Tag Archives: Project Yellow Book

Nice Rubik’s Cube you got there, no it’s a Project Yellow Book by aliens

This next one is a tough one, because there is no much information about it, but this so called “Yellow Book”, “Yellow Cube” or “Orion Cube” was a device, which extraterrestrials gave to President Eisenhower. I have managed to find some information considering this and I think first mention about it was when I investigated Project Serpo and here is the description from there:

UPDATE: Anonymous comments on the Red and Yellow Books, 9 August 2007.


“The YELLOW BOOK” was provided by the Ebens. It isn’t exactly a book. It is a block of material, approximately 2 1/2 inches thick and transparent in nature and appearance. The reader looks at the transparent surface and suddenly words and pictures appear. It is an endless series of historical stories and photographs of our Universe, the Eben planet and their former homeworld, and other interesting stories about the Universe. It also contains an historical story and various accounts about Earth’s history and distant past.

To this day, I am one of the very few people who has actually SEEN “The YELLOW BOOK.” I can assure you that Robert Collins has not ever seen, viewed nor read any part of it. His name does NOT appear on the “Briefing Control Access Roster.”  As has been commented on by others, it would take a lifetime to read it and another lifetime to understand it.


Then there is this website, which has collected information about “Rumored” technology and here is what it says about this thing:

Yellow Cube (Yellow Disc, Yellow Book)- This technology does not utilize portals or wormholes, but rather it accesses the field of consciousness in order to show probable outcomes via a hologram. The technology was given to Eisenhower by the Orion’s in goodwill to be used by the UN authorities. It never arrived at the UN. The Yellow Cube when used would react with the people present viewing the possible future. Human interaction and human emotions would bring instability to the providence of the information that was seen. It’s whereabouts are now unknown. It is rumored that it was hidden due to certain groups (The Elite) abusing the technology.


Here is another explanation about this device:

The Orion cube or Yellowbook as it is sometimes nicknamed was a square-shaped metalic cube that was recovered from a crashed disk in 1947.  This cube served as a communication device for the surviving extra-terrestrial which we now know to be a time traveler from earth’s future.

The cube was also a recording device of Earth’s history up to the evolutionary point in time of the Orion visitors.  The Orion cube could be used to view events and places in time through a hologrophic projection that would be projected just above the top of the cube once activated.

Through Orion Extraterrestrial and “elite secret government” treaty the method to operate the device was provided by the Orion time travelers.  For many years and under enormous secrecy the Orion cube has been shared by affiliated secret government factions as a vehicle to see into their respective futures.


Then there’s this fellow called Dan Burisch who talks a lots of these kind of devices and I have mentioned him earlier in post “An alien called J-Rod” Here is excerpt from his interview about this “Yellow Book” device:

Stargate Secrets : Dan Burisch revisited – Part 1
A video interview with Dan Burisch
Las Vegas, June 2007

D: Yeah. It was something that we called the Cube or the Yellow Disc. Yeah.

K: OK. But that was not … Was that a Looking Glass?

D: That is a variant of the technology.

K: OK.

D: However, while the Looking Glass shows probabilities, or has shown probabilities, the Cube would react with the people present, so there was an alteration, if you will, over what you were seeing from it. It would actually spin out as a yellow disc out of the top of it … where the word “Yellow Book” originally came from.

K: Yeah. OK. Yeah.

D: And, depending upon what predisposition … Kind of like little Yoda telling young Luke, “Bring in there what you have with you.” You know, whatever’s there is what you bring. You could then change the perspective, the “tilt,” if you will, the orientation or angle, of the information being presented back to you. So, unless you were well prepared to deal with such a thing, human interaction and human emotions bring instability of the provenance of the information.

K: OK. That’s what went on with the black boxes, then.

D: Yes.

K: OK. But with the Looking Glass…

D: And actually I used that to our advantage at the T-9, because that in fact was present at the T-9 and I projected certain information which caused a little upset during the meeting, and they got certain abductions removed and Lotus removed off the calendar, and things like that. I caused some real trouble, in other words.

K: Can you elaborate? Are you willing to elaborate?

D: Well. The…the… Let me sit here and consider what I should and should not …

During the negotiations for the Tau 9-6, I was asked to supply a model for the Lotus. In fact, Marcia and I were both asked because they knew tangentially she was involved. I agreed to do so, which is what you respond when you are a sworn operative. It’s “Yes,” unless there are great, great objections. I was then taken to the location where the treaty was actually being negotiated.

To give a short recitation as to the nature of Lotus: What was happening is the P-45ks used Lotus. They wanted to use Lotus for the back-engineering of their own neurological problem. I was objecting to its use, but still to provide …. was under orders to provide a model. I was prepared to do so but I was also allowed to show them probable outcomes.

So in fact the Yellow Book, the Cube, was used for that purpose. Shockingly, they happened to see themselves standing on the bones of their own families and things like that in the vision and they ultimately decided to remove Lotus as well as certain abductions from the Tau 9 treaty. So we were successful in getting certain things removed I think I can safely mention at this time, because we’re only one OF 9 and one Tau 9 treaty away from the passage through the… the completion of the passage through the galactic plane. So I think I’m pretty well safe to go ahead and mention it now. They’re not going to be able to get it back and put on the treaties and all of that in the time we have left. In other words, they got out-foxed, and … that’s what happens when you’re negotiating treaties.

Note to the transcript from Marci McDowell:

OF-9: Dan is referring to the “Omicron Phi 9” Treaty System, the Treaty System not involving the P-45ks, and the “Tau 9” or “T9” Treaty System involving all parties including the P-45ks.  He is precisely speaking about the “Omicron Phi 9-8” Treaty gathering scheduled for 2009, and the “Tau 9-7” FINAL Treaty gathering scheduled for 2012.

K: So you used the capacity of the Yellow Book or little black box to show them the future implications …

D: Exactly.

K: … of what using the Lotus to amplify, or to rectify, their own biological problem?

D: This is true. And that was skewed by … It takes a great deal of emotion to skew the imagery and the audio that comes with it. But I’ll just say that I am extremely vehement with regard to my objection for Lotus being used, and apparently that vehemence was sufficient to skew the image enough to get them to jump back aghast in horror.

K: Wow. So… OK. And this, kind of like just for the sake of the audience to some degree … You have seen in, I guess the Yellow Book or in the Looking Glass (and you can correct me on which one it is), the future of Lotus, in effect, how Lotus becomes …You know, once it’s brought to the fore by you …

D: Well, actually, no. No, no, I haven’t. I haven’t. The reports to me which came concerning the future of Lotus, which we’re not going to get into in depth this evening, ah…. was given to me as information.

K: OK. So you didn’t see it.

D: Personally see it? No. I was told.


You can watch this interview on YouTube (2 parts):


Dan talks a lot of these devices, but then there is also another man called Bill Wood who says he has been involved in military black OPS and talks about “Yellow Book” and you can find this interview on YouTube also:


That is the information about “Yellow Book” for now. Maybe there is more information about it somewhere, but I think that these are the best ones that I can find about it. And you decide is it a science fiction, just some grazy lunatics talk or maybe… the Truth.