Tag Archives: Yeti

Creatures from beyond part IV, Bigfoot, Yeti or Sasquatch


Next creature has tons of information in the Net and because of that I try to gather the most latest ones in this posting. This thing is of course the legendary Bigfoot, Jeti or Sasquatch. Most of the info are in the videos below so I’m not gonna tell lots of tales here. First there is a description about this creature:

Bigfoot, also known as sasquatch, is the name given to an ape-like creature that some people believe inhabits forests, mainly in the Pacific Northwest region of North America. Bigfoot is usually described as a large, hairy, bipedalhumanoid. The term sasquatch is an anglicized derivative of the Halkomelem word sásq’ets.

Most scientists discount the existence of Bigfoot and consider it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification, and hoax,rather than a living animal, because of the lack of physical evidence and the large numbers of creatures that would be necessary to maintain a breeding population.A few scientists, such as Jane Goodall,Grover Krantz, and Jeffrey Meldrum, have expressed interest and some measure of belief in the creature.


Bigfoot is described in reports as a large hairy ape-like creature, in a range of 6–10 feet (2–3 m) tall, weighing in excess of 500 pounds (230 kg), and covered in dark brown or dark reddish hair.Purported witnesses have described large eyes, a pronounced brow ridge, and a large, low-set forehead; the top of the head has been described as rounded and crested, similar to the sagittal crest of the male gorilla. Bigfoot is commonly reported to have a strong, unpleasant smell by those who claim to have encountered it.The enormous footprints for which it is named have been as large as 24 inches (60 cm) long and 8 inches (20 cm) wide.While most casts have five toes — like all known apes — some casts of alleged Bigfoot tracks have had numbers ranging from two to six.Some have also contained claw marks, making it likely that a portion came from known animals such as bears, which have five toes and claws.Proponents claim that Bigfoot is omnivorous and mainly nocturnal.


Before 1958

Wildmen stories are found among the indigenous population of the Pacific Northwest. The legends existed prior to a single name for the creature.They differed in their details both regionally and between families in the same community. Similar stories of wildmen are found on every continent except Antarctica.Ecologist Robert Michael Pyle argues that most cultures have human-like giants in their folk history: “We have this need for some larger-than-life creature.”

Members of the Lummi tell tales about Ts’emekwes, the local version of Bigfoot. The stories are similar to each other in terms of the general descriptions of Ts’emekwes, but details about the creature’s diet and activities differed between the stories of different families.

Some regional versions contained more nefarious creatures. The stiyaha or kwi-kwiyai were a nocturnal race that children were told not to say the names of lest the monsters hear and come to carry off a person—sometimes to be killed.In 1847, Paul Kane reported stories by the native people about skoocooms: a race of cannibalistic wild men living on the peak of Mount St. Helens.The skoocooms appear to have been regarded as supernatural, rather than natural.

Less menacing versions such as the one recorded by Reverend Elkanah Walker exist. In 1840, Walker, a Protestant missionary, recorded stories of giants among the Native Americans living in Spokane, Washington. The Indians claimed that these giants lived on and around the peaks of nearby mountains and stole salmon from the fishermen’s nets.

Various local legends were compiled by J. W. Burns in a series of Canadian newspaper articles in the 1920s. Each language had its own name for the local version. Many names meant something along the lines of “wild man” or “hairy man” although other names described common actions it was said to perform (e.g. eating clams).Burns coined the term Sasquatch, which is from the Halkomelemsásq’ets (IPA: [ˈsæsqʼəts]),and used it in his articles to describe a hypothetical single type of creature reflected in these various stories.Burns’s articles popularized both the legend and its new name, making it well known in western Canada before it gained popularity in the United States.

FrontiersmanDaniel Boone reported having shot and killed “a ten-foot, hairy giant he called a Yahoo.” Folktale scholar Hugh H. Trotti has argued that Boone’s account may have been the inspiration for some of the Bigfoot stories told in North America.

After 1958

In 1951, Eric Shipton had photographed what he described as a Yeti footprint.This photograph generated considerable attention and the story of the Yeti entered into popular consciousness. The notoriety of ape-men grew over the decade, culminating in 1958 when large footprints were found in Del Norte County, California by bulldozer operator Gerald Crew. Sets of large tracks appeared multiple times around a road-construction site in Bluff Creek. After not being taken seriously about what he was seeing, Crew brought in his friend, Bob Titmus, to cast the prints in plaster. The story was published in the Humboldt Times along with a photo of Crew holding one of the casts.

Locals had been calling the unseen track-maker “Big Foot” since the late summer, which Humboldt Times columnist Andrew Genzoli shortened to “Bigfoot” in his article. Bigfoot gained international attention when the story was picked up by the Associated Press.Following the death of Ray Wallace – a local logger – his family attributed the creation of the footprints to him.The wife of Scoop Beal, the editor of the Humboldt Standard, which later combined with the Humboldt Times, in which Genzoli’s story had appeared,has stated that her husband was in on the hoax with Wallace.

1958 was a watershed year not just for the Bigfoot story itself but also for the culture that surrounds it. The first Bigfoot hunters appeared following the discovery of footprints at Bluff Creek, California. Within a year, Tom Slick, who had funded searches for Yeti in the Himalayas earlier in the decade, organized searches for Bigfoot in the area around Bluff Creek.

As Bigfoot has become better known and a phenomenon in popular culture, sightings have spread throughout North America. In addition to the Pacific Northwest, the Great Lakes region and the Southeastern United States have had many reports of Bigfoot sightings.


On that site there are great number of bigfoot sightings listed and you can heck them out there. Here is one of the latest sightings, which has bee on the news. “Stacy Brown, Sr. and Junior Captures Bigfoot On Thermal Camera”:

Stacy Brown, Sr. and Junior of Crawfordville are part of The Sasquatch Hunters. They say their equipment may have captured footage of the elusive Bigfoot back in May in Liberty County.

“The hair stood on the back of my neck when I figured out it was watching us. Whatever it was was looking out behind that tree at us,” said Stacy Brown, Sr.

The video was shot with a thermal camera in Torreya State Park. Brown, Jr. was skeptical until his own close encounter when he was on a hunt with a friend.

“We were asleep and we felt something push in the top of our tent. My buddy woke up screaming…I woke up and we heard it run off. That’s when I went all in,” said Brown, Jr.

Brown, Sr. said he had his doubts until shooting this footage. The family has spent thousands of dollars to buy equipment and try to go on hunts 10 days a month. Brown, Jr. has been all around the country on different hunts.

He even has a message for the doubters.

“Get out there and come with us, it’ll change your mind I assure you,” said Brown, Jr.

The Browns say they just released the footage because they got it verified by the show Finding Bigfoot.

For more information, go to www.thesasquatchhunters.com. The two say they are always looking for tips, and welcome anyone to join them on a hunt.


I think that the best evidence related to Bigfoot can be found on this site:

>> http://www.sylvanic.com/

Here is a small documentary (10min) about that site and it’s sightings:

They have a very good YouTube channel where you can find all their videos and mini documentaries about Bigfoot. Here is one of the best documentry called “The U.S. government knows Bigfoot is Real!”

Jeff Meldrum and Todd Standing talk about why they believe the species commonly referred to as Bigfoot is Alive and well in North America. In this episode Official U.S. government files are shown that specifically list Sasquatch as a legitimate species. This is Episode 8 of season 1. From the Sylvanic cooperation.


Here you can find the YouTube channel:

>> Sylvanic Bigfoot

Then there is a good up to date information website, which includes tons of information about Bigfoot and sightings. There are also information about missing people that maybe are victims of Bigfoot:

Directors Message

In 2004 North America Bigfoot Search (NABS) was formed with one specific purpose, to follow the mission statement set down by the founders. We are now seven years into our efforts and we have made significant progress.

One of our primary goals was to develop scientific proof that bigfoot/sasquatch does exist. We formulated a comprehensive plan and have been marching precisely to that path since it was developed, without deviation.

On of the first issues in developing the scientific proof was to find physical evidence of the existence of the biped and then bring that to a science team for DNA extraction. Many groups in the past have attempted to find physical evidence of bigfoot/sasquatch but few were able to take it to the next step, DNA extraction and genetic testing. Through the superb efforts of our field team members, NABS has been successful in finding various types of physical evidence that have been utilized for genetic testing. We also knew that members of the public had been collecting specimens from across the continent and we needed those samples to get a proper sampling from across North America, we accomplished this by going on Coast to Coast Radio and asking for other groups and private citizens to participate in our efforts, specimens did come forward and several groups joined our effort.

After three years of utilizing innovative specimen collection techniques, developing synergy amongst different bigfoot/sasquatch groups and finding a scientific team that supported our efforts, we are reaching a milestone. Everyone involved in bigfoot/sasquatch research has been chided, laughed at and ridiculed for our belief and persistence to develop proof, our time is near. Through the scientific efforts of Dr. Melba Ketchum and her team, obstacles that had been present in the DNA extraction process with bigfoot/sasquatch was overcome, DNA was obtained from many specimens under a variety of circumstances. It was Dr. Ketchum’s attention to detail that saw the first valid specimen enter her lab and return unusual results. It was that first unusual result that peaked Dr. Ketchum’s interest in the topic, this could’ve been easily overlooked, it wasn’t, because of the true professional demeanor that Dr. Ketchum exudes on a day to day basis. The science team is preparing a white paper for submission to a science journal to explain their highly unusual and ground-breaking results, more about this in the weeks and months ahead.

This website has been specifically constructed to give the visitor a comprehensive look at the bigfoot/sasquatch topic. You can read about Native Americans and their pictographs from 1500 years ago, researchers in the Bluff Creek area from the 1950’s or read about a man (Archie Buckley) who was a foot and arch expert who developed his own theory about the biped years before there was formalized research on the topic.

NABS has worked diligently and directly to our mission statement to offer the visitor a unique and bias free view of the bipeds world in this website, all in an effort to educate the public about bigfoot/sasquatch. There are three pieces of our work that we believe offer a more intimate view of the topic, The Hoopa Project and Tribal Bigfoot (Author-David Paulides) and the Track Record (Editor-Ray Crowe), all available at our companies store and all centering on the topic of bigfoot/sasquatch.

We hope that visitors to our site enjoy the documents that we have organized and accumulated from five different bigfoot groups and all seem to have come to the same conclusions. Enter this topic with an open mind and inquisitive heart and you will quickly come to the conclusion the biped is much more than a myth.

Thanks for visiting!

David Paulides
Executive Director
North America Bigfoot Search

>> http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/

My conclusion about Bigfoot, Yeti or Sasquatch is that it might be a real thing, because of the good video evidence and thousands of sightings which start from 1500’s. Now when people have cameras in their mobile phones it’s easier to collect material and I think that in the near future we have to get used to the fact that Bigfoots are real and they live among us. How are we going to deal with this situation? They have a right to live here on planet Earth as we do and this is a good opportunity to deal with another intelligent species. And contact should be done by normal people not military.

There are tons of information, stories and stuff about Bigfoot and you have to check it out to make your own conclusions, but this was my small info packet about this topic. Stay tuned for more about CREATURES FROM BEYOND!