Transcending the matrix

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If you haven’t check out this great info from now it’s time to check out. It explains nicely the agenda of aliens and the whole battle of good and evil in our universe:

There is far more to this world than taught in our schools, shown in the media, or proclaimed by the church and state. Most of mankind lives in a hypnotic trance, taking to be reality what is instead a twisted simulacrum of reality, a collective dream in which values are inverted, lies are taken as truth, and tyranny is accepted as security. They enjoy their ignorance and cling tightly to the misery that gives them identity.

Fortunately, some are born with spiritual immune systems that sooner or later give rejection to the illusory worldview grafted upon them from birth through social conditioning. They begin sensing that something is amiss, and start looking for answers. Inner knowledge and anomalous outer experiences show them a side of reality others are oblivious to, and so begins their journey of awakening. Each step of the journey is made by following the heart instead of following the crowd and by choosing knowledge over ignorance.

Knowledge is the key to unlocking our potential. It gives us the self-​determination, responsibility, and power necessary to cast off the chains of covert oppression. Knowledge is therefore the greatest protector, for it also gives us foresight to impeccably handle the challenges of life and, most importantly, to sidestep the traps on the path to awakening. The more you know of higher truths and apply what you know, the more you begin operating under higher laws that transcend the limitations of the lower.

Here you will find articles and resources that push the boundaries of fringe knowledge. Specific subjects include:

  • alternative science, from orgonomy to quantum physics
  • current events and the New World Order
  • the role of extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional aliens
  • how you are being farmed for your spiritual energies
  • the Matrix and its agents
  • how most people are asleep, what it takes to wake up
  • possible cataclysmic futures and what they entail
  • nonlinear nature of time and reality
  • meaning of deja vu’s and synchronicities
  • the reality shift into fourth density

For a more detailed outline of ideas at, read Key Concepts. Take only what resonates with your inner sense of knowing and correlates with your observations and experience – leave the rest. Enjoy the site!

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Fringe Knowledge
for Beginners

by Montalk

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