quality of their psychic energy, which in the case of decadence could manifest boils and mice. This is in contrast to the Ark’s enriching influence when stationed in Biblical Jerusalem.

Not only did the Levites have to wear special clothing and follow certain safety protocol, they also had to be of sufficient spiritual purity. Likewise the Grail would only let itself be cared for by a woman of perfect chastity and purity. It wasn’t enough to simply practice electrical safety because the Ark wasn’t just a high voltage device, but a Demiurgic one that translated astral/spiritual qualities into physical manifestation.

Ark: Manifesting Food

When the Israelites ran out of food while crossing the desert to Canaan, the Shekhina manifested food for them. It covered their camp with quail birds to provide meat in the evening, and coated the bare ground with dew that turned into edible granules called manna. Manna ceased to fall once the Israelites arrived in an area and ate its grain. This shows it was not a natural phenomenon, but that there was intelligence behind it. The appearance of manna was cyclical, with twice the quantity raining down on the sixth day of the week and none on Sabbath, which was a holy day of rest and worship. If true, this suggests the Ark was being operated by someone who obeyed the weekly Sabbath system, thereby implying that one or a few operators manifested food for the entire camp. Contrast this with the story told in Parzival, where the Grail Stone manifested food and drink according to the visualized desires of each knight who held his empty plate and cup before it.

If this account is taken literally, then the Shekhina had the power to manifest or attract particular animals, like quail in this case. When the Philistines captured the Ark, a plague of mice broke out in one city where it was stationed, thus another case of specific animals being manifested or attracted. And according to Jewish oral tradition, King Solomon had the power to draw specific wild animals to his Temple because he knew their “names.” A name in this context is a type of word unique to a thing, basically its spiritual archetype, astral signature, or Logoic template.

Ark: Loosh Transducer

In Robert Monroe’s book Far Journeys, “loosh” is defined as a metaphysical energy that ranges from the crudest etheric energy produced by plants to the most refined astral energy produced via human love and suffering. Loosh is equivalent to demiurgic energy.

It appears the Ark of the Covenant was powered, triggered, or catalyzed by externally supplied loosh. One example being the profuse level of animal sacrifices that the Israelites performed before the Ark in order to please their Lord. Another example being King David dancing half-naked before the Ark after its homecoming from Philistine capture.

David dancing before the Ark has stumped many. But as evidenced by Native American rain dances, the technical dances of the Sufis, or Rudolf Steiner’s Eurythmy, dance is a motional ritual that is highly active on an occult level and generates specific patterns of energies. The more intense the dance, the greater the energy output.

Animal sacrifices are convenient loosh sources. Slaughter liberates astral energies via the emotional experience of dying, while fat and blood provide rich sources of etheric energy. Levite priests sprinkled animal blood against the Tabernacle altar on all sides and burned the fatty carcass upon it, which would entice the Shekhina to exit the tent and consume the remains.

The Jewish practice of ritual slaughter is known as Shekhita. It involves precise cutting of the animal’s throat to ensure a calm but conscious death. Afterwards, the animal is fully drained of its blood. Interestingly, cows and bulls are the main targets of cattle mutilations. They are killed while fully conscious and later found completely drained of blood.

The Egyptian word for bull is “Ka” which is identically the Egyptian name for lifeforce energy. This suggests lifeforce was the primary concept associated with bulls. Ka is said to determine one’s destiny, habits, and vitality. It’s clear that Ka translates to etheric body. Hence the Egyptians sacrificed bulls, possibly to harvest loosh.

Whereas the ancients resorted to animal sacrifice and other crude means to activate the Ark, the Grail knights merely maintained a state of spiritual transcendence to activate the Grail stone by thought alone. The Grail knights were burning with a Christ energy, not in a religious sense, but in the sense of their being vessels for the positive personification of the divine Logos. In other words, they were connected to the highest, purest, most vibrationally elevated loosh source in existence — the face of God.

Those who cannot tap into this higher energy/intelligence must resort to lesser methods and sources to trigger their desired demiurgic effects. These include ritual, dance, sexual energy, animal sacrifice, and human sacrifice. When loosh cannot be tapped from an infinite source, cruder grades must be harvested from finite sources; the Israelite and Egyptian use of animal sacrifice illustrates this.

Ark: Sound and Pyramid Connection

Sound consistently accompanies the Ark’s operation and effects.

One example is the fall of Jericho, where the Israelites were instructed how to breach the walls. They were to march around the city for six days carrying the Ark, and on the seventh day the priests would blow trumpets in unison with everyone shouting. This caused the walls of Jericho to crumble, allowing the Israelites (actually the Hyksos exiles) to enter and slaughter every living being in the city.

Another example is the sound associated with the Shekhina’s activities on Mount Sinai. The trembling mountain was covered with smoke as a trumpet sound grew louder and louder.

There are other examples of shouting, music, and trumpet blasts being present during Ark and Shekhina activities. It seems that sound, like loosh, played an important role. Frequency and amplitude are the main variables defining a sound. That volume is emphasized in the above accounts suggests that the Ark translated sonic energy into something else in proportion to its intensity, and vice versa.

In Tempest and Exodus, Ralph Ellis makes a convincing case that Mount Sinai of the Bible was actually the Great Pyramid. For instance, Mount Sinai is traditionally described as the tallest of three mountains, each of which contained deep “caves.” Moses was commanded to go into Mount Sinai. It was named for the sharpness of its peak and infamous for the steepness of its sides. The base of Mount Sinai was encircled by armed guards, which is unfeasible for an actual mountain, but not the Great Pyramid. If true, it would be one among many indicators that the Ark had something to do with the Great Pyramid. When Moses emerged from Mount Sinai, he descended with the stone “tablet”, which he subsequently placed into the Ark. Hence the Ark’s power source was retrieved from within the Great Pyramid.

The Great Pyramid today is a gutted machine with all its active components missing. Christopher Dunn, author of The Giza Power Plant, has investigated the original function o the Great Pyramid. According to Dunn, the Pyramid’s function depended on several critical aspects:

1) the Queen’s Chamber into which chemicals were dumped to produce hydrogen gas,
2) the Grand Gallery serving as a sound production and amplification chamber via its hypothesized network of acoustic resonators
3) the antechamber with its movable vertical stone slabs that could fine tune the sound coming from the Grand Gallery,
4) the King’s Chamber where sonic energy was focused to vibrate the granite stones in order to piezoelectrically produce electromagnetic waves that energized the hydrogen gas filling these chambers.

If you look carefully at the Grand Gallery and the antechamber according to Dunn’s description, you will see that they respectively mimic the human larynx and tongue, teeth, and lips. If the Grand Gallery produced sound, it might have been through a collection of installed tuning forks and resonators that converted their vibrations into a loud and focused beam aimed toward the King’s Chamber. This mass of sound enters the antechamber and is modulated by the series of adjustable granite gates. In other words, the Great Pyramid functioned as a vowel resonator. Thus a vowel sound would have been pumped with great intensity into the King’s Chamber.

In the King’s Chamber, there is a granite chest whose dimensions are similar but not identical to those of the Ark of the Covenant. It’s been proposed that the Ark slid into this chest, but considering the narrow entrance to the room it’s more likely that the smaller stone-like power source was placed there, with the Pyramid itself serving as the original Ark/Tabernacle/Temple. Moses bringing back the stone from inside “Mount Sinai” supports this.

One may imagine the “Ark Stone” being stationed in the King’s Chamber and saturating the connecting spaces with its luminous energy field. Plasma is ionized gas, and if the chambers were filled with pure hydrogen as Dunn proposes, then it would have been a hydrogen plasma. The entire vowel resonator may have been filled with hydrogen plasma through which tunable sound was pumped from the Grand Gallery through the formant-synthesizing antechamber. And when you pump sound waves through a charged plasma, the result is longitudinal electromagnetic waves, which are identically time, gravity, or etheric energy waves.

Ark: Physical Terrain Transformer

Jewish oral tradition ascribes several additional powers to the Ark not mentioned in the Old Testament:

1) as it was being carried by the Israelite vanguard, the Ark cleared the path of scorpions and snakes via a burning ray issuing forth from the Mercy Seat,

2) the Levites carrying it would also be carried by it, meaning levitation.

3) the Ark could level hills and mountains in the way.

The third claim that the Ark could alter geography and terrain seems tenuous, but there are a few potential points of correlation:

First is that the Nile River may have been intelligently engineered, as explained by Goro Adachi in his book “The Time Rivers.” The features, proportions, alignments, lengths, bends, etc… of the Nile are too synchronous to be mere natural formations. However, something so large cannot be created through physical digging as with the Panama Canal. Adachi doesn’t explain who did it, but they must have possessed the god-like power to directly transform geography.

Second point of correlation is the Glastonbury Zodiac, a circular collection of zodiac images spanning ten miles in diameter, impressed upon the landscape of the Isle of Avalon where legend says the Grail was once kept. The zodiac images are made of streams, dykes, roads, and other landscape features. The center of the zodiac is the famous Glastonbury Tor, a stone tower built on a sacred hill.

Third is the French town of Rennes-le-Château. Like the Glastonbury Zodiac, the position of landscape features and markers including mountain tops and churches trace out a meaningful pattern, the pentagram in this case. Rennes-le-Château is famous for its association with secret Templar activities and later the priest Saunière who struck it rich after discovering secret documents pertaining to Templar treasure or perhaps a method for making the Philosopher’s Stone.

These alleged landscape geometries include some features not placeable by human hands. While they bear enough ambiguity to support the skeptical view that people are just reading too much into things, they also display enough order and improbability to look like“graffiti tagging” by some hyper-dimensional intelligence. Seems like everything deeply connected to the Grail, Ark, and Philosopher’s Stone bears the fingerprint of intelligent design or synchronistic orchestration, down to the prophetic codes in the Torah and Hebrew system of gematria.

What all of these environmental geometries have in common is that they seem synchronistically rather than mechanically formed. So instead of the Moon being towed in via tractor beams, or the Nile River being dug with antigravity bulldozers, it may have originated through intelligently guided or selected natural evolution via intentional probability biasing. Thus these geometries seem both natural and unnatural at the same time. Natural enough to please the skeptics, unnatural enough to convince the believers. The religious might just call it the handiwork of God, but it’s not that simple. I’ll talk more about this later when I get into the timewar idea, and how high demiurgic technology is capable of reality reconfiguration and timeline selection. For now I just want to mention that the Ark may very well have leveled hills and mountains, and that this isn’t without a supporting context.

Putting it All Together

I began this series by explaining the nature of the Demiurge, the universal intelligence responsible for shaping physical reality according to given archetypes. Its etheric aspect biases probability at the quantum level while the astral component carries the archetypal signature that directs that biasing. Together, etheric and astral energies may be called “demiurgic energies” because they have the power to intelligently alter matter, energy, space, and time — precisely the function of the Demiurge.

Demiurgic technology makes use of these energies to affect the physical universe. One example is the Philosopher’s Stone, a saline substance impregnated with dense etheric energies and tinged with the astral signature of gold, thereby being capable of transmuting lead or mercury into gold by reconfiguring their atoms at the quantum level in accordance with that signature.

By logically extending the principles of the Demiurge and Philosopher’s Stone, I can also explain the purported characteristics of the Holy Grail and Ark of the Covenant. The latter are higher applications of demiurgic technology.

The central tenet of Alchemy is to imitate nature, not only the mineral aspect upon which all of modern science is fixated, but also the biological and spiritual aspects. In producing the Philosopher’s Stone, Alchemy is imitating the process of mineral-to-plant evolution. Notice that the Philosopher’s Stone is primarily a combination of physical and etheric bodies, with only the slightest astral component to impart a specific “flavor” to its transmutative power. Unlike ordinary minerals, it possesses lifeforce by virtue of its greater intrinsic etheric energy. This places it above the rank of chemicals and closer to the vegetable kingdom. Both plants and the Philosopher’s Stone have physical and etheric bodies but not much of an astral body. Just like a plant, the Stone is passive and immobile.

What separates animals from plants is that their physical bodies are more complex, their etheric bodies more intense and developed, and that they have an actively functioning astral body. The animal level is where sentience and volition begins, where the first semblance of independence develops. The more complex physical body is what allows a higher order of life to inhabit it. If Alchemy were more refined, it could mimic this process of plant-to-animal evolution and take the Philosopher’s Stone beyond the vegetative level. Then the physical body of the Stone would be more ordered and perhaps crystalline, its etheric body would likewise have to be greatly intensified, and an actively functioning astral body would develop.

What separates humans from animals is that, on average, humans have egos and personalities that allow them to be independent reasoning individuals. As explained in my first article, the ego is a higher order structure that develops in the soul due to the more sophisticated environmental programming made possible via a more evolved body. Likewise, if Alchemy were taken to an even higher level, it could produce something that not only has an etheric and astral body, but possesses an independent sentient intelligence residing therein.

The above can also be explained from the perspective of thoughtforms. The most basic thoughtforms are just passive etheric energy constructs comparable to sponges or fungi. The more developed ones have an astral body as well, and like animals they are hungry critters; astral succubi are an example. But the most evolved thoughtforms possess ego and personality.

Not only does demiurgic technology make use of etheric and astral energies, but it also creates artificial physical bodies to house any order of soul or thoughtform, from the lowliest etheric constructs to the highest individualized intelligences. This technology is alien; I can see it being used nowadays in Grey worker drones and alien spacecrafts, whereby the physical vehicle is made autonomous by a resident etheric/astral thoughtform, a literal ghost in the machine.

What is the Grail Stone, what is the Ark Stone? My current theory is that it’s an advanced crystalline object housing an equally advanced thoughtform; and not just any thoughtform, but an entitized one. The Ark and Grail Stones are the pinnacles of High Demiurgic Technology, at least of what has fallen into human hands. The entitization is what makes it oracular and volitional. The intensified etheric field is what produces the various electromagnetic emissions. External etheric, astral, and archetypal inputs modify its behavior. The probability-biasing effects of its etheric field can grow so intense that physical matter may precipitate according to the entered archetypes and energies.

The Ark of the Covenant, as described in the Old Testament, ought to consist of the following components: 1) the Ark Stone as the physical body, 2) the Great Pyramid, Ark box, Tabernacle, and Temple of Solomon as housing for the body, 3) the vortical Shekhina as the soul (etheric and astral bodies), and 4) Yahweh, the Lord of the Israelites, as the residing ego.

In summary, the Ark Stone is a physical matrix possessed by a powerful entitized thoughtform created or invoked according to the priest’s instructions. The Stone itself pre-existed the Jews, but for a time it was in their possession and they came under its control. If it seems belittling to call Yahweh a thoughtform, bear in mind that the universal Demiurge is a thoughtform also, and so are our own souls. Thoughtforms are not always insignificant things. The bigger question is whether the Demiurge, thoughtform, or soul in question is subordinate to Spirit/Creator or acting independently out of selfish motives. If the latter, then it exists only to perpetuate its own survival and carry out its prime directive through energy feeding and manipulation. Hence in my first article, I talked about the corruption of the Demiurge and how its development of a lower ego divorced it from the harmony of Creation, turning it into a World Parasite. Gnostics equated Yahweh to the corrupted Demiurge.

In the next article I will discuss how the misuse of High Demiurgic Technology explains why the entitized intelligences communicating through the Ark and Grail were so unlike in their temperaments and goals, and what this means for our future. I will also get into the origins of the Grail and its role as a fulcrum in a grand chess game spanning ancient feuds to future timewars.

Further Reading

Opening the Ark of the Covenant (New Page Books, 2007) – by Frank Joseph and Laura Beaudoin. Traces the history of the Ark and Grail from ancient to modern times. I recommend this book for the broad spectrum of historical data it provides, but not for the lines of reasoning or conclusions that follow from that data. But this book does give a comprehensive overview of research leads to follow.

The Sign and the Seal (Simon & Schuster, 1992) – by Graham Hancock. Like the above book, I value this one for the historical data more than the conclusions. Hancock believes the Ark resides in Ethiopia, however as reported on Viewzone, a story inscribed on ruins dating from the 15th-16th century B.C. mentions a duplicate of the Ark being sent into Ethiopia as a decoy while the real one was hidden away, so a good portion of Hancock’s research may have been tracing the history of this decoy. Still, Hancock does a good job of drawing upon obscure sources to paint a detailed picture of the alleged powers of the original Ark.


Then we have a documentary about John and his team when they actually tried to recreate the Ark from the Bible:


So there you have a nice weekend topic to chew on. But this was theend of forbidden technologies series… for now. Have a nice weekend. 😎

Forbidden technology part I, Tesla’s Fuelless Generator & Hendershot Generator

Now I start a series called “Forbidden technology”, which deals different kind of suppressed technologies and people behind them. First I handle couple of technologies, that are based Nikola Tesla’s inventions. But first here is small description about Nikola Tesla, the man who changed the World… but do you know anything about him?:

Nikola Tesla
Tesla circa 1890.jpeg
Tesla, aged 37, 1893, photo by Napoleon Sarony
Born 10 July 1856
Smiljan, Austrian Empire (modern-day Croatia)
Died 7 January 1943 (aged 86)
New York City, New York, USA
Residence modern-day Croatia
Budapest, modern-day Hungary
Manhattan, USA
Citizenship Austrian Empire (10 July 1856 – 1867)
Austria-Hungary (1867 – 31 October 1918)
United States (30 July 1891 – 7 January 1943)
Fields Electrical engineering
Mechanical engineering
Institutions Edison Machine Works
Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing
Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Co.
Alma mater Higher Real Gymnasium
Graz University of Technology (dropped out)

Nikola Tesla (Serbian Cyrillic: Никола Тесла; 10 July 1856 – 7 January 1943) was a SerbianAmerican[2][3] inventor, electrical engineer, mechanical engineer, physicist, and futurist best known for his contributions to the design of the modern alternating current (AC) electricity supply system.[4]

Tesla started working in the telephony and electrical fields before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison. He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories/companies to develop a range of electrical devices. His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla as a consultant to help develop a power system using alternating current. Tesla is also known for his high-voltage, high-frequency power experiments in New York and Colorado Springs which included patented devices and theoretical work used in the invention of radio communication,[5] for his X-ray experiments, and for his ill-fated attempt at intercontinental wireless transmission in his unfinished Wardenclyffe Tower project.[6]

Tesla’s achievements and his abilities as a showman demonstrating his seemingly miraculous inventions made him world-famous.[7] Although he made a great deal of money from his patents, he spent a lot on numerous experiments. He lived for most of his life in a series of New York hotels although the end of his patent income and eventual bankruptcy led him to live in diminished circumstances.[8] Tesla still continued to invite the press to parties he held on his birthday to announce new inventions he was working and make (sometimes unusual) statements.[9][10] Because of his pronouncements and the nature of his work over the years, Tesla gained a reputation in popular culture as the archetypal “mad scientist“.[11] He died in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel on 7 January 1943.

Tesla’s work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but since the 1990s, his reputation has experienced a comeback in popular culture.[12] His work and reputed inventions are also at the center of many conspiracy theories and have also been used to support various pseudosciences, UFO theories and New Ageoccultism. In 1960, in honor of Tesla, the General Conference on Weights and Measures for the International System of Units dedicated the term “tesla” to the SI unit measure for magnetic field strength.[13]

You can read more about him here -> Source

But in this post I want to focus on one of his inventions called Tesla’s Fuelless Generator:

Tesla’s Fuelless Generator

In the 1880’s, Nikola Tesla invented the alternating current system we use today. By the 1890’s, he was working on a new type of electrical generator that would not “consume any fuel.”

This paper documents where in his writings the description of this new generator is found, a theory of how a fuelless generator could work and a suggestion as to how Tesla’s new device might have operated.


Oliver Nichelson
333 North 760 East
American Fork, Utah 84003 USA
© 1991


Ten years after patenting a successful method for producing alternating current, Nikola Tesla claimed the invention of an electrical generator that would not “consume any fuel.” Such a generator would be its own prime mover. Two of Tesla’s devices representing different stages in the development of such a generator are identified.


While in college Nikola Tesla claimed it should be possible to operate an electrical motor without sparking brushes. He was told by the professor that such a motor would require perpetual motion and was therefore impossible. In the 1880’s he patented the alternating current generator, motor, and transformer.

During the 1890’s he intensively investigated other methods of power generation including a charged particle collector patented in 1901. When the New York Times in June of 1902 carried a story about an inventor who claimed an electrical generator not requiring a prime mover in the form of an external fuel supply, Tesla wrote a friend that he had already invented such a device.

Fuelless electrical generation raises the same objection of perpetual motion as did the generator in use today when it was first proposed. Research Nikola Tesla carried out during his second creative period and the resulting devices that were the basis for his assertion of fuelless electrical generation will be examined. Whether Tesla’s fuelless generator was a “perpetual motion scheme” of the sort his teacher warned him against, or a creative application of recognized natural phenomena will be discussed.


In The Brooklyn Eagle, Tesla announced, on July 10th, 1931, that “I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device.” Later on in the same article he said that “More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I can now state that I have succeeded.” In 1933, he made the same assertion in an article for the New York American, November 1st, under the lead in “Device to Harness Cosmic Energy Claimed by Tesla.” Here he said:

This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities.

Dating back “more than 25 years ago” from 1933 would mean that the device Tesla was speaking about must have been built before 1908. More precise information is available through his correspondence in the Columbia University Library’s collection. Writing on June 10th, 1902 to his friend Robert U. Johnson, editor of Century Magazine, Tesla included a clipping from the previous day’s New York Herald about a Clemente Figueras, a “woods and forest engineer” in Las Palmas, capital of the Canary Islands, who had invented a device for generating electricity without

burning fuel. What became of Figueras and his fuelless generator is not known, but this announcement in the paper prompted Tesla, in his letter to Johnson, to claim he had already developed such a device and had revealed the underlying physical laws.


The device that, at first, seems to best fit this description is found in Tesla’s patent for an “Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy,” number 685,957, that was filed for on March 21, 1901 and granted on November 5, 1901. The concept behind the older technical language is a simple one. An insulated metal plate is put as high as possible into the air. Another metal plate is put into the ground. A wire is run from the metal plate to one side of a capacitor and a second wire goes from the ground plate to the other side of the capacitor. Then:

The sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, throw off minute particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon [the upper] plate, communicate continuously an electrical charge to the same. The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser and inasmuch as the particles are … charged to a very high potential, this charging of the condenser may continue, as I have actually observed, almost indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric(1).

This seems like a very straightforward design and would seem to fulfill his claim for having developed a fuelless generator powered by cosmic rays, but in 1900 Tesla wrote what he considered his most important article in which he describes a self-activating machine that would draw power from the ambient medium, a fuelless generator, that is different from his Radiant Energy Device. Entitled “The Problem of Increasing Human Energy – Through the Use of the Sun,” it was published by his friend Robert Johnson in The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine for June 1900 soon after Tesla returned from Colorado Springs where he had carried out an intensive series of experiments from June 1899 until January of 1900.

The exact title of the chapter where he discusses this device is worth giving in its entirety:


Tesla stated he first started thinking about the idea when he read a statement by Lord Kelvin who said it was impossible to build a mechanism capable of abstracting heat from the surrounding medium and to operate by that heat. As a thought experiment Tesla envisioned a very long bundle of metal rods, extending from the earth to outer space. The earth is warmer than outer space so heat would be conducted up the bars along with an electric current. Then, all that would be needed is a very long power cord to connect the two ends of the metal bars to a motor. The motor would continue running until the earth was cooled to the temperature of outer space. “This would be an inanimate engine which, to all evidence, would be cooling a portion of the medium below the temperature of the surrounding, and operating by the heat abstracted(2),” that is, it would produce energy directly from the environment without “the consumption of any material.”

Tesla goes on in the article to describe how he worked on the development of such an energy device, and here it takes a bit of detective work to focus on which of his inventions he meant. He wrote that he first started thinking about deriving energy directly from the environment when he was in Paris during 1883, but that he was unable to do much with the idea for several years due to the commercial introduction of his alternating current generators and motors. It was not “until 1889 when I again took up the idea of the self-acting machine(3).”


He quickly came to realize that an ordinary electrical machine, like his generator, would not be able to directly extract energy from the cosmos and turned his efforts to what he called a “turbine” design.

The best known turbine, that is, water pump, associated with Tesla is his patent for such a device, #1,061,206, which was filed for in 1909 and granted in 1913. The unique point about this water pump is that instead of using some form of paddle wheels inside a box to move the water, he discovered that more water could be moved faster by using a set of flat metal disks. The turbine is, in itself, fascinating and may yet prove to be another important overlooked invention, but what is of concern regarding the electrical design is the general shape of the turbine – metal disks turning inside a supporting box.

This same shape turns up in another patent, this one for a “Dynamo-Electric Machine.” This patent was filed and granted in the same year that Tesla said he returned to work on the “self-activating” machine, in 1889. The dynamo consists of metal disks that are rotated between magnets to produce an electric current.

Compared to his alternating current generator, this “dynamo” represents something of a curious throwback to the days of Faraday’s early experiments with a copper disk and a magnet. Tesla makes some improvement over the Faraday setup by using magnets that completely cover the spinning metal disks and he also adds a flange to the outside of the disks so current can be taken off more easily – all of which makes for a better generator than Faraday’s. On the surface, though, it is hard to see why Tesla patented such an anachronistic machine at this point in his work.

The next piece of the puzzle is found in an article Tesla wrote for The Electrical Engineer in 1891 entitled “Notes on a Unipolar Dynamo.” Here Tesla presents an in-depth analysis of the Faraday disk generator, explains why it was an inefficient generator, describes his improved variations on the Faraday machine, and, at the bottom of the third page of the article, states that he has devised a generator in which “the current, once started, may then be sufficient to maintain itself and even increase in strength(4).” Then, at the close of the article, he states that “several machines … were constructed by the writer two years ago …”(5) Two years before the writing of that article was 1889. All the evidence points to the turbine-shaped Unipolar Dynamo as being Tesla’s first design for a machine that can continue to produce electricity after being disconnected from an outside source of power.


Before going into the details of this invention it would be worthwhile to have an idea of how any generator, even in theory, could be capable of producing a self-sustaining current. This has been clearly explained by Walter M. Elsasser in a Scientific American article (May 1958) titled “The Earth as a Dynamo.”

Elsasser models the earth-dynamo, conveniently for this explanation, on the Faraday generator of a metal disk spinning over a bar magnet placed at the edge of the disk. He notes, also, that the bar magnet could be replaced by an electromagnet which could get its power from the spinning disk by attaching one end of the electromagnet’s wire to the outside of the disk and the other end of the wire to the metal rod running through the center of the disk.

Elsasser then points out that an ordinary disk generator “could not maintain a current for very long because the current induced in the disk is so weak that it would soon be dissipated by the resistance of the conductor [the disk].” This conventional arrangement would not be an answer to “how currents could be built up and perpetuated to maintain the earth’s magnetic field.” He does, though, propose three options in the dynamo model that would explain the earth’s persistent magnetism.

If we had a material that could conduct electricity a thousand times better than copper, the system would indeed yield a self-sustaining current. We could also make it work by spinning the disk very fast… a third way we could make such a dynamo self-sustaining … is to increase the size of the system: theory says that the bigger we make such a dynamo, the better it will function. If we could build a coil-and-disk apparatus of this kind of scale of many miles, we would have no difficulty in making the currents self-sustaining(6).

Tesla did not have a material a thousand times more conductive than copper, neither was he able to spin a disk at the ultra-high speeds needed to produce such a current, nor did he plan on using a piece of rotating metal several miles in diameter. What he did was to use energy that is usually wasted in a generator and turn it into a source of power.


Tesla’s design varied from that of Faraday in two major ways. First, he used a magnet that was bigger in diameter than the disk so that the magnet completely covered the disk. Second, he divided the disk into sections with spiral curves radiating out from the center to the outside edge.

In the Faraday unipolar generator “the current,” as Tesla noted, “set up will therefore not wholly pass through the external circuit … and … by far the greater portion of the current generated will not appear externally…”(7) By having the magnet completely cover the disk, Tesla made use of the whole disk surface in current generation instead of only a small section directly adjacent to the bar magnet, as happened in the Faraday device. This not only increases the amount of current generated, but, by making the current travel from the center to the outside edge, makes all of that current accessible to the external circuit.

More importantly, these modifications on the Faraday design eliminated one of the biggest problems in any physical system – the reaction to every action. It is this reaction that works to cancel out whatever effort goes into causing the original action. In an electrical system if there are two turns of wire wound next to each other and a current is sent through the wire, the current passing through the first loop will set up a magnetic field that will work against the current passing through the second loop.

The spiral divisions in the disk cause the current to travel the full radius of the disk or, as in his alternative version of the generator, to make a full trip around the outside edge of the disk. Because the current is flowing in a large circle at the rim of the disk, the magnetic field created by the current not only does not work against the field magnet above the circular plate, as in conventional generators, but it actually reinforces the magnet. So as the disk cuts the magnetic lines to produce a current, the current coming off of the disk strengthens the magnet, allowing it to produce even more current.

Like conventional direct current generators, the unipolar dynamo also functions as a motor if current is put into the disk while under the magnet, and this seems to be the last element that could make the device self-sustaining, that is, capable of generating a current after being disconnected from an outside source of movement like falling water or steam.

Rotation is started by, say, a motor powered by line current. Both a generator and a motor disk are mounted in the magnetic enclosure. As the disks gain speed, current is produced which, in turn, reinforces the magnets, which cause more current to be generated. That current is, likely, first directed to the motor disk which increases the speed of the system. At a certain point the speed of the two disks is great enough that the magnetic field created by the current has the strength to keep the dynamo/motor going by itself.

What process might have kept the unipolar dynamo operating after the powered start-up is speculation at this point, however two features of the generator are significant. First, when a resistive load, like a light bulb is added to the circuit, it lowers the voltage at the center of the disk. This lower voltage at the center means that there is a greater difference in voltage between the center and the outside edge of the disk than there was before the light bulb was added. As the difference between the center and the outside increases, the dynamo works harder and makes more current. Second, yet more important, the dynamo takes either very little, or no energy to keep going because the current coming off the generator is doing double duty. The current makes the bulb glow, but on its way from the generator to the filament in the bulb, it travels a path that adds to the momentum of the dynamo and, therefore, consumes energy at a very low rate. The process continues , it would seem, until heat losses in the filament equal the rotational energy of the generator’s flywheel.

In terms of Elsasser’s criteria for a self-sustaining generator, the Tesla unipolar dynamo comes closest to satisfying the condition of a better electrical conductor. It is not that a new material is used, but a new geometry is applied so that the current does not create its own opposing forces. This is similar, but not equivalent, to having a better conductor.

Whether or not the dynamo is in fact a “fuelless” generator it appears to be an ingenious feat of engineering that takes one of the basic principles of nature, an equal and opposite action for every action, and turns it, by the use of a novel circuit geometry, into a reaction that is additive to the original action. Instead of the opposite reaction slowing down the system that created it, the reaction adds energy to the system.

Tesla, however, was not satisfied with his mechanical self-sustaining generator. The dynamo would provide the energy to run a single machine, but his vision was to light cities and in the 1900 Century magazine article he elaborated on the theory of such a machine.

Imagine, he suggested, an enclosed cylinder with a small hole in it near the bottom. Let us say that this cylinder, he added, contains very little energy but that it is placed in an environment that has a lot of energy. In this case, energy would flow from the outside environment, the high energy source, through the small opening at the bottom of the cylinder, and into the cylinder where there is less energy. Also suppose that as the energy passing into the cylinder is converted into another form of energy as, for example, heat is converted into mechanical energy in a steam engine. If it were possible to artificially produce such a “sink” for the energy of the ambient medium then “we should be enabled to get at any point of the globe a continuous supply of energy, day and night(8).”

He continued, in the article, to elaborate on his energy pump but changed the image slightly. On the surface of the earth we are at a high energy level and can imagine ourselves at the bottom of a lake with the water surrounding us equal to the energy in the surrounding medium. If a “sink” for the energy is to be created in the cylinder, it is necessary to replace the water that would flow into the tank with something much lighter than water. This could be done by pumping the water out of the cylinder, but when the water flowed back in, we would only be able to perform the same amount of work with the inflowing water as we did when it was first pumped out. “Consequently nothing would be gained in this double operation of first raising the water and then letting it fall down.”

Energy, though, can be converted into different forms as it passes from a higher to a lower state. He said, “assume that the water, in its passage into the tank, is converted into something else, which may be taken out of it without using any, or by using very little power(9).” For example, if the energy of the ambient medium is taken to be the water, oxygen and hydrogen making up the water are the other forms of energy into which it could change as it entered the cylinder.

Corresponding to this ideal case, all the water flowing into the tank would be decomposed into oxygen and hydrogen …and the result would be that the water would continually flow in, and yet the tank would remain entirely empty, the gases formed escaping. We would thus produce, by expending initially a certain amount of work to create a sink for…the water to flow in, a condition enabling us to get any amount of energy without further effort(10).

Tesla recognized that no energy conversion system would be perfect, some water would always get into the tank, but “there will be less to pump out than flows in, or, in other words, less energy will be needed to maintain the initial condition than is developed [by the incoming water], and this is to say that some energy will be gained from the medium(11).”

He found that this pumping could be done with a piston “not connected to anything else, but was perfectly free to vibrate at an enormous rate(12).” This he was able to do with his “mechanical oscillator,” a steam-driven engine used for producing high frequency currents. The faster the pump would work, the more efficient it would be at extracting energy from the cosmos. Research along this line culminated in the oscillator demonstrated at the Chicago World’s Fair in 1893. It was not until much later, in the 1900 article, he revealed: “On that occasion I exposed the principles of the mechanical oscillator, but the original purpose of this machine is explained here for the first time (13).”

It was also in 1893 that Tesla applied for a patent on an electrical coil that is the most likely candidate for a non-mechanical successor of his energy extractor. This is his “Coil for Electro-magnets,” patent #512,340. It is another curious design because, unlike an ordinary coil made by turning wire on a tube form, this one uses two wires laid next to each other on a form but with the end of the first one connected to the beginning of the second one.

In the patent Tesla explains that this double coil will store many times the energy of a conventional coil(14). Preliminary measurements of two helices of the same size and with the same number of turns, one with a single, the other with a bifilar winding, show differences in voltage gain(15). In figure 6, the upper curve is from the Tesla design, the lower was produced by the single wound coil. The patent, however, gives no hint of what might have been its more unusual capability.

In the Century article Tesla compares extracting energy from the environment to the work of other scientists who were, at that time, learning to condense atmospheric gases into liquids. In particular he cited the work of a Dr. Karl Linde who had discovered what Tesla described as a “self-cooling” method for liquefying air. As Tesla said, “This was the only experimental proof which I was still wanting that energy was obtainable from the medium in the manner contemplated by me(16).”

What ties the Linde work with Tesla’s electromagnet coil is that both of them used a double path for the material they were working with. Linde had a compressor to pump the air to a high pressure, let the pressure fall as it traveled through a tube, and then used that cooled air to reduce the temperature of the incoming air by having it travel back up the first tube through a second tube enclosing the first(17). The already cooled air added to the cooling process of the machine and quickly condensed the gases to a liquid.

Tesla’s intent was to condense the energy trapped between the earth and its upper atmosphere and to turn it into an electric current. He pictured the sun as an immense ball of electricity, positively charged with a potential of some 200 billion volts. The earth, on the other hand, is charged with negative electricity. The tremendous electrical force between these two bodies constituted, at least in part, what he called cosmic energy. It varied from night to day and from season to season but it is always present.

The positive particles are stopped at the ionosphere and between it and the negative charges in the ground, a distance of 60 miles, there is a large difference of voltage – something on the order of 360,000 volts. With the gases of the atmosphere acting as an insulator between these two opposite stores of electrical charges, the region between the ground and the edge of space traps a great deal of energy. Despite the large size of the planet, it is electrically like a capacitor which keeps positive and negative charges apart by using a non-conducting material as an insulator.

The earth has a charge of 90,000 coulombs. With a potential of 360,000 volts, the earth constitutes a capacitor of .25 farads (farads = coulombs/volts)(18). If the formula for calculating the energy stored in a capacitor (E = 1/2CV2) is applied to the earth, it turns out that the ambient medium contains 1.6 x 1011 joules or 4.5 megawatt-hours of electrical energy.

In order to tap this energy storehouse Tesla had to accomplish two things – make a “cold sink” in the ambient energy and devise a way of making the “sink” self-pumping. Explaining how this process might have worked requires, again, speculation.

Such a “sink” would have to be at a lower energy state than the surrounding medium and, for the energy to continually flow into it, the “sink” would have to maintain the lower energy state while meeting the power requirements of the load attached to it. Electrical energy, watt-seconds, is a product of volts x amps x seconds. Because the period of oscillation does not change, either voltage or current has to be the variable in the coil’s energy equation.

In that the double wound coil maximizes the voltage difference between its turns, it is probable that it is the current that is minimized to produce a low energy state in the coil. For the coil to be initially “empty” and at low energy would mean it operated at high voltage with a small amount of charge(19).

The coil, then, would be set into oscillation at its resonant frequency by an external power source. During a portion of its cycle the coil will appear to the earth’s electric field as one plate of a capacitor. As the voltage across the coil increases, the amount of charge it can “sink” from the earth’s higher energy field will increase.

The energy taken into the coil – through the “small opening” which appears to be the atomic structure of the conductor according to the physics of Tesla’s time – is “condensed” into positive and negative components of current, a lower energy state relative to the originating field.

The current is equivalent to the water converted to gases in Tesla’s description of the self-acting engine. The current would “escape” from the “sink” into whatever load was connected across the coil. The movement of current into the load would produce a strong magnetic field (the stated intention of the patent) which, when it collapsed, would, again, produce a high potential, low charge “sink” to couple with the earth’s electric field.

Because the inflowing energy performs a double function similar to the unipolar generator, supplying current to the load and aiding the pumping function, the system’s energy expenditure in moving charge is low, allowing the system to gain more energy from the medium than it expends in its operation. The coil needs no extra energy from an outside source to pump the energy it has extracted.

Energy would come directly from the sun.

A more modern view of such a device, should it prove to operate in this theoretical manner, would be to describe it as a self-oscillating capacitive system. Once the device is set into oscillation, very little power is expended in driving the load. Because it is an electrostatic oscillating system, only a small amount of charge moves through the load per cycle, that is, the coulomb per seconds = amps are low. If the charge is used at a low rate, the energy stored in the capacitive system will be turned into heat at a slow rate enabling the oscillations to continue for a long period of time.

With his prominent position in the world of science at the time, it is curious why Tesla’s invention was not commercialized or at least publicized more. Economics, not science, appear to have been the main factor. The adoption of alternating current was opposed by powerful financiers of the period. Michael Pupin, another leading electrical researcher at the turn of the century, noted in his autobiography:

…captains of industry…were afraid that they would have to scrap some of their direct current apparatus and the plants for manufacturing it, if the alternating current system received any support … ignorance and false notions prevailed in the early nineties, because the captains of industry paid small attention to highly trained scientists (20)(21).

Tesla’s patents for electrical generators and motors were granted in the late 1880’s. During the 1890’s the large electric power industry, in the form of Westinghouse and General Electric, came into being. With tens of millions of dollars invested in plants and equipment, the industry was not about to abandon a very profitable ten year old technology for yet another new one.

Tesla saw that profits could be made from the self-acting generator, but somewhere along the line he had pointed out to him the negative impact the device would have. At the end of the section in Century where he described his new generator he wrote:

I worked for a long time fully convinced that the practical realization of the method of obtaining energy from the sun would be of incalculable industrial value, but the continued study of the subject revealed the fact that while it will be commercially profitable if my expectations are well founded, it will not be so to an extraordinary degree(22) .

Years later, in 1933, he was more pointed in his remarks about the introduction of his fuelless generator. In the Philadelphia Public Ledger of November 2nd, is an interview with Tesla under the headline “Tesla ‘Harnesses’ Cosmic Energy.” In it he was “Asked whether the sudden introduction of his principle would upset the present economic system, Dr. Tesla replied, ‘It is badly upset already.’ He added that now as never before was the time ripe for the development of new resources.”

It has been nearly a century since Nikola Tesla claimed a radically new method for producing electricity. The need for the development of new resources is greater now than at the end of the last century. Perhaps these overlooked inventions will make his vision of “increasing human energy through the use of the sun’s energy” become a reality.


One of the inventions based on Tesla’s technolgy was ” the Hendershot generator”:

1900 to 1950

In 1900, Nikola Tesla claimed to have discovered an abstract principle on which to base a perpetual motion machine of the second kind. No prototype was produced. He wrote:

A departure from known methods – possibility of a “self-acting” engine or machine, inanimate, yet capable, like a living being, of deriving energy from the medium – the ideal way of obtaining motive power.[13]

By 1903, 600 English perpetual motion patents had been granted.[citation needed] A design patented in the early years of the 20th century involved a cable projecting 150 miles into the sky to induce electricity (technology at the time would limit its usefulness, as it weighed 80 tons) and to be held up by the aether.[14][clarification needed]

In the 1910s and 1920s, Harry Perrigo of Kansas City, Missouri, a graduate of MIT, claimed development of a free energy device.[15] Perrigo claimed the energy source was “from thin air” or from aether waves. Perrigo demonstrated the device before the Congress of the United States on December 15, 1917. Perrigo had a pending application[16] for the “Improvement in Method and Apparatus for Accumulating and Transforming Ether Electric Energy”. Investigators report that his device contained a hidden motor battery.[17]

Popular Science, in the October 1920 issue, published an article on the lure of perpetual motion.[18]

In 1917, John Andrews, a Portuguese chemist, had a green powder which he claimed and demonstrated could transform water into gas (referred to as a “gas-water additive”).[citation needed][clarification needed] He reportedly convinced a Navy official that it worked. Andrews disappeared after negotiations began. Andrews’ laboratory was rummaged through and disheveled upon a return visit by United States Navy officials.[clarification needed] Also in 1917, Garabed T. K. Giragossian is claimed, reportedly fraudulently, to have developed a free energy machine.[citation needed] Supposedly involved in a conspiracy, Woodrow Wilson signed a resolution offering him protection. The device was a giant flywheel that was charged up with energy slowly and put out a large amount of energy for just a second.[citation needed]

A series of designs were developed in the 1920s. During this period, Thomas Henry Moray demonstrated a “radiant energy device” to many people who were unable to find a hidden power source. On June 9, 1925, Hermann Plauson received U.S. Patent 1,540,998 which utilizes atmospheric energy. In 1928, Lester Hendershot got an Army commandant to endorse his free energy machine called the “fuelless motor”. At the close of the 1920s, Edgar Cayce in Chicago, Illinois, described “Motors with no Fuel” (Reading 4665–1; March 8, 1928).[citation needed]


Little description about Lester Hendershot:

Lester Hendershot (1899-1960) was the inventor of the so-called Fuelless Motor (1928). In the 1920’s Lester Hendershot was working on a new type of aviation compass. He stumbled across a method of generating energy. His “Hendershot magnetic motor” drew attention of the press and attracted big name investors as Charles Lindberg. He got into political trouble promoting his device and consequently tried to take his business to Mexico. He is reported to have accepted an offer he couldn’t refuse being paid never to work on his device again.

In 1961 Dr. Ed Skilling, from Columbia University, successfully built and tested a Hendershot free energy device, out of which he got 300 watts. Skilling had been associated with Hendershot and learned of the device through him. The generator was self-resonant at 500 kHz.

The Machine


Not claiming his device to be a perpetuum mobile explained he that it was tapping the earth’s magnetic field and rotation as its energy source. The Hendershot Device concerns a self-running oscillator. There are a pair of large air-core coils positioned in a “basket weave” pattern, hand-made cylindrical capacitors inside the coils, several high-value capacitors, a couple of standard transformers and a permanent-magnet “buzzer” for a regulator. The two large coils are tuned to resonate with each other. The device generated an AC output and was capable of lighting a bank of lightbulbs.


Oldest Son

“As the oldest son of Lester J Hendershot I witnessed the works of my father.” (Posted in 2008?) [1]


Only Hendershot could adjust his device for successful operation. Hendershot’s son attempted to reproduce his father’s discovery, but no success has been reported.

Quotes about Hendershot:

“In 1960, Hendershot’s device (now called a ‘magnatronic generator’) was researched by the U.S. Navy’s Office of Naval Research. The generator was reported to have lit a 100-watt lamp by ‘induced radio frequency energy’. The project ended when Hendershot committed suicide.” from:Tremendous new Power Soon to be released’ by Doug Yurchey (2002)

“Two historical events are worth including here regarding possible suppression and inability to commercialize Free Energy devices. These are the Over-Unity Device of T. Henry Moray (Resines, 1988), and the Hendershot Motor (Brown, 1988). Both of these devices were publicly demonstrated to the US press in the 1930s, and carefully conducted tests were made to assess these devices. From the newspaper reports and clippings, it appears that both devices passed all tests, only to fall into oblivion. What exactly happened to the devices, their inventors, and the technology is not known. It also appears that the secrets of the devices died with their inventors.” From “A Review Of Zero Point Energy And Free Energy Theory, Progress, And Devices” by Patrick C. Baily. (1992)

“Hendershot ran into political difficulties in promoting his device, attempted to take his business to Mexico, and finally faded into obscurity.” Bill Beaty of KeelyNet.


Here is the video about The Hendershot Generator:


So there you have the first post of the series… and stay tuned for more FORBIDDEN TECHNOLOGY!

The Montauk Project – Experiments In Time

220px-Camp_hero_radar_ANFPS-35Camp hero radar ANFPS-35

Aaaahh… the legendary Montauk Project. This is a tricky one to crack. There is so much information considering about this case that it is almost impossible to investigate. On the other hand it is one of the most exciting cases, because of living persons who stick to their testimonies. So either they really went through this or they are just plain mad lunatics. Just right case to Blogman’s journey.

There are different kind of ways to approach this subject, but my way is through couple of persons and they are; the legend itself Preston B. Nichols, Duncan Cameron, Al Bielek and Steward Swerdlow. Those are the main characters of this case and you just have to read & listen all their testimonies to get the full picture. I can lead this, but you have to do your work yourself if you want to make your own conclusions.

There is also another aspect of this and it is the military projects carried through on the Plum island. This story includes the famous Montauk monster, but I consider this another story and maybe I investigate it later. Now we focus in the Montauk project, which includes disappearing warships (USS Eldridge), time traveling, soul transferring (soul matrix or walk-in), mind control and PSI. Awesome!

First I post here the testimonies of Preston B. Nichols and Duncan Cameron, because these were the first videos that I watched when I found this interesting case. So here you have these videos (10 parts). These videos mainly contains all the basic Montauk project data, so they are considered as mandatory, if you want to understand anything about this case:




You can find Preston B. Nichols testimony on the left sidebar called “The Montauk Project – Experiments In Time“.

Then there is a lots of information in Alfred Bielek’s own website. Here is one of him’s interview in Art Bell show in 1993. Lot’s of Philadelphia experiment stuff too, but it is impossible to separate these two cases so here you go (12 parts):




And then there is a man called Steward Swerdlow. I think he is one of the famous Montauk boys, but he also talks about Al Bielek and he has written a book of this case called “Montauk: The Alien Connection“. I have this book, but not yet read it, but soon I will and maybe I wrote a review about it, because I have thought to release some book reviews too. But here is a small snippet of Steward talking for example Al Bielek:


And here is the Steward’s story:


This Philadelphia experiment/Montauk project is just a big mess… I have studied this case since 2007 and it still makes me wonder, that if this really happened, should we know about it?