Tag Archives: They Live

THEY LIVE (1988)

One of my favorite movies and you must remember what lead role actor Roddy Piper said, “It’s a documentary”. I think that elite killed him, because of this.

THEY LIVE (1988)

Remember the movie They Live? It’s the 1988 John Carpenter film about a group of elite aliens that control human beings on Earth through a TV signal that keeps people subdued with messages to obey government, consume and stay asleep like good little sheeple.

A drifter realizes what’s up by looking through the Hoffman sunglasses and seeing the true from of these alien controllers and their brainwashing campaign for what it really is. Tagline: “They live, we sleep.”

For 1988, the movie even had flying taser drones. So basically it’s a lot like America today (except the lizard alien part, which is debatable depending on who you ask).

Wrestler Rowdy Roddy Piper played the drifter in that film, and recently he announced on his Twitter account that They Live actually wasn’t a work of fiction, but a documentary.

Directly preceding this announcement was a flurry of pro-Second Amendment tweets in direct reference to a key line in the film where the drifter walks into a bank wearing those sunglasses and says, “I have come here to chew bubble gum and kick ass…and I’m all out of bubble gum.”

Those of us who consider ourselves ‘awake’ to America’s descent into a total police state dictatorship understand these references all too well. Sadly, it can be tough to watch They Live and not flinch at the fact that, on many levels, it hits very close to home (sort of the way a charming reality TV show would).

In fact, this video shows the movie may hit a little too close to home:

>> Video


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